Four For Friday - More On The Island And A Child Rapist That Needs To Be Brought To Justice
Apparently when you start publicly writing about things, then more documents appear and more people start talking.
#1 - The Island - Yes, there is diplomatic immunity, BUT this foreign born former A+ list royal had to get special permission earlier this year to visit the US. The government couldn't say no when asked, but did make it clear they wanted the royal to cancel his travel plans. Apparently during the Island investigation, a recording came to light from about a decade ago during a visit to Washington DC where the royal was overheard having sex with a 15 year old girl. It was a recording that was not listened to live, but later. No one really knew the recording existed until questions were asked about the island. Apparently the owner of the island provided the teen in question.
#2 - A reporter needs your help. They know you will figure out the name in this blind and hopefully you will know something that will help bring this celebrity down. They are A+ list at what they do. If you turn on this cable network, you will feel they are on almost all of the 24 hours in the day. Of course if you manage to watch him for longer than five minutes, you must have it on mute or have lost your remote control. According to a very close family member, this host/celebrity has raped multiple young boys. He is paying people off and many of the boys he has raped have been family members so it is a very closely held secret. The reporter is afraid everyone will be bought off before he can be exposed. So, send me tips to send to the reporter.
#3 - The Island - Apparently this permanent A+ list celebrity had a don't ask don't tell policy. He wouldn't ask the women how old they were and he didn't want them to tell. He would also request that during flights to be blindfolded and according to one of the girls interviewed he said he could guess what nationality a girl was by the way they pleasured him orally. He insisted on playing the game every single time he flew to the island.
#4 - The Island - That A list mostly movie actor who is having so many issues right now has another big one staring him in the face. Apparently the owner of the island made special arrangements one time for a trip not to the island but to a different country where our actor raped a dozen boys in one of the poorest countries in the world. Oh, and get this. The actor bragged about the money he paid to the parents and said he claimed it as a tax deduction.
#5 - The Island - That A list director was getting bombarded by young men he molested threatening him and he has gone into hiding and shut down his social media accounts.
#1 - The Island - Yes, there is diplomatic immunity, BUT this foreign born former A+ list royal had to get special permission earlier this year to visit the US. The government couldn't say no when asked, but did make it clear they wanted the royal to cancel his travel plans. Apparently during the Island investigation, a recording came to light from about a decade ago during a visit to Washington DC where the royal was overheard having sex with a 15 year old girl. It was a recording that was not listened to live, but later. No one really knew the recording existed until questions were asked about the island. Apparently the owner of the island provided the teen in question.
#2 - A reporter needs your help. They know you will figure out the name in this blind and hopefully you will know something that will help bring this celebrity down. They are A+ list at what they do. If you turn on this cable network, you will feel they are on almost all of the 24 hours in the day. Of course if you manage to watch him for longer than five minutes, you must have it on mute or have lost your remote control. According to a very close family member, this host/celebrity has raped multiple young boys. He is paying people off and many of the boys he has raped have been family members so it is a very closely held secret. The reporter is afraid everyone will be bought off before he can be exposed. So, send me tips to send to the reporter.
#3 - The Island - Apparently this permanent A+ list celebrity had a don't ask don't tell policy. He wouldn't ask the women how old they were and he didn't want them to tell. He would also request that during flights to be blindfolded and according to one of the girls interviewed he said he could guess what nationality a girl was by the way they pleasured him orally. He insisted on playing the game every single time he flew to the island.
#4 - The Island - That A list mostly movie actor who is having so many issues right now has another big one staring him in the face. Apparently the owner of the island made special arrangements one time for a trip not to the island but to a different country where our actor raped a dozen boys in one of the poorest countries in the world. Oh, and get this. The actor bragged about the money he paid to the parents and said he claimed it as a tax deduction.
#5 - The Island - That A list director was getting bombarded by young men he molested threatening him and he has gone into hiding and shut down his social media accounts.
1 – 200 of 256 Newer› Newest»1. Prince Charles
2. The host from Say Yes to the Dress
3. Bill Clinton
4. Kevin Spacey
5. Bryan Synger
1-prince Andrew
2-Andy Cohen
1. Prince Andrew
4. Kevin Spacey
5. Bryan Singer, I saw he shut down twitter
1. Prince Andrew
4. Kevin Spacey
5. Singer
1. Prince Andrew
2. no idea
3. Bill Clinton
4. Kevin Spacey
5. don't know
Same old players keep bobbing up from the cesspit. Let's hope some more get hung out to dry.
#2- Steve Harvey?
I hope Brad Bufandas suicide isn't linked to any cover up
Bryan Singer's Twitter seems to be deleted but his Instagram is still up.
"Don't Ask Don't Tell" has to be Bill Clinton as that was one of his signature policies.
1. FORMER A+List Royal. I'm sorry but I would never believe it was Prince Charles as he is NOT FORMER. It's not Prince Edward because he is rumored to be gay. I was thinking it was someone A+ list, but not that close to the Queen since he is FORMER.
2. Who is obnoxious that you would have to turn the sound down? Andy Cohen doesn't seem to have the 'rapist' power-trip ego to me.
3. Is Clearly Bill Clinton
4. Spacey
5. Singer?
3. Clinton - I think Bill's activities with Epstein might be why the Democratic party is dumping on HRC right now. They are distancing themselves from all things Clinton because this story is about to blow...I mean, even if you hate HRC, you have to ask, why is all this stuff about the DNC coming out now?
@Catsup - I was definitely surprised to see how they are turning on her when we were hearing she was gearing up for another go in 2020.
One wonders about Brad Renfro having been the star of Singer’s Apt Pupil. Something had to have happened on that set.
#2 Sean Hannity? Allegedly. :-)
How about Hannity for #2?
These blinds are making me sick. Please, politics and everything else aside, please let these creeps be exposed and sent away.
A Year ago, every rapist in Hollywood was untouchable, even just a few weeks ago when Ronan Farrow tried to bring this to light, he was quashed. But now, it's all radioactive.
@Roxy - I hadn't heard HRC was gearing up for 2020...that would explain the timing, too!
I would love for this to be Hannity. Can't stand that ignorant, loud-mouthed big toe head.
Jeffrey Epstein is good friends with Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and Prince Andrew.
Old Killary better never find out about number 3....but she'll probably just blame the "girls", like she always does.
Kevin Spacy is a fucking disgusting piece of shit who needs to be arrested and brought up on all charges pertaining to pedophilia and child rape. Best case scenario he should just fucking kill himself.
Pardon me but I am dead serious. I was sexually assaulted as a child so fuck this guy even more so. He does not deserve 1 more day above ground and he has enough money to 'disappear' and go rape as many boys as he wants in whatever poor unregulated country he wants.
He is a sick piece of shit.
1. Prince Andrew
2. Andy Cohen
3. Clinton
4. Sleazy Spacey
5. Bryan Singer
One who I wish was on there is David Geffen.
I pray all these mofos should get their Karama.
Google Virginia Roberts, she said that she was having sex with Prince Andrew when she was 15, and it was like decade ago. I think it's her.
Singer's Instagram ( is still up, although he's actively deleting any and all comments about his 'controversies'.
3. Clinton
4. Spacey
5. Singer
Not sure about the others....
Oh goodluck with that hahaha. I wonder when Singer will join Spacey and Weinstein and their sex addiction rehab, because suddenly all of them suffer from sex addiction lmao.
What Island is it?
Prince andrew, didn't one of his daughter's get mkolested by a saudi prince in a previous blind?
It's Little St James Island @Sunspirit
#1 is Prince Andrew. Used to be very popular with the public and then all that shit went down with Fergie and then when his connections with Epstein got uncovered he was further pushed out of the public. Had to leave that role he had as a British Trade Envoy. Now you hardly ever see him at royal public events.
