Sunday, September 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 16, 2013

This foreign born B list mostly movie actor with some hit television in his background and the hard to pronounce name stood up at a dinner table recently and announced he had to go to the bathroom and proceeded to pee on himself before sitting back down.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers


Cleodacat said...

He's a drunken louse that I wish would sober up for hotness sake.

Leo said...

My cat has better manners than jrm

auntliddy said...

Wtf??!! At least dont announce it for cripes sake. Now what is the histess supposed to do, now that a urine stained man is sitting at her dinner table? Cant be very appetizing for the others. Perhaps " jonathon dear, would you like to with Hans and freshen up?" And then either dump him in his ride, a taxi, or spare bed. Then announce too ill to return to us. Hey!! I could be wealthy!! I know what to do, lol lol

Unknown said...

He was probably drunk and thought it was a laugh.

It isn't, but I understand the rational

Unknown said...

was that before or after one of his latest attempts at rehab or before starting on his new TV series

Anyone who is that drunk is hardly able to thought process manners - he has to stop drinking period.

He has a new show, I for one will be watching it and I hope it has some staying power, because he has more than used up his second chances already, the alcohol is going to zap those good looks away totally soon enough

LottaColada said...

Hard to pronounce? Lol ok enties.

a non a miss said...


How difficult is that?!

ethorne said...

I don't even know how to pronounce Jonathan!

Angela said...

He is still my guess for the B.I. about the actor who's been cast for a new TV show and who gets drug tests with samples actually provided by an assistant.

Secondbecky said...

I'd do him

Anonymous said...

He's mostly movie? I can't name a single thing he was in besides "The Tudors". Whatever, at least he isn't banging Robin Thicke

C'estMoi said...

He was the love interest in Bend It Like Beckham, which launched Keira Knightly.

HannahBanana said...


Seven of Eleven said...

Damn you, Robin Thicke! Leave King Henry alone!

Terri said...

I absolutely loved him in August Rush.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Sometimes you just go where you can.

RustyJ said...

I love JRM and I wish he would get it together and sober up. He is a fantastic actor and super hot.

Kelly said...

I also love him to death and hope his act is together.

Rose said...

He has a lot of talent but I wish he could fight his demons. I'm not sure he'll ever be able to stay clean for very long. He also seems like a very angry drunk.

I'm looking forward to Dracula and even though he wasn't right for the role of Henry the VIII physically, he fit it very well. He was great in it.

@angela, I remember that blind but I really think JRM problem is alcohol and not drugs.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Another good thing of reading the comments is that you learn a lot. I always read his name as "rise" and I know today that is pronounced "reese".

Angela said...

@Rose JRM has apparently documented issues with prescription drugs, including an overdose/suicide attempt in 2011. I guess painkillers like Oxycontin must be involved.

Mark B said...

I always assumed it was his last name that was hard to pronounce (media here always use My-ers, but it could be May-ers too)

timebob said...

he is coming back to TV this season with NBC's Dracula. He is playing Dracula. While NBC usually screws everything up. This one might actually be good since it has been in the works for so long. And NBC sees very committed to it and spent the money to make it right. I have high hopes for it.

I think he is committed and sober while acting. But down time he is a complete and utter mess.

Pip said...

NBC sucks! I always thought is was pronounced rise, not reese.

Anonymous said...

Classic ruprect from dirty rotten scoundrels.....perhaps he was wasted and just has a wicked sense of humor????

Rose said...

@Angela, Thanks! I've also just read about the alcohol. Sad to know another BI about not being sober could be about him but not surprising. I don't think NBC would be as willing to put up with that kind of behavior as Showtime to get results.

feraltart said...

This makes me so sad. My brother died suddenly on 11th August. It was basically a slow suicide from drinking, even though it was officially a heart attack. He was 42 & my younger brother. We had Father's Day here yesterday, very hard as there is only my father & I left (I have a wonderful husband, but I am talking blood relative). My dad told my husband that he has a signet ring he wants to give him, a final acceptance that my brother is gone. It was particularly hard as my brother had been an arsehole to me and our father for years, yet so many people wrote and stated what a good bloke he was. We got the worst. I am begging anyone reading this who has a problem to please get help. No parent should ever have to bury a child.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Not hardly.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Hi! I'm actually Meanie Rhys!! ;)

misspeg86 said...

@Feral Thanks for sharing your story and I am sorry for the loss of your brother. Try to keep that chin up.

whocaresnow12 said...

I'm really fearful he's going to die within the next couple of years. His disease has gotten way out of control

Unknown said...

So this is a bad thing to do at a party?? Now I understand why I can't get laid:)

timebob said...

@Pip while I 100% agree with you, the people behind Downton Abbey and the Tudors are producing it.

It starts Oct 25 at 10pm so it will be darker and more adult than NBC usually does.

MadLyb said...

What a waste. :(

feraltart said...

Thank you misspeg86. Sorry I didn't get to acknowledge you earlier. Been very busy at work.

Illinois Fan said...

He was in Match Point with Scarlett Johansson. I usually don't like Woody Allen movies, but that one was excellent.

Eros said...

Lol, that boy knows how to get a party started.

abob said...


@Feraltart, sorry to hear about your brother. Addiction is a bitch.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Finally, the mystery is solved: I know who Enty is!

Enty is my high-school typing teacher! She couldn't pronounce the name "Jonathan" to save her life. Whole year, she called a kid in my class "jo-Nathan." :D

Snapdragon said...

There's Velvet Goldmine, too...

So sorry for you, @feraltart :(


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