Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Blind Item #10

This A- list mostly movie actor had a franchise that has now ended. In the last couple of years, he filmed a movie in Italy. He spent most of his down time driving down the highways having sex with multiple Nigerian women trafficked to the country for this purpose. He bragged about how he would find three or four a night every night during filming.


  1. Pattinsen? Where was Queen of the Desert filmed?

  2. Ewan McGregor/ Phantom menace was shot in Italy. But I am too lazy to look into that.

  3. New Moon was filmed in Italy Sandybrook

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. N\m Ralph Fiennes\Harry Potter\A Bigger Splash?

  6. Too long ago filmfan

  7. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Mark Wahlberg, filming All The Money In The World.

    1. Wahlberg is a racist. There’s no way he’s going to sleep with black women.

    2. He was racist against Asians. That doesn't automatically make him racist against Africans.

  8. I'm gonna guess Johnny Depp when he was filming The Tourist. A quick search on the interweb says Pirates of The Caribbean might not crank out another movie. But I'm sure I'm wrong for several reasons: it was too long ago; everybody thought he was doing the deed with Angelina Jolie; I really don't think Depp drives himself; and, he seems way too high all the time to have sex several times a night. Such a bummer to disprove your own guess.

    1. Kell grrl.there was a blind last year that Depp only dips in with a white women....I can't see him with an African.

  9. Tom Hanks would be A+, right? He had the Dan Brown trilogy that filmed in Italy for the third film Inferno. Doesn't sound like something he'd do, but not sure what last couple years actually means to Enty.

  10. having sex with multiple Nigerian women trafficked to the country for this purpose

    And if he didn't put a raincoat on it, in a year or two, we'll be reading about this actor being crippled by STDs. I could not imagine more unsafe sex.

  11. +1 Melvin
    Wahlberg is a good guess.

  12. People believe that Politicians prioritize Refugees, DACA Dreamers and Migrants (illegals)

    Since when has any politician CARED about anything?

    Open borders, refugees, free flow of migrants is about making it easier for bankers, politicians and corporations to traffick adults & children, drugs, and take advantage of cheap labor; Cheap labor who will work for far less than citizens.

    Just wait until illegals completely take over and fill technical/production jobs in Hollywood.

    1. Xyzxyz33....waaaaaaaah...big have it so rough...I really feel sorry for u. All these illegals taking over H wood.

  13. I have several friends who are daca/ work visa recipients and they are productive citizens mostly working in tech. Just stop the Trump right wing deflection for a minute. Where I live all my family's doctors are immigrants or children of immigrants. Go push your racist xenophobia elsewhere. All Americans are immigrants except for the native Americans. The sooner you learn to live with a diverse America , the less your hatred will clog up your enjoyment of life.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I hope he paid well. Very well. 3 or 4 times a night? Someone young then. Or on viagra. Men are so gross. Blech

  15. I was driving outside Orvieto a few months ago and I saw a few isolated women standing on the roadside, way out in the middle of nowhere, beckoning. I found this confusing, and didn't get how things worked until someone explained to me those women each had a little trailer parked nearby.

  16. Halloweenie, practice what you preach. Part of living in a "diverse" society involves living around other people that may not share your opinions. Until you can, you are as intolerant as the next person.

  17. @ xyzxyz33 -- just wondering how your comment pertains to this particular blind item?

  18. Halloweenie, you may have friends who are DACA recipients who are productive members of society, but they aren't citizens. That's kind of the whole point.

  19. @ xyzxyz33 The EU is giving out millions in consultancy money to do "studies" on how to integrate the migrants. There are a lot of people getting really, really rich off the migrant situation. It is like a jobs program for the bureaucratic class.

  20. In the state of massachusetts it is legal to marry someone of the same sex and your first cousin, no questions asked...but if you want to marry a foreigner, and live and work in MA u gotta show money, no criminal record and go through extensive interview/intrusion by the feds and if that person is here illegally forget the whole much for marriage equality.

    1. That's good kikbunny. These broads take off once they get their green card. Seen it many times. It should be mandatory that Health insurance be provided by American spouse. If you can't support them, don't bring them here. Especially if they have kids or fertile......

  21. Wahlberg is not A minus. I'm guessing Ewan McGregor

  22. I feel sorry for victims of human trafficking. I pray for them.

  23. Anonymous1:10 PM

    @Jacqueline...The Phantom Menace was not a couple years ago, even in Enty speak. That was 1999. So, not Ewan.