1, Prince Andrew, he has been linked in the past with Epstein, and he would be a former A+ list Royal after all of the trouble he was in. Prince Andrew did visit the US in May, which would be earlier this year.
2. Hannity is not on anytime the cable network is on, lol, as much as it seems so, neither is Randy from Say Yes to the Dress, also he is not a host. Of course I am not home all day, but i can tell you in the past, that the one person i always said i see every single time i turn on CNN is Shepard Smith.
5. I would guess Singer as well.
#2 is probably someone like Anderson Cooper or Wolf Blitzer
#2 Anderson Cooper?
1. Prince Andrew
2. Ryan Seacrest
4. Kevin Spacey
@M Styles - I am so sorry that you were abused as a child That horrendous and I hope the person was punished. Yes, I hope Spacy and all these abusers are brought to justice.
I find it strange that all this is coming out as Mueller digs up more & more dirt. It's great the scumbags are finally getting caught, take 'em all down I say, but it feels like a big old shiny ball of attempted distraction.
Also #1 is totally Prince Andrew.
@Alexandria Anna - exactly!! I find it hilarious and actually almost annoying all these celebs think we will forget what they are truly like just because they go to rehab. I'm starting to think all the same rehabs these celebs go to are actually "in" on the whole Hollywood underground/sex-trafficking/underaged sex cesspool.
It's becoming blantantly obvious that virtually every major producer, director, ceo, politician, actor, media conglomerate, banks, doctors, lawyers, sheriff's, police officers, (and prolly FBI and CIA) and financial/trade reps are ALL in on this perverted "ride."
How do you take evil down, when evil is in charge of taking them down? It won't work. There will be some "patsys" being thrown to the wolves, but overall, the major players will all continue through life unscathed.
By the way, I hope that they have enough evidence to lock Kevin Spacey for life in prison, because he's so cruel, I have no words. I will never be able to even look at him without feeling sick.
Thanks @Alexandria Anna. I've just looked it up.
It's disgusting what the members of the royal family get away with.
1) Prince Andrew. He was photographed with one of Epstein's accusers at The Island and she claims she had sex with him. It was all tidied away and swept under the rug given the powers that be involved. He's since been kept busy with various jobs by the royal and the British gov.
4)Sounds like Spacey but who knows. Spacey surely isn't the only one with his disgusting proclivities.
5)Bryan Singer. Sweating now, Bryan? GOOD.
I hope #2 is Hannity. He looks all kinds of rapey.
Off topic, slightly, but I see Paz de La Huerta (featured so many times here over the years as 'Spaz') has accused Weinstein of rape and the cops seem to think they can take her case forward as they have enough evidence and it falls within the statute of limitations in New York State.
@Glue Their "sex addict game" is indeed so ridiculous, I really start to think that they're just mocking everyone, because I can't believe that someone can be this stupid to think they will fool people around the world with that. Oh but goodluck lmao.
And absolutely, they're NO fucking sex addicts..give me a break. They're bullies, rapists, sadists, sociopaths, psychopaths and god knows what else.
@Alexandria LOL Yep. Every time I hear of anyone from Hollywood or DC going to "rehab" - I roll my eyes. It's ridiculous. It's basically a PR move so that they can continue to break the law and do what they do w/o ever being punished or losing a paycheck.
Would LOVE to see them ALL go down. Would love to see ALL of Hollywood and everything about it implode in a spectacular way.
1. Prince Andrew - 100% sure
2. Steve Harvey
3. Bill Clinton
4. Kevin Spacey
5. Bryan Singer
when the dust settles from all of this, it's going to make for one hell of a book and movie.
That makes a lot of sense @catsup! I was wondering why the sudden turn. Think you hit the nail on the head!
I'm sorry to hear about your childhood experience. I wish you a life of peace.
Piers morgan is the foreign born host that raped boys
I don't want to believe it's Prince Andrew as he seems like a more 'normal' royal, but he's not had anyone really since his wife Fergie, and this is probably why.
Prince Andrew is a known degenerate. Very good friends with Jeffrey Epstein. (Owner of 'The Island') His sexual interests aren't a secret in England.
potpourri - prince andrew's charming personality -- so much more likable than the rest of his family -- can be a hallmark of a sociopathic or predatory person. i remember a story about fergie walking in on andrew and some guy dressed only in white socks and jumping up and down and all over each on a sofa like children in the 80's. and rinky's right...there are photos of andrew with the then 15-yr-old virginia giuffre who sued jeff epstein and donald trump for rape.
1. Prince Andrew aka Handy Andy in UK tabloids, with Epstein
My guess:
Prince Andrew
Shepherd Smith or Anderson Cooper
Bill Clinton
Kevin Spacey
Bryan Singer
Long time reader. First time commenting. I want these mother-effers to go down. They are pure evil. @Shawn McGuire... Agreed. I cannot stop thinking about what may have happened to Brad Renfro. Even if Singer goes down - and I am wishing for it every day - so many of his victims are long gone and will never see "justice". And justice isn't jail time... that is far too kind for these horrid people.
I don't watch daytime TV my guess could be off, but the way #2 is written, suggest this person is really annoying and/or loud. Seems to fit Andy Cohen more than Shep Smith or Anderson Cooper. I think Shep & Anderson only have 2 hour time slots. It feels like Andy is everywhere.
Kevin Spacey being exposed got the rape-pedo scandal too close to Bill Clinton.
I think that very soon Bill will die from a "cardiac arrest" in order to bury all his crimes with him.
It´s like the BatmanTDK sentence: "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain".
M Styles I’m so very sorry what you went through in your childhood. It’s so heart wrenching.
Btw your right, this world would be better without his child raping ass around to cause those he hurt with even more pain. Lock him the *uck up and throw away the key. Or better yet, let those that love child rapists have the key to get in his cell 24~7!
I also curious when The Serial Suicider will step in. That's certain that those who are placed the highest on the pedo ladder, won't go to jail, but get rid of evidences, witnesses and wait until it will get quiet enough, to start this hell all over again.
Harvey is network.
1. Randy Prince Andy
3. Slick Willy
4. Spacey
5. Singer
2. Could potentially be like anyone at this point sadly lol there are multiple stations that have repeats of plenty of shows 24/7 with possible predators. This one is kinda hars to nail down. I will have to sleuth later as I can only do so much at work - mama has to work to feed the cats..
sorry we're not more help, reporters. sounds like this is such an inside story that you're gonna have to get it at the source -- the hometown of the celebrity/host and his relatives/victims.
#2 Rob Kardashian?
for #2: this is probably way off the wall but no one's on tv more than chris hardwick, plus he and his relatives are from kentucky. you know what they say about places like kentucky. (sorry, i must sound like steve mnuchin.) but i have no insider knowledge and don't think it's him.
It didn’t specify #2 was Foreign born. But he has definitely made himself a suspect with the stuff he said of Gaga’s rape and his clearly veiled disappointment that Harvey has been outted as trash.
Veronica Mars actor 34, committed suicide today. Jumped off a building in LA.
If this doesn't scream abused as a child, I don't know what does.
just sayin' NO! I'd be so sad.
2. Stephen A. Smith, ESPN
#2 Could it be Guy Fieri? He seems like he is on FN all time. It just says cable network, not cable news network.
#2 First thought Anderson Cooper, second was Chris Matthews
1) clearly prince andrew
2) please please please let it be sean hannity
i'm thinking that #2 is andy cohen as well, now, mostly because of how unbearable to watch him enty says he is. that's a description he always uses for cohen and no one else. he may not always be on but his shows are. reporters: go to st. louis to dig up dirt.
1. Could be Prince Albert of Monaco. He apparently was hot on the list 10 years ago
Piers morgan is classic "thou dost protesteth too much" it is a certainty he is the cable news host in question
And he really is a piece of shit
A couple random guesses from Epsteins Wiki Page - says he has partied with George Stephanopolous and Charlie Rose. Stephanopolous has ties to all things bad listed on this site: Clinton, Spacey and Epstein... check out his stats.. what do you brains think?
