Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sugar Bear Cheated On Mama June

I really thought Mama June and Sugar Bear would be together forever. After discovering each other on an internet chat room and what Mama June thought would be a one night stand, the couple managed to stick together through thick and thin and beauty pageants and multiple kids from lots of different parents and teen pregnancy and the filming of a very successful reality show. You had Mama June clipping coupons and refusing to spend a dime even though she was making big bucks and Sugar Bear with the ever present dip in his mouth who was always trying to get Mama June to love him more. Well, it looks like he found someone else to give him some extra loving because he cheated on June with women he met on dating sites. This one is a shocker. 


DavidHowesCREBroker said...

Hmmm. This smells like a story line to keep their show on the air!
Stupid is; as stupid does!

Beetlejuice said...

Love is definitely dead

ladybaus said...

does enty really think the coupon clipping etc is real at this point? they are probably millionares at this point...

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Story line that stinks worse than all their fartin.

Jordan T said...


Unknown said...

this is going to sound obnoxious but i would KILL to see the caliber of woman a "sugar" "bear" can cheat with. probably a reality show all its own. lol

Humor Me said...


Despite all the signs of instability on both sides (met on chat room, ONS, multiple fathers, he wants sex and she doesn't), I had hopes that this relationship would make it.

Ratings? doubt it. The family has had their 15 minutes. let it go..................

califblondy said...

Damn, I thought they were in it for the long haul.

Jessi said...

Virginia I would like to see as well!!

Derek, I believe she could still be clipping coupons. Some of the wealthiest people I know are the stingiest.

evil tigger said...

Noooo.the Apocalypse has begun.

disneynutz said...

I firmly believe that 99.9% of men cheat

Anonymous said...

I agree with the bit about him always trying to get that woman to love him more. He definitely cared for her more than she did him. That's gotta hurt an awful lot.

GatorGirl said... but I agree

auntliddy said...

Virginia- me three!!! Where are these people finding each other? And in what galaxy is he a catch? I mean the chaw is enough to turn me off, not to mention missing teeth, poor health and an overall sloppy/dirty look. So i ask agin, in what galaxy??!!

Unknown said...

True love is dead

Sherry said...

Guess what kids? For every dirty sock, there's a dirty shoe. Groupies are everywhere. Before wrestling became big bucks and glamorous you should have seen THOSE groupies.

Stories I could tell about Rick Flair, Ricky Steamboat et al. after matches at the Charlotte coliseum when they'd come into TGIFridays. Uglay!

Tina Mallette said...

There are some women who would sleep with anything apparently. Yes maybe June was pulling a Kardashian with the wedding in the first place.

auntliddy said...

Tina-they didnt get married. June didnt/doesnt want to. It was a " committment" ceremony.

auntliddy said...

Tina-and even tho i read that, and dont watch the show, its sad that i know that!! Lol

sandybrook said...

I'm sorry but this is totally hilarious
who would want him?

LogDog said...

I can't fap to this

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

I don't know these people, but I hope their sextape isn't ever released.

SaintsFan said...

After everything I've learned about reality shows from sites like this, I really think it's a publicity stunt. I'm sure there will be a big reunion and all forgiven and ratings will be higher.

Alexa Rose said...

True love is dead.

Krissie said...

He's on TV and he must have money. There are plenty of women who want him because of those things, no matter how ugly he is.

I thought this show got cancelled already. If not they should cancel it now. No one seems to like it anymore. Thank goodness.

OKay said...

@disney aw, it makes me sad you believe that. I personally know very few men who cheat anymore. That's a tough crowd you hang with.

Unknown said...

So is Enty being sarcastic with the last sentence - This one is a shocker- I assume so.

Bubbles said...

Jessi, what does clipping coupons have to do with stinginess? Frugality yes. Stingy no.

delete account said...

Hey hey hey now, @Sherry!
Don't knock Ric Flair--when he was in his prime that man was gorgeous (back in the 80s.) my mom hated wrestling but her brother watched it all the time while we were living with him, and when Ric Flair stepped into the ring and took his robe off Mom was like, "Damn!"
:-). Good times.

Lynda kiss said...

Die hard coupon clippers out their. Im a bargain hunter myself. It's a rush when you get Miss Me shorts for 7 $ and they're usually over a hundred.

RowdyRodimus said...

@Sherry They're called "ring rats" and most of the boys had their certain ones in each area. It was an easy way to get some and to save money on a hotel room for the night.

Jessi said...

Aww shoot, you're right Bunny. My vocabulary and grammar aren't the best I will admit.

AKM said...

I thought she said that she caught him using the sites. Doesn't mean that he wasn't just looking and never actually met the women. (And yeah, I'm in the "looking isn't cheating" camp. I know a lot of women aren't, but...that's what I think.)


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