  24. kelli grrrl said...
    I'm gonna guess Johnny Depp when he was filming The Tourist. A quick search on the interweb says Pirates of The Caribbean might not crank out another movie. But I'm sure I'm wrong for several reasons: it was too long ago; everybody thought he was doing the deed with Angelina Jolie; I really don't think Depp drives himself; and, he seems way too high all the time to have sex several times a night. Such a bummer to disprove your own guess.

    11:31 AM

    Maybe ENT made a mistake and meant that Depp was having sex in his car with 4 Nigerian men every night as a passive recipient. That would sound more plausible.

  25. @Unknown

    "you may have friends who are DACA recipients who are productive members of society, but they aren't citizens."

    Yeah, so? Most of them want to be. Most of them have jobs already but can't collect social security or workman's comp. So what's the problem?

    My forebears got off a boat and were given instant citizenship. Why pretend that being a citizen of this country is a hard earned right if you are here already?

  26. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Another thought:

    Sam Claflin. Movie he shot was My Cousin Rachel. Franchise was The Hunger Games.

  27. Let's all just stop with the politics and other issues. I can stalk other sites to get that information. Ugh.

  28. Massachusetts, really? Wow and other states, you can kind of see of a pattern.

    1. Only inbreds think a foreigner will taint the gene

    2. A lot of immigrants marry their 1st cousins...and of course the good ol South🤣

  29. Great comment, Chris Harris! Tired of the righteous & sanctimonious. Illegal is the key word.

    1. Oh they can’t help themselves .... its PTLTE(post traumatic lost the election syndrome😏🤷‍♀️)

  30. How does someone have sex four times a day, every day? Especially men. that's a lot of work

    1. No need for gym for sure😉

    2. 4x wouldnt be tough. If he's paying for it, it isnt like there is much foreplay or spending time so the whore gets off. Probably not all fucking, either. I am sure he just kicks back and relaxs for a bj with some of them.

  31. This is sad because Italy has a huge humanitarian crisis right now. African women being forced into prostitution is horrible. I was going to say Armie Hammer because he filmed CMBYN in Italy but there are rumours he is not straight.

  32. Plot. Triggered. Again. Worships at The Church of Outrage, Non-inclusive Inclusiveness and Intolerant Tolerance.

  33. AVENGERS - AGE OF ULTRON (2015) did some shooting in Italy. Could someone from that movie fit?

  34. Have you ever been with a Nigerian girl?

  35. Ewan McGregor he always talks about his motorcycle

  36. Whoever it is, I hope his dick falls off.

  37. Clooney/ocean's twelve?

  38. xyz & Chris Harris: +1 million

  39. If I'm an A- movie star I'm having my food delivered, not driving down the highways looking for half-full bags of Doritos. This is another BS blind.

    1. You act like A listers didn't fly on Epstein's Lolita express or visit the underage islands. Or visit underage brothels in whatever country they're currently staying in. They take what they can get, especially if they like them young or have certain requests.

  40. How easily the Trumpians get triggered! The topic involves *forced* immigration in *another country* and they start whining about US immigration.

  41. There really aren't that many issues Trumpians can discuss. Their binders only have so many responses for them to flip through.

    If Italy weren't a boot, I wonder how many could find it on the map.

  42. I really like sandybrook's guess of Ralph Fiennes. There are so many stories of him being pretty adventurous sexually. And he hasn't been married since he cheated on Alex Kingston and they got divorced and I feel like the blind would have mentioned it if he was currently with someone.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @boredwithlife

    " I speak fluent Italian "

    Uh huh. And Melania speaks 6 languages.

    At least your fantasies are consistent with Il Douche's.

  45. I've seen illegals in the film business, they're all over Bowfinger.

  46. I wonder if the stud read the news about the oral cancer epidemic for men.

    1. Meh. Prosciutto clogs yer arteries, red meat is bad for yer colon, sugar rots yer teeth, shellfish give ya the gout, pussy puts cancer in yer throat. Everything worth eating is bad for ya. Ya gotta pick yer spots and hope for the best.

      Also, if the dude is going down on street walkers, he probably all sorts of wreckless in other ways and wont live long enough for throat cancer to get him.

  47. "And if he didn't put a raincoat on it, in a year or two, we'll be reading about this actor being crippled by STDs. I could not imagine more unsafe sex."

    Good. Anyone who has sex with a trafficked person is a rapist.

  48. Getting Jason Statham vibes.

  49. @ Halloweenie, You are so right, my doctor is indian but the question i ask is how is it possible for these "immigrants" to come to america and live such a productive life and yet so many born and grown americans are whining about stolen jobs bla bla



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