Sunday, December 11, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 2, 2016

Instead of going to the studio for hair and makeup, this A list reality host somehow got it written into her contract that when appearing on any program owned by the media conglomerate that they have to come to her home, even if it is 3 a.m.

Padma Lakshmi


Shivers said...

This "celebrity" makes me tired.

david said...

Why does she think she is a diva?
(Sorry, I don't watch anything that she is on.)

Long Island Girl said...

And when would she need hair and makeup at 3am? Never.
I'm sure she's not alone in this arrangement. Who wouldn't want this added in their contract, if their agent could pull it off? No one.
She's making them money when she makes appearances.
This is just as silly as the Adele reveal.

inga said...

she has some 'secrets' about her make up & hair she wants to hide maybe...

Lisa said...

Shivers I'm with you.

Hot Cola said...

And celebrity bashing starts in 3..2..1...

Josh Baskin said...

I mean, the studio agreed. She probably only does three am ones for crazy top chef challenges. But I'm not mad at it.

Penelope2 said...

I don't think this is a big deal... what is wrong with doing all that in the comfort of your home instead of in a cold studio? And if they all have to get up at 3 am anyway to work, so what? They are getting paid and working with a star (and padding their resume). Some people complain too much.


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