I love a good blind.
#1. Has to be Prince Andrew. His involvement with Epstein and underaged girls and the island are well documented. It blew up into a huge scandal that no one talks about anymore.
#2. This could easily be Anderson at CNN, but he seems to keep himself busy with pretty-faced All American men rather than little boys. More seems to fit Andy Cohen because he is all over the Bravo network all the time. An equally plausible fit for #2 is Stephen A Smith who is now the nauseating head mouthpiece at ESPN. Smith is well-known to be a misogynist, he is over 50 years old and has never had a girlfriend, no wive, and no children either.
#3. Is clearly Bill Clinton
#4. Is very obviously Kevin Spacey. He has been raping young boys for a long time.
#5. Is Bryan Singer. This POS has been hiding in the open for many, many years. I hope that more of his victims find the courage to call him out.
1. Prince Andrew (He was A list when he was second in line to the throne and when he first married Sarah in the 1080's. After Sarah had her issues, Diana died and William and Harry grew up to take over royal duties, he is not so important anymore. There have been rumors in the UK gossip rags about him getting pissed about his and his girl's lack of roles and money as royals. Thus, a former A lister.
2. Not sure. On a cable network 24/7 doesn't mean it must be a cable news network. So, because it doesn't mention news, I think it is a non-news channel. Entertainment, Sports, Food or Educational programming. I think Andy Cohen seems a little bit petty and mean-girl like, but I cannot see him after little boys. Although, I didn't see most of these pedos and pervs coming, so what do I know.
3. Bill Clinton (Hillary should have dumped him 17 years ago. I think if she had, she would have been much better off in her career. She has no charisma, but his baggage exponentially adds to hers. It is past time for him to pay for his ill treatment of women).
4. Kevin Spacey (I liked Usual Suspects, but he seems to be an awful person).
5. Brian Singer (When is this guy getting arrested? How is he still making pictures????)
1980's , not 1080's. That would be someone else!
i've never gotten pedo vibes from george stephanopoulos, crazycatlady. he's not only a news anchor and host but used to work in the white house for clinton, but if he's partied with epstein i find that weird, and anyone in epsteins little black book is suspect....i'll look him up. one thing i'm sure of is that we've only seen the tip of this iceberg who knows.
dog mom: bryan singer has 7 projects listed on imdb either announced or in production. it'll be interesting to see if any of them disappear.
LOL Dog Mom, we could be discussing William the Conqueror in that time frame! Randy Andy has been a PR nightmare for the Palace since he was a young sailor in the 80's.
#2, I keep going back to the clue of having the sound muted. That to me says either very annoying vocal quality, or he says things in such an obnoxious way that you can't stand to listen to him. None of the names mentioned (except Hannity) strike me as having either of those qualities, but Hannity is only on once a day. Who do we know that's on all the time that either has a very annoying voice (I'm picturing a Fran Drescher type voice), or a really unfortunate way of putting things?
1 is Prince Andrew mos def. I'd guess a Kardashian but they're not hosts. The host I'd guess is Seacrest, but Enty hates Andy C so I'm thinking him, but I just don't believe that. Spacey is the actor. I hope it's not Bill on the other.
#2 could be Joel Osteen or some other televangelist.
Listen to me and listen very well...the royal is def Prince Andrew. The Talk show host IS CERTAINLY without any doubt GUY FIERI from diners and dives and dumpsters. (And that really sucks because I do love his camaro convertible and now I shudder in disgust at that being used as a lure for victims).
Anyone who has ever known him.
Anyone who has ever been around him or his show.
Hell, anyone who lives in a city where he's visited check around, especially on rapes of kids.
LOOK IT UP AND PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER in any city you reside which he's been to. Ask the proprietors of the joints he's shot at.
Anyone who has known him or his hometown.
Contact his network, his sponsors, his producers and ask them to look into whether he's made payments to anyone - especially parents of children - to settle abuse allegations. If not? Why would they resist at least checking his financials and legal history? Nothing to hide right?
(Gee...was I the least bit cloudy on that?)
Um no, crystal clear, Himmmm, Thanks.
Wow... I would have never suspected.. thanks Himmm for being the constant voice of truth - plus 1 to the person who guessed earlier!
Is everyone famous a rapist or is this truly disproportionate? Should I take this as most of the people in my life are probably secret rapists? This is raising larger questions about humanity at this point. I'm never bringing children into this world.
if himmmm says it's guy fieri, folks, IT'S GUY FIERI!!!
i wish i had info to help.
Guy Fieri?.? That is really God.
Dangit Himmmm I have to toss away my pots and pans now.. I only bought them because they were such a pretty dang blue. My husband has always hated Guy, but i would have never put him with this.. just wow.
So we have
i agree drusillalluna...this world is a f^@#ed up place. i was divorced in 1998 with 4 young kids and made the conscious decision not to get involved with a man til after they were grown. any man interested in a woman with 4 young kids is either a pedophile, wants a one night stand, is looking for a sugar mama, or all of the above. better to sacrifice my own "happiness" for my kids' stability...i've never regretted it.
Here I thought it was George Snuffaluffagus - but its still weird he partied with Epstein and has ties to Spacey and Clinton.
Smh at the blind where the reporter is begging for help. Ffs, do your job, "reporter."
2 is NOT Anderson Cooper. Try TMZs Harvey Levin.
himmmm just let us know that #2 is's guy fieri. i've never watched the food channel and had no idea...the man has about 10 shows on there (if anyone needs more evidence than that HIMMMM SAID IT'S GUY FIERI!!!!!)
1. Prince Andrew
2. Shep
3. Clinton
4. Spacey
I think the point is, delete, the reporter knows but needs victims to support the research and facts. In cases like these its the victim's facts that seals the deal.
And thank god for the return of Himmmm! Unfortunately all the news these days is stuff I'm sure he wishes he never knew.
Insiders and victims are going to bring these bastards down!
anyone know anyone in ferndale, california? that's where guy fieri grew up and there may be info to be found there. for those that post guesses without reading the earlier posts, guy fieri is unequivocally the answer to #2, and that's according to himmmm, not me.
Yep got it, carry on.
Guy Fieri, that's it. Obnoxious voice, and phony, overly hyped-up personality.
I don't watch his show unless I have to when a guest at a friend's house who loves cooking shows. Last time, he had his son on. He was taking him on a European cuisine vacation and doting on him non-stop. My partner remarked that there seemed something off or pedo the way Guy was interacting with him. Maybe it was the "We're both best buddies!" vibe Guy was trying to force, and the unreturned energy from the boy.
maybe it's overcharecterizing, but when i see a grown man talking/dressing/groomed/driving muscle cars/generally acting like a teenager i suspect there's something arrested in his development.
I wish I hadn't googled:
Fieri is married with kids wtf?
Sometimes I think Himmmm is just an alternate personality of Enty. Sometimes I think he's who he was rumoured to be, or someone further down the food chain but entrenched somewhere in the industry. Or just related to someone like that. Who talks a lot. Sometimes I think he's just a really, really clever 'civilian' with an encyclopediac memory for gossip and entertainment business. Whatever, his posts are among the highlights of this blog. Keep 'em coming 'Himmmm'.
Guy Fieri, eh? I had a google and came up with this from early last month:
Clearly it's not the first time this allegation has been made. I'll watch for any revelations with great interest.
I have no idea what the island is but i do know a bit about diplomatic status. The idea that a member of the royal family could have diplomatic immunity is ludicrous. He would have to be made an ambassador or take a menial job in the foreign office for that to occur.
There is a thing known as sovereign immunity with is something though not legally binding, applies to sovereign heads of state. But it only applies to the crown. it does not extend to family.
