Thursday, August 04, 2016

Blind Item #8

This soon to be reality star which is all she has ever wanted in life has stopped seeing other men because it was messing around with her "boyfriend's" mind which is unstable as it is, but also the filming schedule for her show.


Derek Harvey said...

blac chyna

AyyyPapi said...

Sounds like a nonsense blind consdering it was "revealed" Rob quite liked being a cuck.

Studio54 said...

I believe this! Rob is dumber than dirt.

Whywhywhy??? said...

IN all fairness, are any of PMK's children bright? I mean PMK is a hustler not a genius. I don't know how powerful a lawyer her ex was but assuming pretty powerful and obviously smart but looks like none of kids inherited.

SeijnSei said...

Isn't he gay?

Why anyway??? said...

My guess a bit slow and entitled since he was shocked to find out girlfriend Rita Ora was an industry mattress. He seemed to take the news badly.


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