Thursday, March 08, 2018

Your Turn

Today is International Women's Day. Who is a woman you admire?


  1. Not Oprah - Michelle Obama she's managed to raise her daughters and maintain her dignity and she had a career too before politics got in the way of it.

  2. Alice Stebbins Wells and Frances Glessner Lee followed by my aunt Debbie.

  3. My Grandmother.

  4. the late Ann Richards, gov of Texas

  5. Mother Theresa - gave her whole life to helping others and never asked for anything in return. She was an angel in human form.

    Carol Burnett - she never wavered or gave in to the BS. She believed in fun, clean comedy and to this day her comedy still stands strong. She's been extremely successful and beloved by many.

  6. +2 on Upton. She inspires me.

  7. Hillary Clinton. She had 2 billion dollars, all the press, TV and print, Hollywood, most foreign nations, all the US gov't institutions, the sitting President, criminal cabals, an army of lunatics, rigged primaries and fixed elections and she still managed to not get elected. You have to admire that level of utter and complete incompetence when she kept all of her backers after all of that.

  8. My mother. She came from a very poor family in Portugal. She made it to the US, became a farmer's wife, baked 9 loaves of bread a week, AND cinnamon rolls (and gave some to the neighbors), had a sharp wit and the softest hands. She took in the five kids from a lady whose husband was having an affair and spending all the family money on the other woman. Before my mother had us bring them home with us, they were fishing for turtles in their pond and eating turtle soup. My mother was everything to us.

    1. Your mother sounds like a saint.

  9. If I weren't married already, I'd ask .robert <3

  10. My Mom, with a disabled husband she managed to be a teacher, get 2 Masters degrees, raise 4 kids, all 4 went to college and she grew our vegetables and baked all of our bread and rolls and made clothes for us too. She was an amazing woman.

  11. Mae Brussell
    Catherine Austin Fitts
    Sharyl Atkisson
    Sibel Edmonds
    Rosa Koire
    Anne Williamson
    Ann Diamond
    Joni Mitchell
    Kristen Wiig

  12. My daughter. She is only 25, but she has taken her dream and wrestled it into reality(she works in the medical field). No one gave her a leg up. She was the hardest worker in every situation. What she lacked in talent, she made up with grit and determination. I'm not just saying this because I am her mother. She really is an inspiration on how to achieve one's goals.

  13. All the women in my life.

  14. My Grandmother who stood up to Nazi soldiers in war torn Italy and my mother.

    Jackie O
    Rosa Parks
    Emma Gonzalez
    Malala Yousazai
    Susan Soloman

    Women not to admire if you research..

    Mother Theresa

  15. My mother-in-law for putting up with my @$$#ole father-in-law.

    Seriously though, Nellie McClung, a Canadian woman's hero.

  16. My mother...Grandmom, and my sisters for their integrity,grace, class humanity and humility.

  17. My grandmother. Escaped czarist Russia in 1917 traveling eastward to US via Trans Siberian Railroad to Vladivastok and then by boat to Japan sailing on to San Francisco. (They couldn't go the shorter western route due to WWI raging in Europe.) She did all of this with my 5 year old mom and 7 year old aunt. They then took a train in San Francisco to reunite with my grandfather in Chicago who immigrated a few years earlier and earned the money for their trip. My own personal Wonder Woman. (And my grandfather was my own personal Superman.)

  18. JULIE CHRISTIE "KINDNESS" celebrity ever, who hates being a 'celebrity'.

  19. I love how people bash Hillary based on fake news. So pathetic.

  20. Joan Crawford. Aside from her acting and the love she had for her fans, she's done SO many charitable things she kept on the d/l throughout her life. Also, I don't think there's anything Joan didn't do in her lifetime, except maybe sing, which she believed was one of her weaker "talents".

  21. How is Joan Rivers not on this list? She worked her a** off and was hilarious in a time when women were supposed to be meek and stay at home. To me, she was strong, fair, confident & hilarious-all qualities most of Hollywood women are missing today.

  22. My mom.

    And The Notorious RBG. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the hero America needs right now!

  23. +1 for Joan Crawford and Joan Rivers

    My choice would be the 17 year old daughter of the Turpins in California who took the risk of crawling out of a window and alerting the police to the horrific conditions she and her brothers and sisters had to live with. You go girl !!!!

  24. Came here to say RBG.

  25. @Heather Joan Rivers is awesome and have met her personally. She's got my vote. Tough, Unique and in person very real and down to earth believe it or not.

    @Liz - great movie there with your Gramma! Amazing stuff! Kudos to her!

  26. Michelle Obama, a true class act and credit to the history of First Ladies.
    Queen Elizabeth, who still holds true to her beliefs in her 90s.
    My Mother, who at 90, still also holds true to her family and beliefs.

  27. My grandmother.
    Incredible woman.

  28. @spider rico-that's great to hear, to me she worked her a** off and had no problem telling someone to F off if they were disrespectul (typical East Coast/NYC personality), but appeared to try to help others succeed too. Always gave the confident and respectful appearance to me over the years.

  29. the next President of the United States...a Lawyer, a Professor,savior of the financial system of America, a true hero of 2008, a woman who has tread the most amazing path from childhood poverty to upper income, a woman who should have been chosen by the corrupt DNC to represent the true feelings and intellectual capabilities of the nation.....Elizabeth Ann Warren.

