Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blind Item #4

I used to think Jennifer Love Hewitt with her ready to go engagement ring was bad, but this B list mostly television actress on a hit pay cable show has gone way beyond that. Not only does she have a ring already bought, she also has a wedding dress already made and keeps her weight the same so she can fit in it on short notice. Well, at least her boyfriend will just have to show up. He doesn't even have to propose because apparently she will just tell him and not give him a choice. 


Tricia13 said...


Brin said...

Good guess.

SugarTitz said...

J jones.

Tricia13 said...


ladybaus said...

Yup Rossum is type A all the way

Zelda Zonk said...

Someone from Girls?

Brin said...

@Tricia You're welcome...she fits!

FrenchGirl said...

I have an young colleague who saves money since several years for her future wedding.She has no regular boyfriend but she knows what wedding she wants

rolotomassi said...

@Tricia- ding,ding,ding!!!
-what kinda coffee did you say you drink?

rolotomassi said...

@frenchgirl, I need someone like that in my life,organized,planner,saver..(just w/o the contract)

Tricia13 said...

Turkish...it isn't really though@Rolo lol(because to make that correct my takes talent)
Think it's Pete's dark roast blend..1 cup/day:)

Sherry said...

But in bygone years didn't a woman have a trousseau? I always thought that was her wedding kit of sorts whilst the parents saved a dowry for such. Perhaps she's just an old fashioned gal.

Kno Won said...

@FrenchGirl - I see a lot of wedding-obsessed young women. Marriage has nothing to do with *marriage* to them I don't think. It's all about MY WEDDING...if you ask them what happens a month after THE WEDDING and a year after that and a decade after that, they draw a blank. It's an interesting phenomenon.

Unknown said...

You nailed it kno won uno! The girls who solely think go their wedding have no idea what marriage is all about. I've known many women... I mean girls (sorry just can't call females who focus so much of their entire lives on a wedding "women") who are so obsessed with their wedding that they go into the marriage with a boat load of debt and then get divorced shortly thereafter bc "marriage is hard... Thought marriage would be fun." /shakes head at the sheer ignorance/

In my unscientific observation, I have found that the more money spent on the wedding, the quicker the divorce. Y'know.... Come to think of it... The only marriages I see in tact are the couples who eloped or had a simple or small wedding. Wedding does NOT make a marriage.

Just Another HR Lady said...

Geez, take your "wedding" savings for the future mythical wedding, and go on a once in a lifetime trip or something.

I will never understand this preoccupation with having a wedding. I have two gf's on their third marriages. A perfect wedding does not a marriage make.

Seven of Eleven said...

I had a colleague once just like @FrenchGirl's. Huge, elaborate wedding that she never stopped talking about. Exotic honeymoon, the pictures of which you could not escape (thank the Cthulu there was no FaceBook then, or we'd all be drowned in pictures of Bey-like posts, thigh gap and all).

Cut to a year later, a handsome new employee caught her eye and sure enough, before the divorce was finalized, there were wedding magazines on her desk.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh @tricia --- I had Turkish coffee today and it ROCKED! I do happen to be in Turkey ATM. (:

Unknown said...

Alison Williams

Yoj said...

@Kno Won Uno
@nora nader
I have a theory about this: The wedding day is the only time in their lives when these girls/women get to feel like celebrities. It's their day and everyone has to pay attention to them and make them feel special and important. The groom is just a mirror; he's there to reflect adoration.
I believe this all tied in with the modern obsession with fame. Everyone wants to be special and no experience is considered worthwhile unless it's witnessed and photographed.

Tricia13 said...

@Nora!! Wow...I heard it's beautiful..especially Boerum(wrong spelling)coastal city....are you in Instanbul?

You are as powerful as a heat seeking missile with that coffee in ya BTW:)

Tricia13 said...

@ Nora...Bodrum..please go for me!

crila16 said...

I'll be surprised if it's Rossum, but only because she was already married once. Usually it's the first time, never married bride that can be over-zealous. Someone like me for example.

...and if it is you Emmy...you need to also buy the wedding ring and pick the honeymoon location. Call me and we'll chat.

rolotomassi said...

@nora, it doesn't get much better than having Turkish coffee whilst in Turkey amongst the ruins,you lucky lady-enjoy!

Unknown said...

You are right! Its a rush to spend a fortune and then what? Silly.

Unknown said...

@tricia -- I'm in Cesme ( pronounced chesh- meh)... It's much more beautiful than Bodrum. Cesme is famous for its thermal spring water.... Hop into the Agean Sea...ice cold...start swimming around and you can feel the heat from the thermal spring coming from the sea for. Water is crystal clear...don't even need snorkeling gear.

