Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 31, 2012

This B- list actress is not doing much since her hit network show ended, but she was recently voted the worst person to work with on any show or movie and that if you hire her you must not have ever worked on anything ever. Oh, to help you out. She has (a) child(ren).

Teri Hatcher


Unknown said...

Who voted? Was it anonymous ballots or an informal caucus? Are the results verifiable by an independent review ?

In other words this is dumb.

Unknown said...

Yes, why go with the whole vote thing if bullshit- just rant on an actress that is hard to work with.

auntliddy said...

wow, what does she do?!

timebob said...

I remember when she won her Golden Globe and was so grateful and humble and admitted she couldn't even get an audition after Lois & Clark ended. She literally thanked Hollywood for taking her back.

So either it was all bullshit from the jump or DH just fueled her ever loving ego.

Kelly said...

I always liked her since Lois and Seinfeld. I hear she's cray, but I agree with @timebob too.

sandybrook said...

They are actors they know how to fake emotions.

Unknown said...

different unknown here. The wardrobe people do an informal poll every year to vote for which actors have the biggest schlongs. Maybe producers or show runners have an informal poll going on as well.

TalksTooMuch said...

I always just see her as her character in Soapdish-all boobs, hair and claws.

Sherry said...

Well "insider Unknown" tell us about the Schlongs!

Jeebus, no one gives a green goddamn about Teri.

TeeTee said...

uh - winners list, please!

Unknown said...

I've seen her on Howard Stern, she seems eccentric. Not up herself.

di butler said...

The Snatcher has a huge rep of being a tightwad and a beeyotch in the biz, but I've never heard a particular story, except guesses she might be Coke Mom, right here.

Sandy said...

Not bullshit. She's a nightmare.

But to be fair, all the Desperate Housewives (save one) made the crew's lives a living hell throughout the run of the show. It was an exhausting and bitter place to work.

figgy said...

So @Sandy, I want to know who the one nice one was!!

Right after DH ended, Enty said that there would be stories coming out about Teri. Wrong. I would actually be very curious to hear them, but not a word.

cowbulls said...

Teri is suppose to be impossible to work with and she is also reputed to only enjoy sex with her "toys". I can understand how both would be frustrating to the Hollywood power structure.


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