Friday, June 22, 2018

Blind Item #5

This fairly recently separated B+ list mostly television actress/network reality star loves to tell the world how she is vegan, but at home she eats meat all the time and keeps that mink coat deep in her closet.


Sara, Making It Work said...

Alicia Silverstone

cheesegrater15 said...


Sara, Making It Work said...


Sara, Making It Work said...

No, probably Brooke Burke

MDAnderson said...

Jenna Dewan Tatum??

Thonker said...

@cheesegrater LMAOOO good one

CJ said...

Better than actually being vegan. Meat is full of protein, vitamins and minerals. That's why it tastes so good.

DejaBlue said...

Brains shrink in people who are vegans. Look it up.

Brayson87 said...

For some reason hypocrite and vegan seem about the same weight and balance out. She should probably get a pass on this one. Most of the closeted meat eaters in Hollywood are guys.

Can't really give a pass on the mink coat though, this isn't the 1700's, there are alternative fabrics.

Sd Auntie said...

In the 80's, I worked at an Aerospace manufacturer and all the really sweet older ladies would wear their mink collars with the head and feet attached. It was really not a big de a deal and now it is just gross.

hhstarr said...

We have omnivore teeth. We are meant to eat both meat and vegetables. Going against nature is not wise.

idahofaller said...
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idahofaller said...
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hunter said...

Oooookkkaaaayyyyy Idaho. Easy there.

Meat is delicious. Adults love it.

There is something called a food chain and humans were given the omnivorous diet and the tools necessary to eat meat. Feel free to judge something a little more reasonable like whether or not people have sex with toddlers.

Brayson87 said...
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Brayson87 said...

I think vegans have a real PR problem, they need better spokespeople. Right now there's no way they can compete with that whopper with cheese.

Seriously said...

In Trump’s America, we don’t have compassion for children, never mind animals. Fetuses though are precious. How else would we get babies to lock up or high schoolers to shoot? Praise Jesus. He’d sure as shootin’ be impressing that ho Mary M with his AK if he was alive today.

annieroo said...

Was this actress on a PETA advert?

Trace said...

You damn sure got the "nutjob" part right, but I vote we change the first part to "fungus", because one has DEFINITELY eaten your brain.

La-Juice said...

Someone above stated that they believe being vegan causes the brain to shrink. This is absolute bullshit. There is no scientific proof to back up such an idiotic statement. Further, I recently had a full MRI scan, multiple angled, etc... of my head and neck, and the first think my Dr pointed out was I have absolutely no shrinkage, not even what would be expected for my age. And I have been vegan since 1992.

Save your meat eating self loathing for some other bullshit rumor about how being a vegan is bad for you. weak shithead.

Itttt said...
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Itttt said...

The muscle proteins amino acids and fatty acids of meat - i.e. an omnivorous/carnivorous diet - are what allowed the human species to evolve into the apex species and conquer the planet. If our distant ancestors had not begun consuming meat from the time they were living up in the trees in the jungles and plains of Africa, we would have more than likely become the domesticated food source and pets to a species of anthropomorphic feline, canine, and/or ursine species.

As much as I like the Thundercats, fuuuuuuug dat shit.

Brayson87 said...

It's possible to maintain a healthy vegan brain, but so much easier with the occasional delicious Five Guys cheeseburger ;)

The Vegan Brain
Plant-based diets, micronutrients, and mental health

Brayson87 said...

Stephen Lynch "No Meat"

Brayson87 said...

"I’m tired of hummus
And bulgur wheat
Tofurkey tofuck yourself
I want some meat
I respect every creature the birds and the bees
Well I’d eat the shit out some Whopper with cheese
Believe me I’d fuck up that Whopper with cheese

(Whoa) alfalfa sprouts and a red bean
A handful of trail mix
Mmm what a treat
How about some soy yogurt served in a bowl?
I’d rather eat a hobo’s asshole
Yeah I’d rather eat a hobo’s asshole "

Eupheme said...

Holy hell @Brayson,you're slaying it on this thread. The dudes being closet meat eaters really kicked things off 😂

Unknown said...

A hypocrite in Hollywood, nooooo, tell me it ain't so. Next thing you'll BI is that Santa and the Easter Bunny aren't real.

Amy said...

Every vegan I have met (and there are many right now as it's on 'trend') are total knobs. There is no more to add.

Yellow Rose of Tehaw said...

This is also my guess

Unknown said...

Did you go off the meds again nutjob?

Unknown said...

being a vegan does cause you to experience angry outbursts at total strangers online. Must be from the lack of eating good shit that makes vegans so volatile 😂

Thorne said...

Can we stop mink-shaming long enough for me to wear the one I inherited JUST ONE TIME? It's so lonely in storage

K said...

Oh for fucks sakes

LondonGirl said...

Kat von Dee?


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