Thursday, October 10, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Anna Faris stifles a burp in front of Andy Samberg.

Michael B Jordan makes hist first appearance in the photos.
At the same event was Kathy Griffin and
one of my very favorite people Mira Sorvino.
Ashley Greene is in a decent movie. It won't do well but it is pretty good.
Giuliana Rancic attends an event so she has an excuse to not eat again.
Kim Richards was there and looking nice.
Patti Stanger did her Ahhhnold impression with her pose.
Justin Bieber shows off roid use.


Harry Knuckles said...

Actually, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Lil Dickhead was taking 'roids for real.

MontanaMarriott said...

Well if it's believed that Bieber had a small penis before the roids imagine that small fry no, lmaooooo

Susan said...

What's the scar on Charlize's neck?

Christopher Cruz said...

That was MY first thought, too! What a little dumbass!!!

Sherry said...

Wow..Patti Stranger has ugly legs and that dress does nothing for her. Is she wearing a vest?

And Beiber Enty on duty now? Now we get to hear all Beiber all the time. By the way his fall will be spectacular.

TalksTooMuch said...

There was a detailed discussion back a couple of months ago regarding exactly which 'roids The beiber is on, I think they nailed down a couple they were pretty sure of. I like how the guy next to him is making a face like "man, don't take my picture with him..." but that's probably because I'm just not a nice person

discoflux said...

If essie was the commercial sponsor at that People event, I want one of those goody bags!!

Beiber is TOTALLY roiding up. You don't get a chance that significant in such a short amount of time otherwise, right?

Meatros said...

I still think Bieber is too small for roids. That said, he's definitely low body fat - and he doesn't appear flat, so maybe he is on roids.

If so, he's definitely doing it wrong. He still looks tiny, just ripped.

Also, just FYI - roids shrink the testicles because introducing an exogenous hormone into your system makes your system stop producing the hormone (ie, your brain says 'I have too much testosterone - testies, stop making the man-juice), which results in your testies shrinking, since that's where the bulk of male testosterone is produced.

auntliddy said...

Bieber still looks like a girlie-man. Wth is up with stanger??!! She reminds me of the Vincent donofrio character in Men in Black!! Whats going on under there?

Jessie said...

Yeah, roids are probably the last thing Biebs needs. He needs to bulk up because he's just creepier with those tiny muscles.

.robert said...

He doesn't look like he's taking steroids yet. Any small high school wrestler could look like that just from training.

mistang said...

It looks like Biebs' head was placed on a different body.

Patti's dress is horrendous. It shows you where her belly button is. lol

Never saw the attraction with Ashley Greene. Her face looks... overdone or something. I can't figure it out.

Kelly said...

I literally get angry when I see Bieber.

Unknown said...

Michael B. Jordan is a beautiful man. Those lips ...

Count Jerkula said...

@TTM: I think it is the A-Roid style Boli, a steroid known to produce lean muscle, rather than a winstrol that produces bulk.

Either way, big deal. Now he is 135 pounds of douchebag rather than 120.

Unknown said...

Well Count you are a fountain of knowledge. I was going to agree Bieber looks too small for roids, I didn't know roids were that sophisticated.

amused bush said...

The only roids in bieber's system are hemorrhoids.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr. Steve, NV said...

Further to what Meator said, 'roids don't just build mass they lower your body's fat threshold, so you can bulk up while keeping yourself much more trim than someone that size would ordinarily be.

Also, taking a cycle of T does shrink your 'nads (not your dick) but they return to normal size once you cycle off. Permanent shrinkage is a persistent myth of steroid abuse, kind of like "once you stop taking them the muscle all goes away."

The little bastard should be more worried about what the crap is doing to his organs.

Unknown said...

I remember watching a reality restaurant show featuring Rocco Despirto (too lazy to look up spelling). Several New York Yankies (or the other NYC baseball team - too lazy to look it up) entered the restaurant for dinner. They were effing massive compared to the rest of the patrons. Seeing them next to regular people convinced me that most of them are using steroids.

Unknown said...

Dr. Steve, what damage to organs is caused by steroids?

Not A Ninny said...

From what I saw, back in the day, in the gym, the juicers got muscle mass via short, high weight reps. Not because of the type of juice they were doing, although I wouldn't know because I never touched that stuff.

I played against juiced-up midgets like Bieber back then. Made no difference. Can't stop a rhino with a munchkin, no matter how juiced. Put my cleats in his chest and just kept going.

But that little cheeser douche does make me want to pull him aside. "If you're a real man, you don't need that shit. You'll be so musclebound from a lifetime of natural testosterone development that your sternos are up to your earlobes, and you'll be fathering children inadvertently in your 40's."

califblondy said...

I hate that my first thought or any thought had to do with this little boy's weewee or is it boy's little weewee, aaaggghhh I'm thinking about it again.

Count Jerkula said...

Unknown: I think the Yankee average height is about 6'3.

Also, steroids are most known to damage the liver and the heart. From what I was always told, the muscle of the heart grows inward, making the chambers smaller and causing it to work harder. Liver, everything F's up the liver. Booze, meth, pills, etc.

