Saturday, March 10, 2018

Blind Item #5

This closeted NFL player loves when people think he is with women. He lives for it so people never ask him about the gay rumors and hookups. What he was not expecting was a video that showed coke and weed and the havoc that is going to bring.


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM


  2. Please be Aaron Rodgers

  3. The video broke - this is Odell Beckham.

  4. Maybe next time.

  5. Odell, and it's a smart move too. The NFL will probably suspend him for the exact number of games next year that he needs to finish rehab for his injury.

    Well played.


  7. The seven second video with OBJ in bed with a pepperoni pizza, a dark-haired girl with glasses and a credit card and him saying "Tryin' to get to sleep with someone?"

  8. I'm still getting over the dad/son make out video.

  9. Funny how Tom Brady's pedo video didn't hit the news media. Perhaps the son should join the MeToo movement.

  10. What pedo video? And he didn't make out with his son, he gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

    1. @Do Tell - The first kiss was a peck. Tom told the kid he had to do better than that if he was going to get what he wanted. The son kissed him again and it was nasty. The full video is on the Sandra Rose site.

  11. I used to kiss my dad on the lips, didn't get pedofiled.

  12. Classic "after the fact" not blind blind.

  13. Italian and Brazilian families kiss on the lips. No big deal just wierdos in America have a hard time with this.

  14. Is this site owned by Daily Mail? These blinds are just ripped straight from DM headlines with 'extra' embellishment.

  15. @plot,not well played,he is negotiating a contract and his value dropped by millions. Probably no suspension, but he may need to agree to drug testing, and fewer teams will show interest. The video was probably supposed to be a "look not gay", and backfired.


  16. Maybe he wants out of NY. Ely is gone. The team is undergoing reconstruction. Perhaps not looking straight is more important in the NFL than drugs.

    Taking on Odell after that horrible injury is a huge risk too.

    1. He is heading into the last year of his contract, a time where stars normally get extensions. Instead of a multi yr deal and the security one brings, they probably make him play the yr out, and then they can use the franchise tag on him for 2 yrs, dangling a huge multi yr deal if he matures.

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Mature. You’re talking about a boy in a mans body who got on all fours in front of 75000 people and a TV audience to pretend he was a dog taking a leak

    3. If he wants the fat contract, he has to change. Problem is that since the Coughlin days the team has enabled his behavior because they were scared of alienating him. New GM and Coach have to set a new tone.

  17. So who filmed and leaked it, some rando from Grindr?

    1. Probably the Giants leaked it, to get ahead of the PR spin and let fans know why they arent giving him a huge extension.

      I am sure NFL security has a vault with dirt on anyone they can get it on. No coincidenc that the Jerry Jones "black girl" video leaked when it did, and that was probably just a warning shot, with worse stuff in the pocket incase of emergency.

  18. have recently emerged of him with weed and coke. However I hate him bc of the ish he started with JNO.
    Loved how Khloe was quick to say check no to dating him lol

  19. People are saying it is Odell Beckham Jr. there is a NY newspaper saying he was with a woman and a white substance. I wish this is Aaron Rodgers but he is too smart to slip up like that. Rodgers has done a good job convincing some NFL fans he is not gay. He has a new beard Danica Patrick.

  20. Odell and this is not a novelty...

  21. This isn't even a blind. It's all over gossip news sites.

  22. The NFL is floundering right now. Viewership was down 10% or more across the board last year, after nearly that much of a drop the previous year (yes, before the president said what millions of fans were already saying). Attendance was worse. It's still by far the biggest thing on TV, so they've thought they didn't have to care, but they're starting to catch on. It's not just the flag thing either. They have real problems with injuries, because they're now committed to trying to keep players from getting hurt in a game where violence has always been a major part of its appeal. The officiating is terrible, and they keep making it worse with rules changes and replay.

    So the league really doesn't need more black eyes right now. It's hard to tell what they'll do to Beckham, though, because Goodell is an idiot who worries more about virtue-signaling to certain groups than anything else.

  23. @Count Jerkula

    Thanks again for your clear headed explanation! I learn from you, ya'know.


    The crap officiating in the NFL is taking it's toll. The owners can only play games with refs for so long before people start suspecting that this hazy definition of what a pass is, or a foul, works to the benefit of a prearranged point spread.

    I agree with all your other points as well. I'm trying to wean myself off my NFL addiction, mainly because of the injury thing and how often players will deliberately damage other, fantastic, players (mainly receivers this year.) Every NFL fan should take a long hard look at the video of a concussed Keuchly leaving the field or the short film by Josh Begley of every concussion from the last season. It's horrible. A complete boycott is needed.

    1. The players are highly compensated for the opportunity to be disposable meat. Have have no sympathy for them being tarded and 1/2 crippled by 40. Look at Shazier, dude crippled because he tried to lead with his helmet on a tackle. His own damn fault.

  24. The Jerry Jones thing, yeah, totally out of left field and weird, feels artificial but I could be wrong.

    I get it. The players know what is at stake and sacrifice their bodies and minds anyway. There was an interview with the daughter of one of the victims of CTE who committed suicide and she said the sad part was her father would do it all over again, peewee football to retirement if given the choice between that and a normal healthy life. I don't think it's all about the money with football. There is a dedication to the sport and the team like not other.

    I'm still uncomfortable watching it now and think I need a break.

  25. Those gay rumors won't go away as long as he hangs with Drake



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