Of course in the event of a crime the diplomatic corps would go into overdrive working out how to deal with it but there are no royals other than those crowned who can expect any kind of immunity of any sort, and certainly not from the diplomatic civil service.
Yikes...and I (along with The NY Times food critic) thought his Times Square shitbox 'restaurant' was bad.
Married with kids doesn't matter. Jerry Sandusky, for example.
Being a family man not only gives a pedo access to his own kids, but provides cover for mentoring/grooming other kids.
@Rinky, I have always thought that Enty and Himmmm are the same person/ Himmmm is one of the previous Enty's/ or Himmmm is a business partner/ or family. It is a great strategy, as it takes liability of the blog if a reader guesses, and still serves the purpose of letting the readers know the details (as known to Enty) Himmmm seems to be to right to often. (I have been readying this blog from the beginning). Whoever Enty/ Himmm are the are insiders and know many facts, and this is why this blog is so much better than other gossip sites.
Others thoughts?
holy crap M Ag. i keep coming across the pizzagate stuff and poopooing it, and while it's clearly wildly exaggerated, there's some very creepy stuff in this story. alefantis does not appear to be a good guy. podesta's brother has an erotic/pedophilic art collection that's beyond disturbing. i'm a democrat and don't believe in the deep state, and don't believe that sexual deviancy is the domain of either political party. coming from a long line of masons i know that the illuminati as defined by pop culture is a joke concept. but there's something scary here.
I don't watch the Food Network so I wasn't really familiar with Guy Fieri. But after I Googled his pic and saw the ridiculous clothes and hair it struck me that I had seen this guy somewhere before linked to pedo rumors. It turns out that it was the 'Pizzagate' thing with Alex Jones and David Seaman from some time ago. They DID suggest that he was one of the prime suspects, but somehow it all got swept aside. Funny how the pizzagate stuff makes so much more sense now that more of these people are being outed. I must revisit those sites for more clues. I was also thinking about the white dude on MTV who stars on the show Ridiculousness. But if Himmmm says its Fieri then I concur.
Enty, Himmmm, or anyone else posting stuff on this website assume no liability for anything that is posted here. I read the website's disclaimer. It is one of the funniest legal disclaimers I have ever read. And a very good one, too. Everything posted here is alleged---until it blows up and the perps are outed. And make no mistake about it, these pedos and pervs are going down. All of them.
Himmmm isn't the hero we need, he's the hero we deserve. Or something like that. Regardless, it doesn't matter who Himmmm, Herrrr, Itttt, or whoever else is or isn't, but rather what they represent. Truth, justice, and the American way. Those who believe in setting things right need to keep fighting, keep the pressure and spotlight on relentlessly.
I'm sorry for this long rant, and apologize if I'm about to offend anyone or barbecue their sacred cows. But there's some things I believe and some things I don't. So when I read articles about that ridiculous Pizzagate crap, it upsets me because it unintentionally gives cover to real monsters to write them off as part of a wackadoodle conspiracy. I read that article once too "M Ag" and thanks for bringing that up. But let me tell you my feelings on that crap:
I do not believe in: A modern NWO-Illuminati, secret devil worship cults, or the Rothchilds are Lizard People & Grey Aliens, and Tom Hanks is a secret sex ring leader, or Pizzagate or Congressional/political pedo-drug rings, or that Trump is a Manchurian Candidate programmable android for Vlad Putin.
I do believe in (based on the damned evidence):
That multinational corporations and bankers and politicians DO get together to discuss how to best benefit themselves. It's happened for centuries. They also get together to at least TRY and solve global problems too. That's not a shadowy cabal - it's called networking. The Junior League and the Jaycees do similar things on smaller levels. Hardly a shadowy "new suburban order".
I do believe that Scientology is an evil criminal RICO-level organization that protects its members (even rapists like Danny Masterson), and destroys the lives of vulnerable people; threatens and harms innocent "enemies" of their cult; and enjoys tax-free status while making political donations. I believe the Rothschilds are massively rich and with the exception of marrying Nicky Hilton? NOT ALIENS. Lizards? Possibly.
I do believe that powerful politicians are abusers, molesters, and outright pervs (like Dennis Hastert, Anthony Weiner, David Wu, Ed Schrock, Mark Foley, and yes even John F. Kennedy). I believe Teddy Kennedy raped a woman and drowned her when she refused at Chappaquiddick. I believe that Donald Trump has serially sexually abused/harassed women (he admitted it), and that Trump's campaign was involved in Russians trying to influence election. Welcome to politics. Nothing new.
Mostly, based on EVIDENCE and TESTIMONY that billionaire financier Jeffery Epstein has himself raped underage kids and facilitated the same for famous/powerful/rich friends, including Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Bryan Singer, Chris Tucker, Woody Allen, and Alan Dershowitz. I believe that because of the money, power, and influence involved that all the guilty benefit from cover-ups and witness intimidation and media spin in their favor.
In Washington or Hollywood, you have the worst of everything, coupled with a great PR machine. There's still plenty of good and honest people in Hollywood and yes, even in DC. But sometimes those evil and twisted people get together as "pals" sharing a mutual socioeconomic level, shared friends, and shared perversions. So they're going to partake of their crimes together (like Epstein's group). That doesn't mean every group is that way. Maybe there's some criminals and abusers in the local Rotary Club or La Leche League but it doesn't mean those groups are secret societies hiding all criminals and perverts.
Sorry to rant. It just chaps my ass to think that some people assume it's all black and white out there. It's not. And I cannot stand the thought of monsters roaming free because people accuse them of being in some sci-fi fan-fic conspiracy theory thus making them beyond reproach. Brad Renfro was raped and abused because of that mentality. Danny Masterson has roamed free after raping women because of that mentality, and monsters like Guy Fieri (Ferry), Kevin Spacey, Bryan Singer, Dan Schnieder, and Jeff Epstein have enjoyed free reign due to that mentality. So examine every case on its own. SUPPORT THE REAL VICTIMS and STOP THE REAL MONSTERS.
Shepard Smith is a very good guess. I think you're right.
Someone else asked about himmmm's identity today too - Guys please don't try to figure it out, especially in public, because it will get him in huge trouble and he'll have to stop giving out bad people. It's apparently someone who works in Hollywoods, but he can't confirm or deny anyway, so what's the difference ayy lmao
Definitely could picture him using the car...AND his own bait. Yuck.
"Hey kids, wanna go for a spin in my sweet ride? We're going cruisin' to Flavortown! Here try some of my donkey sauce...straight from the bottle!"
Just reread the clue. You're right-everyone just assumed cable news. He's certainly on a lot, and very loud and obnoxious.
Has anyone put this on Reddit? Sometimes those posts go viral.
@ Craig, I take what I read about these secret sex societies with a grain of salt because some of it is obviously speculation. But, some of it is real. The island is very real and the child sex stuff that took place both there and elsewhere on Epstein's properties was also real. Epstein did time in prison for this stuff. But he only did 13 months because he obviously paid people off. Many of the people he is connected with are business people and celebrities who donate millions of dollars to political campaigns. Do the math. Most convicted child rapists get very lengthy prison sentences.
The people who pitched the pizzagate thing let their imagination carry them astray. They didn't have evidence to back it up and that's why Alex Jones had to apologize and let it go. He was going to face a massive lawsuit. But not everything about pizzagate is false. In fact, some of the names that come up in it are the same names that we have seen elsewhere with suspicion of being involved in child sex rings. For example, we know that Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey were two of Epstein's regulars. Clinton's name was one of those mentioned in the pizzagate stuff among with some other prominent people in the Hollywood and DC circuits---very wealthy and influential people! How long has Bill been raping women yet no one said a word. People also knew about Kevin Spacey molesting young actors and traveling overseas to have sex with little boys for years. No one said anything. And Dan Schneider and Bryan Singer...Please!
