Friday, June 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 14, 2018

This permanent A list singer is going to screw up her whole lap band surgery thing. Yes, she barely eats now and basically leaves an untouched plate at every restaurant she goes to in town. However, she is drinking way more wine than she used to and doesn't seem to think liquid calories count as calories.

Mariah Carey


Brayson87 said...

She's just working up to a Whitney Houston grand finale if a scarf doesn't get her first.

sandybrook said...

Mimi's not the brightest bulb in the circuit. However besides have calories wines are also anti-oxidants. Like good, dark chocolates.

hunter said...

She looks really good so apparently it's not a problem yet.

Based on watching a friend go through the same (lap band surgery & weight loss), Mariah will ultimately have one hell of a time keeping the weight off. My friend doesn't really drink and it's really hard for her to keep off the 150 lbs she lost.

Muckduck said...

The problem with weight loss surgery is transfer addiction. It sounds like that is what is going on.

Anonymous said...

The problem with lap band surgery is too many people think it's a magical cure - you have to change your entire lifestyle from now on, to keep the weight off. Which, if you had done from the start, you wouldn't need the surgery in the first place.
But I agree I think her problems go way deeper than just being unable to put down the Krispy Kremes.

Unknown said...

Death by vanity.

Unknown said...

I know someone who died about 6 years after her lap band surgery because she couldn't stop gorging herself.

Fifi LaRue said...

Mariah's absolutely right on this one, wine is separate from calories.


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