Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 31, 2018

Still not able to drink in this country, this foreign born A- list mostly television actress who is an Emmy winner/nominee should probably try not to get drunk and speak in front of people who will leak what she has to say. I feel for her.

Maisie Williams


Anonymous said...

I’m still trying to master this lesson.

timebob said...

If it was GOT spoilers, somebody spill it.

not surprised said...

to be fair, the drinking age in the UK is 18.

Flashy Vic said...

Just because she is not of legal drinking age in the States , don't assume she can't hold her drink. Here its not uncommon at all to start drinking at 15 or under. And while undergae drinking is still illegal (18 is the legal age), its not considered particularly onerous and its far far easier for kids to get hold of alcohol.

Saying that, what the fuck was she thinking?

Flashy Vic said...

@timebob. It wasn't spoilers, it was the supposed date of the start of the new season. Which has since been denied.

katsm0711 said...

I know you’re right because I heard it before but why would they want to keep the premiere date a secret? I actually write them on my calendar so I don’t forget!

SteveD said...

HBO wants to roll out the announcement according to their own plan, when they have a teaser ready to post, etc.

Brayson87 said...

That's nothing compared to normal celebrity teens, it's not like she parked mom's car in the living room.

Anonymous said...

She revealed the opening date of season 8 as April something or other

Count Jerkula said...

Only broad in GOT no one ever wanted to see naked.


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