I'm going out on a limb here by saying that it IS a very strange coincidence that these people are all in some way mixed up with the Podesta brothers---who both seem to have a predilection for extremely strange 'art' that involves disturbing images of children.
The whole pizza thing came about because the Wikileaks emails suggest that 'pizza' and 'hotdogs' were some type of code for inappropriate situations between young children and adults who are not their parents. I have seen some of those emails. They are not by any means conclusive, but they ARE very strange and certainly not the type of stuff that normal people would write.
No one can deny that these child sex rings exist. People get busted for being in them ALL THE TIME. What's different about this one is the caliber of the high profile figures who are allegedly involved in it. Just as people knew about the Hollywood sex/rape culture but kept silent about it, they same thing is happening with the pedos. More people who used to be afraid are talking now. The stories are coming out. This is only the beginning.
Himmmm is the God damn Batman, that is all you need to know. Or the marvelous Distinguished Competition's equivalent. Brilliant billionaire playboy inventor hacker supergenius extraordinaire or some such. That is all.
And yes - facts, evidence, testimony, logic, reason, and common sense are what we all should use as our tools, weapons, and defense of justice.
Ahhh!! Thank you @himmmm for talking sense in your second comment. That pizzagate rabbit hole just devalues the truth of the matter. Money and power further corrupt those that lean in that direction. Of course they find each other.. but the rest just serves to take away from their crimes and stir up crazy! Pls let BS and DS @ nick be next. I also wonder how nick can employ ppl who have such charges against them as listed in 'an open secret!' Dont the parents demand more? Doesn't someone? Lastly, GF is low lying fruit. If this is true I'd be shocked if it doesn't hit the fan soon.. xo
@Himmmmm - I'm kind of on the same page re: pizzagate. Satanic conspiracies? Nah. Yet, I do believe Alefantis and the Podestas are one kind of Washington sewer trash or another. Tony's revolting collection of child porn-ish 'art' and Alefantis' Instagram account with the near-constant snickering about 'chicken' and horrible, sexualized remarks about babies/children are enough alone for me to wonder what anyone is doing associating with someone who thinks like that - let alone politicians with reputations to uphold. Also the Alefantis allegation about harrassing that lad who worked for him. It's enough alone to earn my contempt. You don't need Satan and aliens and all that crap to make it any more distasteful and think these people are vile.
But it also makes me think. There is a guy in the UK known for years for craxy kconspiracy shite - David Icke. He was a famous sports reporter for the BBC until he had some kind of breakdown and reappeared talking about this stuff. Now, all his stuff was dressed up in fantasy - lizard aliens, Illuninati, all that crap. But at the nub of it, he named people, again and again who were eventually proven to be pedophiles and abusers, linked to the BBC and the wider British Establishment and elites. I mean, it took 20+ years for this all to come out. But it did, eventually, enough to make many of us want to burn the place to the ground. And I wonder, I wonder if Icke deliberately cloaked his talk in this fantastical crap to avoid being killed or prosecuted while still trying to get the message out.
There's also the fact that Saville and other did on occasion dress in ludicrous 'occult' costumes - cloaks and robes and stars and shit - and hold stupid ceremonies. There are photos of this shit about. They look stupid as hell like really shit old glam rockers. But imagine a child, abused and at the same time, exposed to them in that state. Anything they report will sound like fantastical, unbelievable stupidity. And perhaps that is the point.
Another thought related to the above BBC sex abuse sandals. Back in 1991, I used to visit London with a friend whose family lived there. Her mother, who was into all sorts of odd 'spiritual' groups and out-there beliefs, ran a weekly meditation circle in their front room, sending 'light' into the world, that whole new-age thing. I sat in a few times with my friend. Afterwards we chatted with the attendees, who were a rag-tag group of souls, many of whom seemed, as is normal with this new-age things, troubled or damaged. I was talking to a 30-40-ish man who looked like life had been very hard on him. Just this haunted expression. Vulnerable. He started telling me, a then 21 year-old naive kid, that the BBC was the centre of a 'black magic circle' that abused children. This is well before the internet of course, or any widely-known conspiracy theories. Well, apart from the black magic part, in retrospect, he wasn't wrong. The BBC was the centre of pedophilic activity, covered up or tolerated for many many years. I thought this guy was mental at the time and dismissed what he had to say but in the past few years, after the extent of the Saville revelations et al, had cause to remember that guy and wonder what he'd been through , seen or known about. The pedo circles in London in the 70s/80s went right through the establishment, including social services, who employed pedophiles who pimped boys out to pedophile groups. It's a massive scandal that still hasn't really been properly expolsed, prosecuted or atoned for.
Agreed! Apparently there are many "open secrets" in entertainment, politics, and business (Google the story about Howie Rubin and his sex dungeon from today's news if you can stand the stomach-churning details). The thing keeping the lid on these secrets is money, influence, and power.
But as we are now seeing, the lid CAN be pried off. Thanks to Enty and Himmmm for keeping these efforts alive and on the web
Guy Fieri is annoying AF and his food is awful, but I was skeptical...until I found this:
Back up!!! The Ferry’s have been spending summers at Ruth lake for years. The custody battle over Mimi’s son was just a continuation of the battle she had with the father before she passed away.
Guy has always been annoying but having grown up in Ferndale a year behind him in school, I can tell you nothing happens in a town of 1400 people without EVERYONE knowing.
Himmm sure does write like Rose McGowan.
That would explain what happened to that poor kid
Re Kevin Spacey, I doubt he will face any charges or ever do time. Isn't he a kinda sorta member of that society in San Francisco where the richest and most powerful dudes in the country meet in secret and under tight security every year to have sex with young rent boys?
But it's a well known fact that every polititian on earth is an Ayy in disguise, there is no even slightest doubt about it lmao
And they are lizards, because real hoomans are not capable of doing this kind of bad things and live with it.
Joking obviously.
Wow Alexandria - you and the rest of the Virtual Vidocqs figured out the secret to hidden humanity! Damned lizards! Ever see that video where Weird Al unzips his suit and he's a lizard? Meanwhile, I can't figure if you're saying "hoomans" sarcastic/funny? Or in a heavy Boris & Natasha-type Eastern European accent while Rammstein and Artrosis blast away in the background. Or is it Man 'O War?
;-) "Sto lat"!!
John Doe: Enty's posted several blinds/articles about that topic on the site if you desire to check them out. And FYI: I'm not Enty. I am we. Or me. Or us. The point is this...not who I am - but what I say. Same as it is for John Doe, or timebob, or justsayin', SDauntie, AngryLiberalKTS, or anyone. (though I gotta say if the name on your birth certificate really says John Doe? You can get away with murder pretty much; and your parents probably hate you if they named you that. :-)
@Himmmm - You mean "Foil" video? :P
"Hoomans" - For some reason I find this kind of misspellings hilarious (Heavy Boris&Natasha-type Eastern European accent?! - I'm kind of blushing at this one, haha! ;P)
Whoaw...I'm impressed You know Artrosis! Damn!
However, it's early morning here, and my neighbours don't like my music that early in the morning ayy lmao ;)
And, Dziekuje! ;D
@Blue Bell
It's been on reddit, on The _Donald at least twice from different posters, but hasn't picked up much traction. Maybe someone knows another sub it could go on, or knows how to write a good headline.
Agree with all you say, Himmmm.
So many conspiracies swirl that don't match up with known human behaviour. Like all the ones involving high level execs which discount just how sociopathic these people are - these guys claw their way to the top by being ruthlessly competitive. They DO collaborate, of course, but all the time it's a) about personal gain and b) about the short-term. The higher they get the less respect they have for anyone, not just their victims but their competitors.
