Thursday, March 08, 2018

Blind Item #5

This is the craziest love triangle type thing I have seen in awhile. You have this A- list singer who is a pretty bad actress being basically stalked by the head of this organization who wants her for himself even though he is married. He is doing everything he can to drive a wedge between the singer/actress and her current significant other without causing damage between the friendship of the two men. This is all going to cause a relapse for our singer/actress.


  1. Selena/Justin/Hillsong Pastor

  2. Selena, Bieber, and Carl Lentz

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Lentz is far from the head of that organization

  4. You can't out-Bieber the Bieber. If that's her ice cream flavor, then nothing else will do.

    If only there was something else she loved more than him that you could buy anywhere and lead her away like E.T. and Reese's Pieces, yeah I don't know.

    1. Very cute Brayson87. That pastor needs to step back..gross!

  5. I'm assuming this is about Lentz even though he's not the head (because...obviously) and first of all...this really doesn't make much sense if it's Selena he wants. I assumed he was the reason for the recent split because he seems to be behind literally all of Justin's decisions as of late, but my bet is that it's Justin he wants all for himself. Previous blinds suggested that while he and Selena are together Justin likes or is persuaded to 'share' her with his companions; obviously if creepy-pastor wanted to stay in Selena's pants he'd want them to stay together. Also, word is Hillsong were the ones who basically facilitated the whole Jelena reunion anyway because it's great publicity for them when Sel & Justin are seen attending together.

  6. Very astute, holly.

  7. Pastor Lentz wants a threesome with them. The man is a wolf and needs to disappear.

  8. Haven’t all the recent blinds on them indicate Selena had already relapsed?

    1. +1 HoneyRyder all the recent blinds, yes!

  9. It sounds like a perfectly normal love triangle, if you are familiar with René Girard.

  10. should be no big deal. enty hinted in an earlier blind that justin has already shared gomez with his posse...whats the big deal with sharing him with the pastor?

  11. Her cooter must be magic.

  12. Well what do you think they really teach them at the House of M, it's more than singing and dancing.

  13. he is a dolt. this pastor appears to have quite the racket going and he's going to blow it all over a chick. never ceases to amaze me the lengths some men go to for the P. why not use this energy to repair what's lacking in his sex with his wife and keep all the power and all the prestige and all the dollars of his ,for the moment, successful sacrilegious scam

  14. That sounds less like a "love triangle" and more like a scary stalker who should probably be mentioned to the cops...

  15. Anonymous4:25 PM

    +1 jerkula Selena must have that magic p



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