  30. Barbara Jordan,
    Shirley Chisholm,
    Octavia Butler,
    Mother and grandmothers

  31. Anonymous1:04 PM


  32. Sasha Grey, the glutes and anus on her have given more amazing performances that the bast actress and athlete combined.

  33. My mom..for raising us properly and putting up with hormonal teens. The other is Mother Theresa...despite her stance on birth control. I admire her work with the orphans and the very sick in a country that friend upon strong women. Gilda Radner for bringing so much humor with her great impressions and jokes. She really was a gem

  34. I admire my mom. she was the kindest soul. so many random people after her passing have approached me to tell me how she had effected their lives in quietest way. she was also one of the funniest women I have ever known, actually she was funniest I knew personally, and I appreciate humor and kindness and selflessness more than anything. she was also a total knockout but I admire her most for her inner beauty. I also admire her wizardry at being able to connect with me after her passing, it was sudden and I was hurting but for weeks afterward somehow she was able to connect and leave me stuff all around the house. signs she would always be with me and it was incredibly soothing. time heals but nothing cures like forever love, thanks mom! lol I just heard her in my head say not only my first but middle name (ooooo seriously means business) she said my names and cover that rear! yikes.

  35. My mom
    Melania Trump
    Ivanka Trump
    Kellyanne Conway
    Hope Hicks
    Niki Haley
    Linda McMahon
    Elaine Chao
    Kirstjen Nielsen
    Dr. Heather Wilson
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders
    Betsy DeVos
    Jovita Carranza
    Neomi Rao
    Seema Verma
    Heather Brand
    Kelly Sadler
    Mercedes Schlapp
    Jessica Ditto
    Dina Powell
    Judge Jeanine Pirro
    Laura Ingraham
    Michelle Malkin
    Sarah Palin
    Michele Bachmann
    Mia Love
    Sandra Day O'Connor
    Carly Fiorina
    Rosanne Barr
    Elise Stefanik
    Joni Ernst
    Susana Martinez
    Condoleeze Rice
    Greta Van Susteren

    I could go on. But what these remarkable women have is that they have not only had to battle against men to reach the positions they have reached, but also a ton of other women-namely critical liberal women. You don't see these women celebrated in Cosmopolitan or Vogue. Or Huffington Post or Vanity Fair. Nope. These women are truly the strongest women I know, who aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe regardless of the horrible way they are treated. THESE women are tough!

    1. Id spit in Mallikins face.she is satan

  36. @Ice Angel +1000

  37. My Mother - always sees a beauty and strength in everyone. Also the most fashion conscious 76 year old I have met.

  38. My mother, who was valedictorian and had a degree, career and assets in a time when most women didnt and unfortunately lost everything when in a last ditch attempt to have babies in her mid 30s married my dad , a young italian gold digger.

  39. Hillary Clinton - no human being, much less woman, has put up with more shit from more trolls, nutjobs and rightwing psychos... in history. And she's still standing.

  40. My mom❤️ and every other woman who doesn’t let someone else define who they are or can be in this world.

  41. Maya Angelou has always been my favorite.

  42. +1 @Sadie

    And I admire myself. I survived my childhood, and my kids are being raised very well.

  43. I've been wondering a lot about low-income women in rural and remote areas lately, and the more I think about them, the more I have respect in them (and not in the "poverty porn/romanticisation of poverty" kind of way).

    1. I also admire women who genuinely care about the cause and aren't using "feminism" for PR, personal gain, or just to further their careers.

  44. On a meta level, every woman who has survived abuse.

    On a personal level, I've always loved Gloria Swanson. Her autobiography is a great read.

  45. My wonderful mother, my sister

    and what Ice said

  46. To anyone who said that they admire Mother Teresa, please read the book "The Missionary Position", by Christopher Hitchens. The book has a terrible title, but it's a very revealing look at who Mother Teresa really was, vs who the public assumed she was and wanted her to be.

  47. My mother and Frida Kahlo.

  48. Michelle Obama. She is incredibly intelligent and gracious and truly cares about the United States and American people.

  49. Kim Deal and PJ Harvey.

  50. Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller. Talk about defying the odds. And of course my mother! ☺❤

  51. Justine Trudeau.
    "Son" of Castro.
    Marxist POS...

  52. Dorothy Day

  53. My lovely teenaged sons asked me if I knew it was National Dishwashers Day yesterday. Yeah. I took me a minute. Aren't they precious? They thought they were hilarious. But that's OK. I'll get even....bwahahaha....

  54. Anonymous1:21 PM

    My daughter. Truly the most tenacious, determined, 'Oh yeah? we will just see about that obstacle...GRRR..." lady you could ever hope to meet. Overcame bullying, kidney disease, abandonment by her dad, and poverty, and is still breaking her barriers every day. Takes every lemon we are dealt, and turns it to lemonade. Just earned her Bachelor's, against overwhelming odds.

  55. My mama. Best friend for life. Intelligence and grace and a backbone of steel. I aspire to her level daily.

  56. Condaleeza Rice and my mother. My mother was born in Boston and lived in 12 foster homes during her childhood because she was born out of wedlock. She survived every kind of abuse you can imagine and still managed to become a beautiful stewardess back in the 1950s when flying was truly glamorous. Because she did not have much growing up she could really appreciate simple things like a crossword puzzle or a bargain from a yard sale.



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