Conspiracies which rely on these people having each other's back make no sense. They have material ON each other, not bonds WITH each other. Conspiracies which supposedly span decades of shadowy groups with some larger goal (NWO) ignore the obvious that these people want their rewards personally and RIGHT NOW, not for some future benefactor 50 years down the line.
Rinky, you nail it with your summary of so-called Satanic abuse. I can believe it being more about inspiring fear. The more wacky the scenario the more the victims believe that age old line 'no one will believe you'. And its twin line: 'no one will believe YOU' (subtle and devastating difference).
Whilst I do believe that child abuse is going on at a scary rate, the majority of people do NOT support such behaviour. And huge numbers of others are turning a blind eye for personal gain. I just hope we're now at a time where people are ready to out the monsters (and for the public to believe it).
A tangent: I only saw a tiny bit of Narcos - the scene where they try to arrest Escobar but he reels off personal data which terrifies the police into standing down. AND YET when Escobar was later killed his empire immediately crumbled without him. Those police could actually have shot Escobar there and then but his legend was too intimidating. OK, so some other bastard soon springs up, but it does make me wonder about how much shit you should take from a threatening monster.
To confirm No1 is Randy Andy: if you don't remember the "sex slave" story that came out two tears ago just google "Prince Andrew Epstein" or better yet the girl who made the accusation, Virginia Giuffre.
I'm going to assume the other guesses are correct (although I'd never have guessed Guy-sunglasses-on-the-back-of-his-head-Ferry)
For variety, I'll suggest Joel Schumacher. His casting couch has been known about for at least 15 years, but if you search his name in Twitter, some stories pop up.
@ el
"Guy has always been annoying but having grown up in Ferndale a year behind him in school, I can tell you nothing happens in a town of 1400 people without EVERYONE knowing."
Just because you haven't heard anything doesn't mean someone else hasn't. Sexual abuse goes on behind closed doors, and often the victims and perpetrators are the only ones that know about it.
I think #2 is someone from Fox News because most likely the people who post these things are prob Lefties and they seem to really hate anyone on Fox News. Wow that is horrible, I hope they catch them whoever it is.
#2 is definitely Hannity I've heard these kind of rumors about him before from a friend who used to work in the business. I thought they just hated because they had so many other nasty things to say about him that I just threw it out as a mean thing you say about someone you can't stand. He constantly referred to him as a rapist/pedo though and said he was a sick dude. I've never liked him myself but I thought it was just him being mea. Hannity has 2 sisters and a bit of a larger family on the extended side.
It's not Cohen or Cooper. Cooper is only close with his mother and he only just reunited with his brother after almost 40 years of no contact. The falling out was with his mother and it happened when Cooper was around 10 years old so it wasn't over anything Anderson did. He has another older brother who has no children and, he has no extended family to speak of so the part about the victims being family members would not fit. He also is not always yelling and screaming like Hannity who is super annoying on his show.
Cohen is annoying but he only has a half an hour a night and some reunion shows here and there. He also only has a sister and his parents who he is close with. It would be tough to get away with this kind of behavior in a small family of 2 siblings. Because I've heard this about Hannity before and he has a larger extended family, is annoying, and could also be molesting on his wife's side of the family I believe this is definitely him.
Yeah. Savile was involved with satanic activities and he was a necrophile. Proper weirdo.
It does make a lot of sense. I wish Clinton would get what’s coming to him. I have heard horror stories about bill and Hillary for years dating back to mena Arkansas. These are nasty nasty people that have been so protected for years. The DNC was so dumb to rig the primaries for her. Any candidate could have wiped the floor against that idiot trump, but they had to choose this vile entity known as Hillary.
I would love to see him go down. Can’t stand him. Anderson cooper is another guy I can’t stand.
Something about the smugness of all the cnn douchenozzles makes me think that they are all up to some dark shit. Wolf, Anderson, don lemon, Brian stetler and Jake craper are all on my do not watch list. Along with the same douche vibe I get from all the smug fox hosts and their blond bimbos
This political theatre is just that, theatre. Mueller will do what he is told to do. The fbi (fuck boy incorporated) is corrupt from the top down.
I agree and have been saying this for years. What was once conspiracy theory is now being confirmed as fact.
yes!!! Sex addiction is the most hilarious excuse I can imagine. I am a guy and if I could have sex all the time I would. The difference is I have self control and I actually want a connection with my lady before any sex occurs. These men are using their power to be predators. They are sick and I hope there is a god, because whatever torment they have inflicted, god will inflict it way worse. I hope so at least
The royal family and everyone associated with them enabled jimmy saville for 40+ years, so everyone of them is suspect along with the upper echelon of the Bbc
Lol. Bill Clinton has never been a hero to me. Him and his sick family have been degenerates for a long time. They have been protected but it’s time to pay the piper
Lolololololol. God, Hardwick is annoying as funk but I don’t know about that
#3. Lol. Both Hillary and bill are vile disgusting human beings. They probably have so much dirt on each other that leaving is not an option. Without Bill, Hillary would have never made it as far as she did. She rode his coattails for her while career. Terrible lawyer fired from whitewater, awful as a senator, awful as SOS. She has been lucky to have a majority of the mainstream media in her pocket.
I don’t for a second doubt that pizzagate story having truth in it. The owner James alefantis had some sick pics on his Instagram of kids in very strange poses. And how is a dive pizza owner one of dc’s most influential people????
Just look at James alefantis’ Instagram page. Somebody had to archive it. It was full of half naked kid pics with pizza covering their private areas. Just look at the supposed gunman who fired a shot at comet pizza last year, his ties are too suspicious. Military and private contracting in his history suggest that this was an op to get people to think pizzagate is a bunch of nonsense. It obviously worked but there is a lot of smoke there
I completely agree about alex jones, conspiracies, pizza gate, and grey men.
I do also believe there is something here to the link with podesta, et. al.
Hiiiimm, is a person. Other than that, stop trying to figure out who he/she is. I find his/her posts interesting and don't want to lose his/her contribution
Sorry man but the pizzagate story has legs, alefantis’ own Instagram page is disturbing enough and I’m sure its archived on the web. That tied in with the creepy podestas and there is more here. Maybe not drug-pedo rings, but there are some things that anyone with their eyes open can see that lead to more question. How is a dive pizza place owner one of the 50 most influential people in dc according to gq?????
What about Neil Diamond? Sweet Caroline is one sick song. His ex wife was paid a ton of money go go away. Anyone have anything on him?
Bobby, try using waybackmachine
A few years ago a gay entertainment lawyer in LA who had worked for Dreamworks and the Jim Henson company committed suicide. He seemed to be a good guy, and all of this has gotten me to wonder whether he knew about all of this shit and couldn't handle it, or whether he was disposed of because he knew too much. I wonder if Enty has any way to look into this.
Guy Fieri fits the weird. If it is him and his abuse is focused on family members, I doubt he will ever get busted. It's likely everyone in his family rides on his fame and fortune gravy train. Being outed as a child rapist would end that gravy train. If Guy goes down, so does everyone else...
I always thought Blue Jasmine was written as a warning from Woody Allen to Soon-Yi, ie, if you ever out me (Allen) as a pedophile, you will go down along with me. (Recall Blue Jasmine - Cate Blanchette's character outs her Wall Street husband for insider trading and it not only destroys his life but hers also. She is treated as more evil than Baldwin for her betrayal)
Well said man, well said.
Surprised to see Himmmm confirming my post.
I have to add that I am no conspiracy theorist, whether it is Pizzagate, NWO, Illuminati, numerology, etc. That had nothing to do with why I posted what I did. I do know without a doubt that there are 'networks' if you will, in which like-minded sickos telegraph their 'preferences', trade information, and help enable other vile ...well I hesitate to call them humans.
I know it on a very personal level.
Let's just leave it at that.
I know them personally and the extended family. Exactly who is it in his family that he supposedly did this to? There aren’t any relatives that could fit this storyline.
