Monday, December 11, 2017

Blind Item #9

There are more people coming forward who say this now former B+ list mostly television actress supplemented her income when she was starting out by meeting men for money and being a sugarbaby. She was not alone in that from this particular show where there were another dozen women who joined her supplementing their income. They used the little bit of fame the hit network show gave them to earn some extra money.


Tricia13 said...

Megan Markle

Tricia13 said...

And that game show with the suitcases

Tricia13 said...

Deal or No Deal I think

Glue said...

If MM, then the show w/ the dozen other women would be that deal show w/ what's his name, you know one, the germaphobe.

Florin said...

Howie Mandel, the rubber glove guy

Unknown said...

If they were all consenting adults, this is G rated compared to most of the blinds lately.

texasrose said...

Careful with your MM guesses (this is def her.) You may get her staunchest defender riled up.

Unknown said...

I wonder if MM’s rushing around LA trying to do damage control right now is doing more harm than good because she appears to be reminding people of details of her sordid past that they would have forgotten if she didn’t bring them up with said people.

Anonymous said...

So much for the vaunted British intelligence service

Count Jerkula said...

I'm gonna guess that being on the show bumped poontang rentals from the $500-1000 range to $1000-2500 range. Great gig, if you can get it. 3 nights a week at $2k puts you at $300k/yr, cash.

Count Jerkula said...

P.S. If marrying a whore was good enough for McCartney, it is good enough for the Royal Ginger. At least his whore has 2 legs.

Anonymous said...

Denise Richards and/or Heather Locklear

Anonymous said...

Hah. Heather "I've only but one leg" Mills

Khaleesi said...

Totally forgot about Heather Mills! Blast from the past.

Count Jerkula said...

I liked it when Heather Mills denied being a whore and someone stepped up and said that he knew she was because he signed checks to pay her.

Moose said...

1 of them (Claudia Jordan) ended up on Real Housewives for a season, and still has a measure of fame.
1 (Stacey something) married tennis player Mardy Fish
And Megan hit the jackpot.
But other than these three, are any of them still working?

Boldblonde said...

Meagan in Deal or no Deal.

Now! said...

“More people are coming forward.” Who are they coming forward to? Is some media organization working on a big reveal?

Hard to imagine who would chance it. Nothing British, and nothing left-wing American, whether old media like the NYT or new like Buzzfeed.

TMZ maybe? The National Enquirer? Vice?

auntliddy said...

Cant people just shut up about this and let it go? Must everyone be a shit stirrer?

.robert said...

@aunttiddy, the press really went overboard promoting her dating/engagement so you have to expect some push back when dirt comes out.

Coming forward is not the same as getting verified information published.

LizOz said...

Yep!! where's @san / lisa ling / princess sparkles to defend her honor now 🤔😂

Colonel Blake said...

Poor girl. Wonder who the men were; that'd be interesting.

Truthseeker said...

Poor girl?? LMAO. Seems she knew exactly what she was doing.

Sunspirit said...

If this is Meghan Markle, I hope it comes out.

Maude Lebowski said...

Meghan need to own this and take preemptive measures. The public will be forgiving.

Adrian Zmed said...

Wouldn't it have been "allitertive" if MM?

lucy said...

lucy said...

remember that one blind eluded to plans for a website, something to that effect.

Unknown said...

I wonder if any of the gossip about MM that has been popping up on here will be included in this book:

Even though Andrew Morton claims to be a fan of MM, I doubt he’ll hold back on anything salacious if there’s a grain of truth to it (just like his truthful tell-all of Diana).

Poni-Tayl said...

I personally could care less. Kudos to you Aunt Liddy.

Sd Auntie said...

Me too poni tayl. I'd like to know how many whores ginger has hired and banged along with good ol uncle Andrew. How big are their tools and are they any good!!

lutefisk said...

I give Heather Mills credit for two things. She brought Paul back after he was completely devastated by Linda's death and she did actually have a kid with him. Most golddiggers wouldn't bother. Of course she also knew she could get more money at of him with a kid.

AJ said...

I kinda feel sorry for MM. Granted she knows what she signed up for when she said to Prince Harry. Still can’t be east having your past examined with a magnifying glass.


lol. Not only does the royal family likely know everything, it wouldn't surprise me if this is how Harry and Meghan met in the first place. I'm sure he has his own secrets to keep.

Sunny CA said...

+1 Whineaux

Buddytesla said...