Anyone who has skin issues.... Come to Cesme....in fact they call this area "healing water"... I met people who moved here after being told they only have months to live....live another 18 years! The air is so fresh too. I never felt healthier!

And the food!!! Oh my God...the food here is heavenly!!!

Can you tell I love it here? (: Wish I could stay longer.

Unknown said...

Correction "sea floor"

Unknown said...

I'm getting married in a month

Wish someone would plan it for me

SO much work!!

We're having a fairly big wedding - both of us have large families so we didn't want to leave anyone out

But we've also been together close to a decade so we're going into it with our eyes wide open

@crila - I didn't know Rossum was married before! I think you are right. Back to the drawing board...

Lady Heisenberg said...

Stop making fun of my Lorna!!!

Yoj said...

@teresa crane
Congratulations! Is it appropriate to say 'break a leg'?

Tricia13 said...

@theresa congrats and enjoy every minute of that wedding...it passes in a flash
Also word to the wise- have a repsoncible friend/family member on top of your "envelopes/cards/ moolah"...

Tricia13 said...

@Nora- thank you for info..; sounds like utopia to me.

delete account said...

I envy women who grew up dreaming about their wedding day. I never had such a privilege. I grew up fatherless, and whenever I would start to think about my wedding, I would get to the part where I would be standing at the top of the aisle waiting to walk down it...and that was it. End of dream, end of fantasy. With no father to walk me down the aisle there was no point. That's one of the biggest reasons I never got married. I didn't want to walk down the aisle hearing all my friends and the other onlookers whispering to each other: "whys she walking down the aisle alone?" "Oh, don't you know? Her parents never married."
:-( Smdh.
And as I'm typing this, my ashhole "daddy" is sitting down in KY with his grown sons (he married their mother because she gave him boys, and we all know boys are better) and their wives and is probably dandling grandkids on his knee. I get to sit up here in Snowland with my mother who gave him a worthless daughter and I have to clean up after my moms messes while other women my age are cleaning up after their own kids or even grandkids.
I'm sorry but I just hate these damned Daddy's Princesses who spend their whole life and earnings on a wedding. I've never known a woman that wanted a wedding that didn't have a daddy right there patting her on the back.
Enty please put a fun blind on. These last few have just made me mad.

Unknown said...

@Yoj and @Tricia - Thank you. I put my sister in charge of everything LOL, lucky girl

And break a leg is perfectly appropriate ;)

Just Another HR Lady said...

@deletaccount, I'm sorry you had a hard life, but who says a father has to walk you down the aisle in a wedding? That's kind of a old-fashioned idea.

Unknown said...

@delete account I agree with HR.

rolotomassi said...

@delete account, you can have whoever YOU want walking you down the aisle.
My sister had her teacher/mentor walk her down the aisle(well outside path)

Unknown said...

Lena Dunham - not hard to fit in a burlap sack.

Unknown said...

@delete account - sorry about your unhappiness and I know it is easier said than done but don't ever let you happiness be decided by actions of those you apparently don't care about anymore.

SugarTitz said...

@delete account.. i am fatherless too so trust when i say have your wedding, invite people who only would invite you to their wedding, have a best friend, mentor walk you down the aisle or have 2 girlfriends flank you and PROUDLY walk you down the aisle and give you away..
the people that matter won't mind and the people that mind don't matter...

Unknown said...

Sherry: I grew up a good christian girl (now atheist not so good girl) and had a "glory box" filled with home making items. However having a dress and ring? But creepy!

Unknown said...

Kno Won: I've seen that. All their friends are married/engaged. All the focus, money and energy spent on one day. Then reality sets in and it's a big anticlimax.

Unknown said...

@Nora : 100% agree. We had a surprise wedding, band, booze, did the catering ourselves. E/one turned up expecting an engagement party. No stress, we wanted a wedding with zero stress and a day we could both enjoy and remember. It was rad! All bridezilla friends of mine stress so much they don't end up even having a good time.

MinPinGirl said...

We drove to Roswell New Mexico to get hitched. We got married by the justice of the peace after he got done sentencing the criminals in the same court. It was a gas. Afterward we popped by a real estate office to peep some houses in the city. It was an employees birthday and when they found out we had literally just come from getting married they gave us some birthday cake - that was our wedding cake - a piece of somebody else's turquoise birthday cake. It was awesome. Later we went to the Alien Museum. Called a few friends & family after. The only way to do it in my book.


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