Prince Andrew was photographed with one of Epstien's 'girls'. Witnesses say they danced at a night club together, He definitely went to Epstien's Island. He should at the very least be questioned but the British press do not print stuff the Royal family wouldn't want to be seen. I imagine this would bring down the monarchy and I believe Princess Diana was probably 'offed' because she knew about pedophilia within the family.
Jimmy Savile knew Lord Mountbatten , he said that's how he knew the Royals. Lord Mountbatten was the Queen's uncle and head of the 'Special Operations Executive in WW2'. How did a poor kid from Leeds get to know nobility? The S.O.E. essentially trained spies to go behind enemy lines in WW2 and carry out missions and sabotage. They recruited people with criminal pasts ( Savile as a young man had been in trouble with the law) and high IQ's and trained them in deadly combat, bomb making, disguises and Languages. They trained agents in Scotland and Jimmy Savile had a house nearby, he used to socialise with someone who worked for the S.O.E.
I think Savile was involved in something secret in WW2 and that's why security services and police left him alone to abuse people and socialise with the Royal family and Prime Ministers. The Royal family and even the BBC have their own branches of the British security service and they never flagged him up? I think it more likely they knew and he was left alone. Prince Charles sent Savile a birthday gift of gold cufflinks and card which read '' “Nobody will ever know what you have done for this country, Jimmy. This is to go some way in thanking you for that.” Nobody will ever know? Well we found out some of it!
Lord Mountbatten was killed by an IRA bomb. In the 1990s a writer claimed " Lord Mountbatten, Anthony Blunt and others were all involved in an old-boy network which held gay orgies in country houses on both sides of the Irish border, as well as at the Kincora Boys' Home."
Files were lost in the Kincora Inquiry and investigators were told to stop looking into the case. It was alleged MI5 used the abuse to blackmail politicians.
I believe Savile knew what Mountbatten was into, he probably even worked for the security services to arrange abuse with which
to blackmail people. A 'fixer'. Because of these links Prince Andrew will be protected and it's why Savile was painted as a lone 'weirdo' operative and not part of an extensive pedophile ring.
This stuff would destroy the Royal Family and seriously shake the British establishment!
el: if you're a ferndale resident, you are the reason enty posted thread #2, as Mike said, just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it didn't happen. who beats their kids in front of the neighbors? who molests their nephew in front of family and friends? who murders their get my point. you are at ground zero and with a little effort could really help, anonymously if you prefer. run this by people on local chat rooms. ask friends of friends. that crazy old local rumor could be the smoke that leads to the fire.(or fieri.)
bobby digital: i'm embarrassed about the hardwick guess. i love him and everything amc and nerdist. i've never watched the food network and hadn't bought into pizzagate so didn't know anything about fieri.
thank you himmmm for sharing your knowledge base and common sense. it's making a difference in this dirty world. and for the patience to hang in there when we get it all wrong.
this thread may end up being longer than "she is not letting go".
Definitely Prince Andrew... And for the owner of the island, what about Richard Branson? Lots of high-profile relationships in and out of Hollywood, island owner with celebrity guests, his own air transport, and enough money to cover lots of things up.
@ M ag I agree. I always thought some of Neil Diamond's lyrics were a bit creepy in reference to young girls etc.
Magerz, thank you! He said "sweet caroline" was written about 8 year old Caroline Kennedy when he saw her on a horse. It gives me the creeps. It's pervy.
"Prince Andrew's 'sex slave' accuser could have her case thrown out - as flight log details appeared to back claims she met him three times.
Lawyers acting for the Duke of York's paedophile pal claim Virginia Roberts she has no right to bring a case.
flight records emerged which show Virginia Roberts and the Duke were in the same place on the dates she says they met.
Log details, published by the Daily Mail, from Jeffrey Epstein's private jet show Virginia Roberts and publicly-held records of Prince Andrew's engagements show they both in London, New York and the US Virgin Islands when she claims the had sexual encounters."
In the same places at the same times, on an Island where a convicted abuser had .'sex slaves' photographed with the 'sex slave' but apparently she has no right to a case and her testimony about Andrew was struck off!
Finally, someone mentions Danny Masterson! Another piece of shit that needs to be stopped.
@ Bobby Digital, Trump is really not as big an issue as the media and the DNC are trying to make him out to be. He is registered as a Republican but he is a liberal at heart. So are his favorite daughter and her husband. Trump and the Clintons have been close friends for many years. And if you pay close attention to who he has hired as his advisors you may note that he's not the evil conservative dude that many say he is at all. In fact, the more I observe Trump the more liberal he looks to me.
Trump recently tweeted a reference to the Mueller's investigation of the Podestas that I found interesting. I believe that he knows that this will eventually lead to other things...including some of the stuff that was brought up in the pizzagate allegations.
Something big is about to blow wide open, and a lot of people are going to do down. You can feel it!
He's much more respectable than trumpy. Trump spends more money paying off victims then any Hollywood asshole. Any day. This isn't a political problem it's a predator problem.
Good God pizzagate still?. Not too difficult to see how our idiot president got your vote. I'm fucking shocked Trump voters can even vote. #READABOOK.
angryliberlkts: no one despises trump or is more liberal than i am, but making pat statements about members of the other party is no different than any other kind of bigotry. not all trumpists are idiots (i question their judgment, but it's true.) and not all pedophiles are liberals.
i've always reacted to the term "pizzagate" the way you do, until this week. the crazy, illuminati, hillary-running-a-pedo-human-trafficking ring aspects are obviously crap. but it was built upon some truths. alefantis and fieri are sick men. do some more research or read earlier posts. alex jones did the cause of revealing pedophiles a huge disservice because now people refuse to entertain any part of the story.
I voted for clinton. Just sayin...
ugh m ag, i didn't know about neil diamond and "sweet caroline". how about "girl, you'll be a woman soon"? which brings to mind gary puckett and the union gaps "young girl, get out of my mind". our culture is very confused.
how sick is it that netflix hasn't cancelled danny masterson's show? do they consider man on boy predation to be worse than male on female rape? is the church of scientology really this powerful? leah remini interviewed his accusers for her show so hopefully airing them will have an affect finally.
DANNY MASTERSON PHYSICALLY RAPED WOMEN. Passed out, drugged, and even women who said NO while CRYING and BEGGING him to STOP!!
WOMEN FILED POLICE REPORTS against him AT THE TIME. Rape kits were performed and confirmed. But guess what? SCIENTOLOGY got involved. Their lawyers and spin machine got involved. Then suddenly it was "he said she said" and "consensual regret". And then new cops took over the case and they said there WAS enough to get a warrant and prosecute. So they kick it over to the DA office. But the DA's office says not strong enough or clear-cut enough for them!! Then a new prosecutor takes on the case and ready to pursue but suddenly the LAPD says there's discrepancies in the witness statements, or they think it's a shakedown, blah, blah, blah.
And then? Voila...the evidence from the rape kit disappears. What? Yep. "Musta just been a clerical filing error. LA has thousands of rape cases so maybe it was labeled wrong in the computer. Or the barcode scan on the box didn't scan. Happens all the time."
BACK AND FORTH back and forth. And why? Because the Co$ keeps pouring a ton of money into campaign coffers; and hosting charity parties and fundraising galas for elected officials and city/state bigwigs. And the Co$ keeps hiring off-duty and ex cops at enormous pay to be "guards" for their celebrities. So...when Co$ lawyers move into the case? These city/state officials don't wanna rock the boat and piss off donors. The cops don't wanna hurt their meal tickets and access to celebs.
(because hey, when a rank-and-file detective or patrol Sgt. is getting to take his kids to the Lakers game to meet the team and Disneyworld with Tom Cruise or backstage passes for his teen to hang with Beck at Coachella? That's a HUGE DEAL for the cop or Asst. D.A.).
