Monday, September 02, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 7, 2012

#2 - This curvy A list model who has been everywhere this past year got drunk in an airline lounge and passed out and had to be awakened when the lounge closed. Not the first time this has happened to her.

Kate Upton


ethorne said...

I thought for sure this was Robin Thicke.

Unknown said...

She's an alki? :O

VIPblonde said...

Sounds like my Monday

auntliddy said...

I cant believe you enty. Khloe thinks she has alzheimers and scott and kourtney reinact kris and bruces naked sex tape, and then SHOW IT to FAMILY and u got nothing to say??????????? Its so f*cking disturbiing ! Starting to remind me of the Loud family!!!! And all I read were headlines!!!!!!

Kimstyle said...

I bet this happens all the time. When you see how hard those business guys drink in the airport lounges, it's bound to be a common occurrence.

If I had to get used to a new time zone every other day, I would probably drink too...

sandybrook said...

If you lived in Melbourne fla you'd drink too. Our county has the highest rate of drinking per capita in the country because there's nothing else to do here except walk on the beach and eat and shop.

BTownGirl said...

@VIP - I am crying laughing!! Sometimes I think Patsy Stone is my spirit animal.

ethorne said...

@VIP- <3!

hothotheat said...

@BTownGirl We're a set then.....Edina is my spirit animal. I even named my dog Saffie, lol.

Kate was recently been photoged by Terry Richardson. I hope this isn't her way of dealing with what was probably sexual harassment/ molestation by him.

I want like her for some reason even though I loathe model types.

Just Another HR Lady said...

@auntlibby...I'd be happy if Enty continued to ignore the K family, they're no talent and uninteresting.

LottaColada said...

Is the scandal that she wasn't 21 at the time this was written? JUICY.

BTownGirl said...

@Hothotheat, I love it hahaha! I've also considered adding "International Beauty and Style Guru" to my business cards :)

Count Jerkula said...

That is soooo HOT!

That is the problem with an Airport lounge though. Aren't they usually past the checkpoint? No one in there with blow for her, to keep her going.

Scallywag said...

Yeah, but there's free food and showers, Jerk. Which come to think of it would put you right to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Sandy, are you in Melbs as well?? Lets book up for tapas & shots girl!

NaughtyNurse said...

Kate is young and having fun. Leave her alone.


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