Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Kiefer Sutherland Drinks - Strips

Oh, how I miss Kiefer Sutherland partying in bars stories. Over the weekend, Kiefer decided to party with Demi Moore in Calgary and with favorite scotch in hand, Kiefer was Kiefer. Drunk, out of control and a whole lot of fun. Now, it was no Christmas tree fighting fun, but it was buying drinks for everyone and stripping off his shirt fun as he tried to copy Demi's performance in Striptease. Demi was a party pooper and did not stay as long as Kiefer. Hey, Calgary, I know you have been through a lot the past few months so enjoy some Kiefer time if you get a chance.


Kelly said...

The tree video never gets old, lol.

CraftyGirl said...

I love him if solely for the fact while he was visiting a bar in Nashville, he told a mouthy, annoying, also-drunk friend of mine to shut up. *high fives*

Bulldog Fart said...

@Reno - I want to hump your leg!

Bacon Ranch said...

I thought you were in Vancouver?
Or is it Toronto?

Unknown said...

Yep, definitely been a rough couple months.
Source-I live here and it's been crazy

It's me said...

My thoughts too Reno. I love that he made it into his Christmas card one year.

figgy said...

Sorry, I can't feel too amused by known alcoholics drinking and acting crazy. No funny there for me.

CarrieL84 said...

@ svetlana me too! Hope you and yours are all ok. ♥ luckily bwe weren't affected directly but I have a lot of friends and family in high river who are still homeless

TalksTooMuch said...

Well that's what I do whenever I go to Calgary too, which is why I'm not allowed anymore.

Hazeldazel said...

you know it's bad when you're partying with Demi Moore. 'nuff said.

Erin B said...

@Hazeldazel - I think it's really bad when even Demi knows when to call it a night, but Kiefer doesn't!

party supplies said...


Erika said...

"I Trust You to Kill Me" is one of my favorite RockDocs ever.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

I don't get this. Rihanna, Demi Moore and a lot others do this and they are on the verge of alcoholic death. This boozer has been doing this things for years (the Christmas tree is from a long time ago) and he is just a funny happy guy?

Rose said...


Probably because he is still able to work full time jobs and show up when committed to something. I don't hear mean stories about Keifer drinking.

Rihanna shows up hours late to her own concert and mumbles or lip synching because of her drug or alcohol use. I don't see that as the same as Keifer going out drinking the night before and then coming in to work the next day.

NaughtyNurse said...

I love Kiefer.

J Ruth said...

Damn I am just never in the right place at the right time.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

i must be the only person who thinks kiefer is hot when he jumps on that tree. i watch this every christmas

L said...

I love him and the Xmas tree video just cracks me up [I know he has a problem but he also seems to generally be aware of it and he works to keep it together]

Anonymous said...

Bulldog : put the lippy away!


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