"Gee whiz? Besides, Scientology is a RELIGION and we don't wanna seem bigoted. They have a lot of church members who vote and write on social media.
So gee whiz 'ya know? Maybe it's best to just let this go. Besides? The girl isn't very pure and she's kinda slutty. She admitted to drinking - which is probably why she blacked out. She probably took that GHB herself to get high. She even LOOKS like an escort and her Instagram looks like she's a party girl. Probably trying to extort the actor.
Besides? The actor is sooo COOL and FUNNY on that TV show. And he looks like a devoted good family man on Instagram. We've got 50 of his friends and church-goers who SWEAR he didn't do it. And he's so famous and cute he'd NEVER need to force a girl for sex right? And he was super cool to us at the 5k Charity Race last month.
And those high-power Co$ lawyers...they keep threatening to reveal things about us in the next election and threatening to tell the Councilman about us so it's not worth the headache! So let's let it go. It's not like some violent nobody gangsta predator holding the girl down and FORCING her right?
Wrong motherfucker.
That's exactly what it is. And after Danny Masterson does it to more than one, and more than two Girls? It's a fucking felony and it IS a conspiracy and it IS a cover up. HOW DO YOU LOSE A RAPE KIT IN EVIDENCE STORAGE AFTER ONLY 1 YEAR?? The biggest crime is that Scientology is free to buy off victims, threaten victim families and victims' employers, to bury things in the press, and worst of bribe, extort, and intimidate police and prosecutors into killing/burying the cases. And if you think protecting Danny Masterson is the worst they've done? Not by a damn shot. I pray somebody runs rip-shit-riot up in that celebrity center, revokes their IRS status, and starts prosecuting them (especially under RICO laws).
FYI: All of this is in the actual reports of the LAPD. It is NOT pretend or theoretical. He actually did this to multiple women. I guess if Kevin Spacey, Brett Ratner, and Harvey now wish they had been Scientologists.
Living outisde LA, it beggars belief that anyone takes CO$ threats seriously. (But I believe in LA there is something intimidating to themh
Thank you for that :)
this will read as a pretty stupid question, but what can everyday, non-l.a. residents do about masterson, himmmm? i'd love to help but have no idea how, other than helping keep this story alive online. can we name the police officers, d.a.'s or other officials suspected in being part of the cover-up? how about foiling his police records and publishing them?
the l.a.p.d. website says you need to know the names of the victims to request a police report. maybe once the leah remini episode airs, if the victims give their names, we can start a movement of people requesting the files to flood the police dept. and let them know that the public cares about this case. it costs $30...i'm in.
Proud of voting for Trump with no regrets. That's rich.
So, do you you casually choose to ignore the fact the TRUMP was (and probably still is) best buds with EPSTEIN? The rape allegations against our good President? I guess so.
Whatever makes you feel comfy.
oh great, a&e isn't airing the episode, at remini's request. supposedly because the d.a.'s considering filing charges and she doesn't want to interfere, which is great. at least she's got the tape to air if nothing comes of this.
Let me explain to you why "A Ag":
Have you heard about or read that Brett Ratner is suing his accusers? It is true. That's only part of it. See, his lawyer/mouthpiece is a slimeball named Marty Singer. Singer's made a career out of shutting down free speech, blogs, and news reporters who spread the truth. Why? His clients have TONS OF MONEY and POWER.
Then there's the worst:
Bert Deixler. This maggot is the chief lawyer for the Church of Scientology. He's the lead litigator who intimidates victims and the accusers of the C0S. Wanna know who else he and his firm have repped and supported and protected?
Warner Bros. and CEO Kevin Tsujihara. White Stripes. Al Gore. Greenpeace. CBS. Tons of TV and Movie producers. The GEFFEN Company. And they've represented the Church of Scientology in over 60 actions against others and in defense of the "church".
So imagine you're a starving actor/actress waiting tables just looking for your big break. Or a young writer out of college just praying for the day you get an agent or a pitch meeting at WB. Or a film nerd from Indiana dreaming of getting an Oscar. Maybe a young musician playing in dive bars, or a girl headbanger trying to make her way. Or a pretty young girl trying to get noticed as a model. And suddenly you're facing down a MASSIVELY POWERFUL LAW FIRM like this or like Marty Singer?
And you can either play along and maybe get your big break - or fight them and be ruined/career aborted/and silenced. And your Uncle Herb who is a traffic ticket lawyer in Fresno cannot even get a motion accepted against such a legal behemoth. What are your chances of fighting them? These maggots PROTECT RAPISTS and PERVERTS and CRIMINALS like Ratner, Co$, and Spacey.
What do you do? You drag-ass back to rural Georgia, or to Bisbee or wherever and you re-join your family's flower shop saying "I couldda been a contender". And you're having to pay off creditors after being forced into bankruptcy by the Co$ lawyers. You carry the secret of being abused, raped, or silenced. And another dream is crushed in Tinseltown. THAT is the reality of how they work. Bert Deixler and his firm, like Marty Singer and Alan Dershowitz, are the ones who let Co$ and monsters like Jeff Epstein get away with rape and murder.
to "Just Sayin": Keep doing what you are doing. Don't let it die on the vine. When it gets buried in the next scandal or news cycle? Keep tweeting and talking about it. Follow it. Tell reporters, and yes, pressure the LAPD and DA. Every wall has it's breaking point. Even CDAN was mentioned by Harvey's victims (to both Vanity Fair and NY Times reporters) for giving them the power to come forward knowing somebody WOULD believe them. Keep it up!
@Truthseeker seriously? The Soros boogieman thing again? If Soros was as powerful and influential as everyone makes him out to be Hillary would be POTUS and Dems would be in charge of both the House and Senate but that is not the case now is it? Don't give me this bull about but the people fought back bull or any other crap. The way you guys talk about Soros is that he can fix and control anything that he is so powerful and all knowing, so far reaching that he has been running the world and fixing elections for the greater part of the millennia at least. If that was the case this last election would have been easy, no matter what. Your conspiracy theories hold no water and are a bunch of nonsense. Soros is no more influential than Sheldon Adelson, Steve Wynn, Robert Mercer, or any other billionaire political donor. Which is not to say they are not influential, they are. They just don't have singular power as you suggest. I don't like the influence billionaires, corporations, and mega donors have in our election process whether I agree with them or not. The reason being that there may be a time when I don't agree with them and if the power they are allowed to wield goes unchecked, as it has, then we are all pretty screwed. If you have a problem with Soros then you should have a problem with Adelson, Mercer, Sinclair, Murdoch and the rest of them because they all have significant influence on our system they shouldn't be able to have. Sometimes that influence is tipped towards the Dems and sometimes towards the Republicans. Right now it is tipped towards the Republicans but just because you agree with someone doesn't mean you should be okay with their ability to buy influence. If you think Trump can't be bought you are wrong he was just bought by different people. If you hate Soros so much then you might want to look in to his partnership with Jared Kushner and his brother because he also has ties to Soros. You see in the world of high finance, billionaires, and DC no one is clean, no one is honest, and no one has any morals. It is just about picking your poison and which lies you are comfortable with them telling in order to get what you want.
BTW, Trump is a rapist who is good buddies with Epstein as well. He took many a ride on the Lolita Express with many visits to the Island and is no saint. He was talking about Epstein in his speech to the Boyscouts so if you really are still comfortable with your vote for Trump, I'm not sure how. Hillary never raped anyone. Is she married to a rapist? Possibly. Does she know that? I don't think she believes that for a second. I think she knows she is married to a serial cheater and womanizer but I don't think for one second she thinks or believes he is a rapist or abuses women. Everyone who has every told a true account of them (not conspiracy nuts) always said he has always gone to great lengths to try to conceal his affairs from her. Does this make her stupid in that sense? Sure there is an argument to made for that. But Trump's level of stupidity is off the charts.
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