Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Blind Item #15 - Kindness

This A+ list mostly movie actress picked up the tab for an entire restaurant this week while she was out of town. When she was paying her bill, she told the manager to charge everyone that was eating right then on her card. 


  1. I would totally do something like that all the time if I had the money.

    1. I know, right?!
      And then just be gone, like a benefactor in the night.
      I’d also love to do this in toy stores where little kids are pining for something they can’t afford.

    2. Same here!! I’d love to win the lotto just to help people out. Pay my debts first. But then help people.

    3. When I lived in Korea I tried to secretly by a group of kids some ice cream at McDs, but the cashier gave me up.

    4. 💛💛💛💛💛💛

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    The middle school drop out version of trickle down economics?

    1. Except with her it works!! Lol

    2. It’s better than the adult version where the trickle down trickles over the Cayman Islands.

  3. We shouldn't jump to a conclusion just because I want it to be her and she's a drunk. Reesie's A+ and a drunk who drinks lotsa boxed wine, so it could be her.

    1. Likely if it is jlaw, it's because she is trying to repair her reputation

  4. I thought Sandy B. too.

  5. No way this is JLAW, this blind has Sandra Bullock written all over it( mostly bcoz TRICIA 13 confirmed it)! If this was JLAW her PR team would be planting stories all over, and no CDAN doesnt count!

    1. Sandy is an awesome person in corner of the world or industry... the fact that she survived,and remained so in this one is amazing

    2. She is my future bff in a world where I actually cross paths with her. I love hearing this. Thank you @tricia13!

  6. @cheesegrater15 - I would too. I do little things (like covering someone's shortfall in a cafe or on the bus or in a supermarket). The most amusing one was when I brought a homeless man breakfast in a chain restaurant (he was already there trying to collect a free drink but they wouldn't serve him) the staff lost their minds and, after I complained to the Head Office, got sent off for "'re-education". Amusing only because my imagination sees them in a North Korean work camp.

    1. So u bought a homeless man some toast and got a half dozen ppl fired (who are now homeless)?

      YOU are a Saint.... keep up the compassionate work you do

  7. Replies
    1. Is this a real person or Benicio Del Toro auto-corrected?

    2. Oh, @cheese! Bianca Del Rio is best explained as the perfect marriage of Don Rickles and Joan Collins.

    3. Hahaha @cheesegrater15 I thought the same thing.

  8. Enty didn't do the "Academy Award winner/nominee" thing, so I don't think it is Bullock.

  9. I think @Tricia13 got it,no TV qualifiers, JLaw needs to pay up for the dog crap in her hotel room,remember that.

  10. Y'all who are saying you'd do this if you were rich are reminding me of Vanity Fair. You can actually do kind acts right now. Maybe not pick up the tab at Nobu on Friday night but I bet you could go into Dennys on a Wednesday night after 7 and it would be very affordable.

    Or you could buy the groceries of the next senior citizen you see checking out.

    I know this because I have picked up the tab fairly regularly on holidays at truck stops and it has never cost more than a few hundred dollars.

    Try it sometime.

    1. That is beyond awesome and kind

  11. Sandra's amazingly generous. JLaw's trash.

  12. In all the years I have been on this site, I don't think Jlaw has ever been revealed to be a kindness blind. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  13. Sandra Bullock would totally do this. However blinds usually mention something about her being an almost permanent A+ actress, I don't think she would have a lower rating on a kindness.

  14. when I was little on my birthday my dad would drive me to toys R us and tell me I could pick out ANYTHING I wanted. I thought it was the coolest thing ever! later when I got older I reflected on that and thanked him for the generosity and he said are you kidding me? you used to pick out dumbest cheapest shit, that trick *saved* me money


  15. It was me, you're welcome.
    If you disagree that I'm an A+ actress you're probably a transphobic bigot creating an emotionally unsafe space for me.

  16. sandra bullock

    one of the OG good people in hollywood

  17. Is Emma Stone A+? Isn't she in Paris now?

  18. This is about JLaw.Mostly A+ actress is always her on this site.Also JLaw showed plenty of kindness in the past.So stop trying to put her down some of you here :)

  19. It was Kate Beckinsale

  20. I have a buddy who does things like this all the time. She pays for the person ahead of her in line or picks up all the groceries for the haggered mom- that kind of thing. Tips baristas in $100s. One time we were in a bagel shop and she was pantomiming to the cashier that she wanted to pay for the lady in front of us since she had on scrubs and had a whole bag of bagels- for the nurses or whatever. Just then the lady sneaked off! She stole the bagels before she could receive the kindness! 😜🧐

    1. What I said the meaning of this? Teh lady in scrubs ran off with the bagels?

    2. *What IS the meaning of this

  21. Anonymous4:39 PM

    If JLaw, then she had her people leak it out to whoever would listen. I like her as an actress but she needs all the good publicity she can get right now (id est Red Sparrow)

  22. Anonymous4:48 PM

    It's not Bullock. She's an Oscar winner.

  23. then it can't be jlaw either.

    hm, who's huge but never won an oscar they've been up for? idk why but i'm blanking right now

  24. @ sandybrook - Reese isn't nice, although she uses every atom of her acting abilities to pretend she is.

    1. Totally. She's southern rich. Nobody is meaner, nastier, or more horrible in general than southern rich.

  25. Sandy Bullock. Cumface J-Law is still licking her wounds from her latest box office flop.

  26. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Maybe Drew Barrymore?
    Mostly movie A+ no Oscar yet

  27. You all are mentioning lovely gestures. You can also check out the veracity of charities, on-line, and donate to those that give most of the money away. That's what I do. Sometimes the sad stories on GoFundMe.

  28. Not to be a downer, but the simple fact that we know about this act...

  29. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Kristin Scott Thomas?

  30. Reese Witherspoon

  31. Angie is my guess

  32. Has JLAW been "out of town" recently? Has Reese? In my mind, the only not-foreign-born stars who may have been out of town recently are Emma Stone (Paris) and Sandra Bullock (probably back in Austin, Texas).

  33. What’s the point of doing that? Really.

  34. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Reese: Oscar
    Sandra: "
    JLaw: "
    Emma S: "

  35. Bullock is decades removed from any TV work. Witherspoon, who has developed a testy, imperious edge at times, is nicer to the public than she is to press or cops who stop her for DUIs. She's the better guess, although leaving out "Oscar winner" opens the field up to everybody else.

  36. I love how nobody guessed Julia Roberts for this. ;-D

    Anyway, I guess ScarJo.

  37. Awww I hope that it’s Sandra.

  38. So today the dreggs of journalism reported JL doesnt like sex & is a germophobe.'s ok, we would have F'd fine ass Liam too. Miley STILL doesnt deserve him.

  39. see this is what makes me an asshole. I could absolutely leave $5 at Tim Hortons window for the coffee behind me but I would just think the shady cashier would pocket it for themselves. but then would that be so horrible? maybe they need it more than fella behind me with disposable income for a drive-thru coffee. that being said that's why I never order food through a window, everyone's probably hungry inside there walking by and tasting stuff but also too I get pissed when my change gets passed and hovered over a bucket with "TIPS" scrawled across it. I do however donate to every bellringer and have purchased and dumped many cups of lemonade and for the record I silently beg any kid to walk up to the door with a rake or shovel I would triple the asking rate. matter of fact as much as I like yardwork if you pushed a lawnmower down my street I'd own you. kids just dont do that anymore probably because of creeps like me. not the actual me but sadistic creepy salacious obnoxious internet me

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