50/50 on brain tumors. That was what they say caused Lyle Alzados. Giambi had that pituitary tumor everyone attributed to juice.

MrWolf said...

Yah, some top natural atheletes can get a look similar to Bieber's.

But 1) you know he's taking in alchohol, which is generally fattening.

2) He's bulked up incredibly in a very short period of time. A year ago, he was a slim little theater geek who looked like a lesbian. Now that fucker looks like the Incredible Hulk.

There's absolutely NO way he's not on juice. In my personal guess, I'd say stanozolol, which alot of guys use to build lean mass without excessive builk.

Yes, steriods are that complex - There are different 'cycles' of body building, from muscle gaining to weight cutting and different steriods you can use in each of them to help with different effects.

I'm sorry, there's no way that someone who's not a full time athelete training at the highest level gets that level of mass and definition in that short of a period of time without juice. And Bieber doesn't have a clean lifestyle or diet, or intense work out discipline. Plus you can see veins popping out all over that little bastard.

Steroid use of a long term has negative affects on the heart, and can affect the kidneys and liver to.

Look at a picture of Cain Velasquez - A wrestler who wrestles every day. High school champion, NCAA champion, UFC champion. That's what hard work and atheleticism looks like.

Then look at Bieber and look at how much more ripped and defined Bieber is.... than the heavy weight champion of the world.

Don't even try to tell me that's an authentic build.

Not A Ninny said...

Count's right, it's all about hepatic health. Juice screws with your lipid metabolization. So does hooch. If you are a typical red-meat eating American male, the combination can be insanely toxic.

I remember when Alzado was dying. There was a guy at the gym...a trainer. I knew I could get juice from him. I was training up to climb a fourteen'er at the time. Shouldn't have been a big deal--more like a strenuous hike--but if I'd been juiced I would have died.

It's why any real athlete hates on Barry Bonds. Bonds un-juiced was as good as Mays, and Mays is the greatest ballplayer ever. Bieber should buy a clue.

TalksTooMuch said...

I watched a documentary ( think it was to do with Lou Ferigno) that said one of the most dangerous things about steroids is that even one course can make your arteries more sticky, which can lead to really early heart attacks and the like.

Count Jerkula said...

@Mr. Wolf: Good comparison w/ Cain doing it right. When I was working at a moving company, every once in a while we would get a meat head in and they weren't worth their weigh in shit. Like a person who can learn anything in a classroom, but can't apply it to the real world. They had all them muscles, but were soft crybaby bitches. Had dudes 1/2 their size work circles around em.

@Profane: If you want to call Willie the Greatest Ballplayer of the Modern Era (post WW2) i have no arguments. However, the GOAT is obviously George Herman "Babe" Ruth. Until someone tops 94 wins with a 2.28 ERA, AND hits 714 HRs with a .342 batting average, there is no debating this.

SophiaB said...

Please stay mean. I like it bc you are funny and don't seem into personal attacks. Yay!

SophiaB said...

Do not know where he popped in from but I will be right over, Rover! I am gonna bet he has used that killer smile TO DEATH. and ya know WHAT? I do not care...

SophiaB said...

Is he? Now I feel better. I so much prefer to make a stone cold idiot of myself over bright and talented men. There is less to explain that way when I go all destructo...

SophiaB said...


(Fixed it for ya...) giggles.

SophiaB said...

Oooohhhhhhhhh! Had to look him up. This guy had the most amazing and intense charisma. I have yet to sample FNL. He was way too young on AMC. But he was ALL KINDS of 'who the F@;K IS THAT GUY?' in Chronicle. That movie's title, and his professional name, are completely forgettable to me, and I am trying to get myself geared up to watch Fruitvale Station (too hard, lived in Berkeley/Oakland/San Leader, and that is just TOOOOO close to my heart even yet, though I am really glad they got this made, because it NEEDED to be), but I am all in with this guy.

Unknown said...

for those of you commenting on the mobile site, those of us who are not on the mobile site have absolutely no idea whatsoever to whose comments you are commenting on. We see these series of random, nonsensical posts that leave us scratching our heads. Please put a @ NAME so we can semi figure out what is being said.


Bit dams said...

would explain beiber's rage. very quick bulk-up period. sad the way young celebs just ruin themselves.

kim Richards looks HORRIBLE. not "nice", HORRIBLE. that dress is for a 15 year old going to a costume party as a can-can girl, not a 40-something woman.

Biggestbluepoodle said...

@mistang--Biebs head on another body-My first thought exactly. And my second...

Remember the blind about the guy who does it with his pants on? The prevailing guess was the Biebs. This explains it. Shrunken scrotum syndrome. Say that 3 times fast!

Paint Chips said...

Patti Stanger needs to practice posing in a mirror at home.

And get a new stylist.

Eros said...

Biebs body looks sick tho. You got to admit that if they cut the head off his pic, you would be thinking that dudes in damn good shape.

Anonymous said...

So if we covered him in preparation H, he would disappear?

Anonymous said...

The dude is demonstrating how he gave Bieber a hand shandy earlier.


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