Saturday, November 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

January 22, 2014

This A list everything likes the world to think he is straight and make sure you always see him with women and he even has kids with women. Lately though he has been showing tiny hints that he also enjoys men. He also set up a foundation which also looks for aspiring male songwriters in undeveloped countries and has been personally looking through the photos of the applicants and flying his favorites to meet with him where he spends a weekend with them in a hotel while they work on songwriting. Uh huh.



auntliddy said...

Very cheesy.

Guesser said...

Is he looking for men or boys? The foreign country part leads ,me to think the later. Will Bieber suddenly speak up?

sandybrook said...

I thought a guy was suing him because Usher gave him the herp? A woman is suing him too for that.

Sd Auntie said...

One of them dropped her lawsuit. I guess she was tape recorded saying they always used's not the morbidly obese one. Atlanta is so full of bisexual men, it would not be a surprise if he came out later in life.

Mstyles said...
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Mstyles said...

Wasn't Usher involved with Jermaine Dupree who was also involved with Kris Kross one of those guys died of an od of a couple years back....just sayin that Jemaine Dupree seems to be the missing link as he also was involved with Lil Bow Wow...all young boys........

Truthseeker said...

Usher was also very involved in the career of one Justin Bieber. He signed Bieber very young and worked as his mentor. JT was supposedly in a bidding war for Bieber with Usher, and usher won out. Bieber never had much of a shot at a normal life, with that father of his, his stage mom, and Usher. No wonder the kid has been so messed up.

Honey Bunny said...

Enty, you late about Usher. That's been known for years. Also @MStyles, the guy didn't od, he died of cancer.

Danielle said...

I seriously hope that Usher would not be so stupid as to be pulling casting couch type of activities as of October 2017! Doesn’t he read the newspaper or news online?

Truthseeker said...

This is revealing the name on a blind from several years ago, this is not current, just the reveal of an old blind.
I only commented about Bieber as he is relevant. Usher brought him in young and mentored him, by all accounts he was a young pretty normal kid, and a few years later, was out of control and on drugs with many obvious mental issues.
Add to what this blind reveals about usher, and it really is sad. Sorry, but Bieber had a decent voice and even for not tweens, he had some catchy songs.

Pink_Palace said...

Truthseeker, once again we think alike. Hillsong in Australia is a very good church with many great people. I don’t know much about the US Pastor that Biebs has been using as a mentor. Not sure what city he is based in as there are many Hillsong churches in the US.

I hope this pastor isn’t too good to be true, but the way he recruits people in the industry reminds me of COS, sadly. The Kardashians go to the same church, as does Selena and a whole host of others...

Halloweenie said...

The guy who started hillsong in Australia ended up confessing that he was raped and molested be his own dad, a Christian preacher. It was a big scandal down under for awhile .

Truthseeker said...

@Pink_Panther, I have to admit I am only familiar with the Hillsong Australia as it is a sister church to the church I attend here in the US. Christine Cain from Hillsong Australia is an amazing woman who was, at least back when i still went to church, working on a huge project on the sex trafficking in Greece. She visited our church many times, and always had the most amazing stories, She also had a very troubled background.
I agree, it is a bit concerning about how the LA campus of the church seems to attract, but I know with my own church which is a non-denominational, very open church like Hillsong, many of the college kids in our town attend. It always amazed me, but I think ppl with that sense of searching reach out to churches different than what they may have grown up in, the strict doctrine churches, but enjoy the spiritual feeling in a church with open arms. I always loved going to my church, especially when I was going through an extremely difficult time in my life, it brought me peace to be there with others.
I only do not attend because my church became a stadium church, our pastor is amazing, but it became less personal.

Pink_Palace said...

Halloweenie, that would be Brian Houston I believe. Are you from AUS? Love it there.

Truth, I get Christine Caine updates daily. She was up here for the Passion Conference for youth and College and Career students. I love Louie Giglio and especially Chris Tomlin from Passion City and got to go a few years back. I had no idea it was for the youngsters, but it was amazing!!


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