Monday, September 02, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 23, 2012

This B list very exotic and my former crush all movie actress has told her friends that when the press tour ends for the movie she starred in with in her mind boyfriend that she will have him proposing to her. Forced to be by her side for a couple of weeks thinks will convince him. He is dreading it because he thinks she is unstable.

Eva Mendes/Ryan Gosling


Gabby said...

Yuck. Please don't, Ryan.

Now! said...

Former crush? Too bad for Eva. Ex-crushes and ex-friends of Enty get it hard on this site.

If the suicide blind of a couple of days ago is indeed Eva, she is unstable.

What's with a Cuban girl being called 'exotic'? The place is 90 miles from the US, for crying out loud.

Alabama said...

You really can't have it all, can you?

izz said...

They're still together aren't they, so how unstable could he have found her?

Just Another HR Lady said...

Eva is beautiful and so is Ryan, but they just seem like the oddest couple. Who can explain attraction I guess.

Now! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
izz said...

Also, what does "very exotic" even mean. It's not like she's from Mars

Unknown said...

There is an echo here she's exotic compared to Reese Witherspoon

Anonymous said...

One of the most poorly written blinds.

annanaannnaaaa said...

Now THAT awful writing seems more like enty.

Pip said...

Izz, don't start the exotic debate. When this blind first came out, I was insulted left and right for bringing it up.

Unknown said...

He like her craziness apparently. You can call eva an exotical tho,

MISCH said...

Well that didn't happen. I don't find her attractive but then I'm a woman...

LottaColada said...

@Izz and @Pip

I'm with you on that. Exotic? Fuck that. Reminds me of an exotic dancer/stripper.

Anonymous said...

Caucasian is the standard. Everything outside of that look is exotic to some........I suppose.

Ans who has the nerve to tell someone else what exotic is. Isn't that a subjective term?

0_0 said...

Nobody ever considers ugly to be exotic.

Unknown said...

Such a badly written blind. :S

LovelyCoconuts said...

Fancy- What is exotic is all about perspective. While visiting Japan, my light hair and eyes were considered exotic. Exotic simply means not native to the place it is found. Not just a Caucasian thing.

Anonymous said...

*the standard HERE in the US. why would I use a beauty standard from somewhere else? This conversation is being had HERE.

izz said...

Fancy, so in 2013 America if you're pretty but not white you're exotic? I'm not the US and Cuba is considerably further from me that from Enty and i wouldn't consider that makes you exotic let alone very exotic

Barton Fink said...

It would seem strange to me if people living in Los Angeles saw so few Hispanic people that they are shocked by the unfamiliarity of latin features.

LovelyCoconuts said...

I will add it is a silly term to use in The States. We're a very unique country in how diverse we are.

Seabee said...

This is one of those Hollywood couples I just can't buy. Refuse to believe it is anything other than a publicist arranged fake affair of co-stars to promote an movie and make people think the guy is actually straight.

Now! said...

Nah, I would call someone from Latvia, Slovakia or the Ukraine exotic. They're Caucasian. I would call someone from Sri Lanka exotic, or Botswana, or Xinjiang. I would not call a run-of-the-mill Han Chinese girl exotic, or, say Chantel Iman, who has some Korean heritage but was born in Georgia.

If you don't think white people can be exotic, visit rural India sometime. I woke up and found a whole circle of little girls had been watching me sleep.

Bacon Ranch said...

I had dill popcorn for dinner last night. I found it very exotic.

auntliddy said...

Izz, right? Whats that about? But she is gorgeous. I guess exotic means dark skinned with huge dark eyes and drop dead beautiful! With my red hair and freckles, ill never get that description, lol

auntliddy said...

Lotta, it doesnt remind me of that but rather someone stunningly beautiful. If it or I hurt anyone's feeling, i sorry. :(

auntliddy said...

Oh nutty, that is so cute, little girls looking at you sleep :)

ForSure said...

Um, exotic can be whatever the user of the term wants it to be. Yes, it can be used for White women and men if they have unusual and striking features. Some considered Elizabeth Taylor exotic, or Christy Turlington. It's not necessarily about race. Eva Mendes is very striking looking, in a way. To me she looks very mixed, like Vanessa Williams (and I've lived in California all my life and seen ALL TYPES of women all over this state).

Lauren said...

Are Ryan and Eva still together?

lazyday603 said...

After hearing them describe how they adlibbed the bedroom scene with details from their own lives in "Stupid, Crazy Love" I kind of think that Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are soul mates just sowing their wild oats and biding their time until they are both ready to marry. Or they are incredible at faking intimacy. That scene was better than any love montage in most romcoms.

lazyday603 said...

Crazy Stupid Love - whoops. I need to proofread. Or an edit button would be nice.

Olive said...

I would be really surprised if they were still together. Shocked.

FrenchGirl said...

@Lauren: yes,they still are together.They did make a movie together this spring,he directed it and she acted in it .They were together in Iceland this summer

shopgirl said...

Oh auntliddy, you're very exotic in China!

Anonymous said...

Yeap, you'd think it would be corrected now for the reveal at least

timebob said...

she had a boyfriend for 10 years before Ryan. I don't think he is most mentally stable either. I don't think they will get married but i don't think she is singing put a ring on it either

Kelly said...

Oh for pete's sake.

Bubbles said...

Its amazing how in the English language or American English, the word exotic is used to describe people where in other languages, it's only used to describe places and inanimate objects. An exotic vase or rug for instance.

I just think the use of the word for humans is just odd to be truthful.

Unknown said...

christ people stop with the fucking complaining all the time.

i am german, english, Yaqui, mexican (ancestors going back to the Mayflower) and people say i look exotic all the time- it is a compliment you look different/unique/interesting....RELAX

the enty who he/she is bad blind/no blinds/ too many blind/robin thicke bullshit complaining- stop reading the site if you have issues and stop with the nagging.

Mary Anne 13 said...

She sure can't act! She's very painful to watch. I've seen better acting at my local middle-school.

Deryn said...

THANK YOU, Unknown. Sheeeesh with the finding offense in every frickin' thing.

WBotW said...

She has a great bod and beautiful hair, but man, I find her physically repulsive. Always have. Funny how everyone's tastes are different. I don't find Gosling at all attractive either.

Anonymous said...

For Ryan, anything w a vagina is "exotic" which means I'm in w a chance! I have asian heritage AND a poonanny

Anonymous said...

It's Myrna Loy: we all know she played asian for pay.

Anonymous said...

Nutty / where in India did you reside? I lived there for 20 months!

AB said...

Is calling someone exotic a racist term now? How idiotic. I and probably 99 percent of the rest of the world would find that to be a compliment meaning not bland or typical looking. Interesting looking and sexy.

AB said...

Again with the hypersensitivity about exotic as a description if a woman. Stop the insanity and quit looking for insults where there were none intended.

AB said...

I think the beautiful blonde former wife of Tiger Woods is exotic looking. I think Sophia Loren and Ava Gardner are exotic looking. Everyone needs to stop getting offended by every little thing and grow up already!


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