This is not surprising. A lot of the “Deal Or No Deal” gals also appeared on this quasi-travel cable show called “Get Out”. Most of them came across as borderline pornstar/escort/model. The show was more of an excuse to see a lot of super hot women running around half naked in exotic locales.

lucy said...

me! me! I have never fxcked for money or a meal or any other reason besides it feels! being a whore is not the norm. come catch my boulder

Gravy Goodbread said...

Honestly, I've been thinking about selling my services as of lately myself. Easy to do with the internet.

Unknown said...


Rinky said...

Oh, like it would be good idea to marry Harry to some blushing, innocentvirgin. He's always been a bit of a wild one, been around the block to put it mildly. She's probably his match in that department and thus less likely to have nervous breakdowns or any schoolgirl expectations of fairytale princes and storybook romance ala Diana. The Firm will have raked through her past and know that there is to know anyway. If she behaves herself and doesn't flash a tit or start getting political and mouthy anything, I can see her doing OK in the role.

It's funny though, the outrage, when you consider whores made good and snagging a good may-un, preferably a rich one or one above their rank is a staple of Hollywood romantic fantasy from Breakfast at Tiffany's to Pretty Woman.

Unknown said...

she has stabbed a lot of people in the back and burnt a lot of bridges so Markle has enemies and their time has come. I doubt a wedding but if she forces it he will have to resign as a working royal. They can't afford the revelations that will continue to come out as well as whatever stunts she'll pull on future.

Now! said...

I agree with @MaudeLebowski - Meghan should get out in front of this, air out anything that needs to be aired out, and then moved on.

Maybe a sympathetic interview with Oprah with Harry at her side. "We're both adults, and we have lived adult lives. We've had our ups and downs as people (Harry nods along here) and maybe done some things we're not proud of. I know you have too, Oprah, but you've gone on to inspire so many people. We want to do the same. We're not perfect, and that's going to help us in our charity work as we reach out to people in all walks of life."

That approach basically defuses everything that did or did not happen in her past.

You're welcome, Meghan. Send me a wedding favor.

fraggedy_duu said...

MM knew what she was doing. No doubt all the salacious stuff will be swept under the rug, though.

Is it just me or are there becoming ever fewer young(er) women who DON'T whore themselves out nowadays? I know a bunch of them, most of whom only do it because it's trendy. I can see the financial appeal but...nah. I couldn't go there with someone who I didn't find physically attractive. I guess there's no such thing as integrity when a rich guy with a 3 incher (erect) is throwing a chorus line of $ at you. #proudprude #Iguess

monteverde said...

MM is basic as fuck. Walking downtown in NYC or pop into Topshop on Oxford Circus, and you'll see 100 Markle's and 100 better versions of a Markle.
Confused as to what he sees in her: average face, average body - with those chicken legs -, way less than average talent, and to top it all off, extremely unlikeable. I don't get it.

LizOz said...

/ your bff @lucy 🤣🤣🤣

J said...

Men are just disgusting... #equality

gfbcpa said...

When I first saw Meghan Markle, I got her confused with Olivia Munn. At one point, I actually thought they were the same person.

Itttt said...

Awwww, come now, Meghan Markle is the feel good rags to riches story the world needs right now - the Miracle Mile Mutt who whored her way into the Ginger prince’s heart, with her fairy godmother who granted her a magic honeypot of a pussy. See it in theaters this Holiday season (x rated version available on demand/online via soon to be unveiled website)

Unknown said...

@Rinky...I’d hardly classify Breakfast at Tiffany’s as a whore snags a good ‘un. It’s more of a whore snags a gigolo, two people involved in the same line of work falling for one another.

Count Jerkula said...

Lute: golddigging whores always try to have kids, cause it locks em into an 18yr scholarship, no matter what happens w/ alimony.

Unknown said...

LOL The Queen don't play! I think she is "helping" MM.

ONEWORLD said...

@countjerkula how do I love thee, you just crack me up

ONEWORLD said...

No, I have never given my self for "a lil change". I thought about it when I was 18 and moved to LA. Couldn't get a job, some guy offered me $500 bucks for a --- at the bus stop in front of the Beverly Wilshire, we went in and ate then to a side door into a bungalow like suite. No clothes off, but when he came up behind me, grabbed my chest, and said"I love your boobies" I screamed bloody murder, threw the money at him and ran away screaming. He chased me and some old lady at the bus stop hit him with an umbrella. No, I think the attitude that everyone does it is pure LA.


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