Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 2, 2012

This former A list all movie actor is one movie away from getting back to A list. He headlines movies, but they are usually quieter fare. Now, when he co-headlines, they can be big movies. Anyway, he has a girlfriend. As usual though he is cheating. This time with someone very surprising. His ex who he vowed he would never talk to again. Even got her a place so they could get together more frequently.

Former A list actor: Jude Law
Girlfriend: Ruth Wilson
Ex: Samantha Burke


skimpymist said...

Borrring reveal. I would be surprised if it said that jude wasn't having sex with random chicks and decided to become a buddhist and live in one of those mountain top temples

Unknown said...

blah!! hoping for a juicy one.

ladybaus said...

i swear he's bisexual. I was at a club in Toronto and he was checking my guy friend and I out smiling extremely friendly etc he didnt approach us and vise versa but it was definitely a thing. (and I am not one of those people that think everyone is checking me out etc--I was younger and "hotter" at the time --doesnt happen too often!)

Anonymous said...

Here's another shocking Jude Law reveal: he's balding, smug and his acting sucks.

Kassandra said...

Hum. i never got a bisexual vibe from Jude; but he does strike me as a very sensual person. However, i've always seen him onscreen and you saw him in person. Actors that ping the bi-dar for me are Hugh Jackman, Jeremy Renner, Bradley Cooper.

Threadjack alert: Is it me or does it seem that there are a higher incidence of men in the U.K. who are bisexual (NTTAWT)?

Or is it that men in the UK are more relaxed and honest about their sexuality then here in the US?



ladybaus said...

I think he some men just like attention regarding of who it is from as long as they are what society considers "attractive" but is was very overt with Jude. A similar thing happened with Jared Leto but he really just wanted attention and looked pissed when myself and others were not receptive regardless of gender

Anonymous said...

Kass: graham norton played a game on his show: gay or European. It stumps even the most attuned gaydars.

Anonymous said...

Derek: I have gay friends who said some straight guys go out of their way to stir up male attention. As my friends said, they have taste. They don't want to bum every male in sight. It can be an ego booster.

ladybaus said...

and this was years ago before so many celeb blogs etc. and I was shy and "too cool" to be a fanboy or whatever. If it were to happen now be damn sure I would approach so I can share a better story with everyone here! : )

BTownGirl said...

Don't f*** with Alice Morgan. Just don't do it, son!

Anonymous said...

Derek, you could've been Enty's #1 source!

Tara said...

Ruth Wilson plays batshit bonkers far too well for me to think this is a smart move for Jude.

ladybaus said...

haha I wonder who is sources in Toronto are? hmmmm

FrenchGirl said...

i have a blind item(not about Law)

What B list good actor and brother of an A+ list actor/director didn't want that the extras or other persons talk him or look him on a recent filming ?


Anonymous said...

Hey Jude. Don't make it bad. Take a sad song, and make it better...

Unknown said...

French Girl, James Franco's brother Dave?

Unknown said...

I got it- Casey Affleck.

amused bush said...

Frenchgirl, there is something about Casey I have never liked. The blind just adds to it...sad.

I love Ruth Wilson! She was such a great Jane Eyre...and forget it with Alice. She should hook up with Idris Elba in real-life :-)

Seven of Eleven said...

Aw, that's a bummer to hear about Casey. I liked him in Drowning Mona.

I do not get the "don't look me in the eyes" thing. Your eyes are not that special, champ, and Medusa isn't real.

Beetlejuice said...

I heard the opposite about Casey Affleck but since its on Twitter, it must be true.

FrenchGirl said...

i was also surprised because in OUT OF FURNACE 's IMDB message boards,some extras wrote the crew,the director and the actors were nice and unpretentious (the filming was in a little town Braddock)

Just Another HR Lady said...

I can't imagine any woman would get involved with Jude Law with the expectation that he would be faithful, and Ruth Wilson seems like a smart woman. He is what he is, I don't think he's ever pretended to be the monogomous type, not even when he was married (i.e. he and Sadie were swingers), so he gets a pass on judgement from me.

Looking forward to seeing Ruth Wilson's new Showtime pilot.

Blondie! said...

Sadly, I still have a crush on him..Jude Law

Henriette said...

He seems to have a habit of going back to his exes, eg. Sienna Miller, Sadie, Frost.


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