Friday, April 14, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 22, 2016

There were a lot of fans who really liked a certain couple together. She is a B+ list actress who is a multiple Golden Globe/Emmy nominee/winner. Almost A list name recognition. He is an A-/B+ list mostly movie actor. Their romance kind of came out of nowhere and while the public approved, there were people behind the scenes who didn’t.

Our actor has a long history with Scientology. He is not vocal about it, but the vast majority of his friends are in Scientology. Our actor dating this particular actress was going to be a problem. A big problem. Not that they wouldn’t want to land her as one of their own, but that was not going to happen. Even if it could have happened, I’m not sure they would have taken her. At first, there were tentative feelers put out. She wanted nothing to do with any of them. Nothing. So, our actor broke everything off with all of his Scientology friends and focused on his actress girlfriend. Things got serious in a hurry. Engagement.

The thing is though, his family and friends wanted him back in the fold. What to do? They had not expected this engagement thing. They thought it would be a fling and he would move on and come back to where he was supposed to be. So, when they knew our actress would be out of town for several weeks, his old friends threw him a party. A big party. They also made sure to include about 20 really good looking women who were there to throw themselves at the actor. It worked. He took the bait. He hooked up with one of the women and she stayed with him 24/7. His “friends” made sure they posted photos of the happy couple to their social media. The next thing you know, our actress and actor have split. She throws his ring away. She is devastated.

A couple of weeks go by and our actor calls the actress and wants to get back together. They have dinner. One thing leads to another and they get back together. She insists he get rid of all the “friends” and they are gone. Banished from his life. For a few months everything is fine. Then, our actor suddenly called it off with the actress. He couldn’t handle the pressure from his “friends.” The nonstop calls and texting. And when he finally relented, they did not let him go. Someone was with him 24/7. They whisked him away for parties and fun and kept him occupied. When he started filming a movie, someone stayed with him the whole time to just be there in case he bailed. They did this for six months until they were sure everything between our actor and actress was really over.

Ben Foster/Robin Wright


sandybrook said...

$cio 😣 don't worry Robin, you can do better.

Howard Stern said...

Hoo hoo, Robin.

Jessica said...

Really have to wonder what's the deal with Robin? Does she think she can change these guys? Does she think they are great artist?

Dutch said...

How is a nobody like Ben Foster higher on the list than Robin Wright?

SarahS said...

I wouldn't consider him a nobody. I definitely know his name and have seen him in several things. He's been around quite a long time.

John said...

Nonsense. He's a talented and well respected actor with an extensive resume.

PinkEscada said...

Such a creepy outfit. She is better off without him.

8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob said...

She has a really good taste with blokes, first sean micropeen, now this one. Next in queue josh brolin or someone like that.

Meg00m said...

Well now he has the perfect scio gal and baby on the way.

Lalalla said...

I don't believe for a minute he was the one who dumped her, but the other way around, if what both have said in interviews is of any indication. He was butthurt for a while after the breakup and then Danny Masterson stepped in and hooked him up with Prepon. Less than a month later she got pregnant. Word on the street is that Robin initially and not 100% convinced was trying for a IVF baby with Foster and but seeing what a fuckboy he was she let it go, rightfully so. Foster is the godfather for Masterson's daughter, thats how deep into the cult he is. He wanted desperately a kid with Robin that's why he got pregnant the scion after a few weeks of dating. The other big issue for the break up was drugs: Foster was and probably still is into steroids and heavier shit. Robin is well rid of this scion fuckboi. And he's no way higher on the list: Robin is A by now after HoC and now she will be on the two of the most anticipated franchises: Blade Runner and Wonder Woman.

Lalalla said...

She gets off with drama, I think she's the type of woman who'd get bored with a nice loving guy. And she aint not saint either: while she was married to Sean she had her own side peen as well: affairs with Colin Farrell, Ben Affleck and other costars. Lainey wrote that when they were divorcing she had a younger lover. Then I remember a blind right here of her and Ruffalo while she was dating Foster....I mean...nobody is a saint in Hollywood.

Dannette said...

A non saint is one thing, the worst taste in men ever is another. Him.

Dannette said...

Yuk not him f you autocorrect

Hot Cola said...

Dumb guy. To pass on someone speacil he has something really special with. ( if that was the case).

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Sounds familiar... Very familiar. Carry on. Suit yourselves.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Yeah, imagine if one of those "20 random women to throw themselves at him" hooked-up with him and got herself knocked-up. Stuck with that woman for 18 years. Eh. These things are more common than I thought. Zzz... Next!

Dee said...

I don't really know if she thinks they are great artist.

Unknown said...

Bring on the lizards!


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