Blind Item #10
Three options. Jailed, assassinated, or whisked away to a third country. Everyone, including the subject, his host, and several other nation states know these are the options. It is basically a race between the latter two options. No one thinks the first will ever happen. If the third option occurs, look for this permanent A list female celebrity to meet him there at her first opportunity.
Jesus Christ another fake permanent A Lister...
Dude should have put a death insurance policy in place, he drops, everything gets dumped on the internet. Pretty sure it's how Drudge and Enty keep breathing.
She's permanent A for taking Tommy Lee's monster cock on film I guess..
So Enty is in the confidence of everyone from Z list housewives to international conspiracy theorists? Damn he casts a wide net!
Enty has little birds everywhere.
Everyone, even Assange, knows he will be jailed ASAP as soon as he steps out of the embassy. There is no other option. He is guilty of bail jumping, convicted, and that is the first charge and issue to be handled.
The rest is spy movie bullshit.
If he is in danger of assassination, it's from Vlad who is a lot smarter and has more resources than the drama queen, lying sack of shit, Assange.
Brayson, he probably does.
Assange has been out of the embassy since October 2016. Everything since then has been theater.
Once Seth Rich news breaks, and it will break, everything will change.
I thought he has been in North Korea for like ever now..
Daily reminder that the left used to like Assange and Wikileaks, back when they were dumping things like sketchy Bush administration practices in Guantanamo and Sarah Palin's Yahoo emails. Look at the spitting hatred now. Tsk tsk.
Cail is correct.
Cail - Yes. They hated Sessions as well - now he's their darling. Flip Flop flip flop it's all about to drop.
Oh yes, Cail, quite the liberal media darling. Michael Moore, Ken Loache, Oliver Stone, Danny Glover, Bill Maher ad nauseum, posted bail and signed letters to the Ecuadorian government to take him in. The left has a voracious appetite and consistently cannabilizes their own.
Surely he has one hell of a deathswitch if he was to ever "fall ill"
Enty's idea of "permanent A" status makes it abundantly clear that he is a 12-year-old girl.
And @sandy I saw their home movie. Tommy's manhood is long and skinny. Kinda gross, actually. Every girl knows it's the width that counts.
@Cail Corishev
I was all for leaking all wrong-deed-doers until he had to seek asylum and work for the highest bidder.
He'll end up in Russia. Bet me .
"Daily reminder that the left used to like Assange and Wikileaks"
And? So? Things change. People are exposed. Thank god some rely on ethics rather than popularity contests.
I'll take that bet with one caveat - if Jules ends up in Russia, he's dead. Hell, if he ends up walking the streets of London, it might be the same.
Assange is a hero, I hope some good nation gives him a safe landing spot.
A lying sack of shit is not a hero.
weektittylass +1
Yep plot you're no hero!
No I'd say Snowden, but let's see how this plays out
Assange is an imperfect hero for an imperfect age. Anyone who says otherwise is a villain.
Julian Assange/Pamela Anderson
Go Julian! a hero of our times. Hope you find a nice hideaway somewhere.
"Assange is an imperfect hero for an imperfect age. Anyone who says otherwise is a villain.
Stellar logic there, Ace.
And by that I mean not, of course.
Might want to think through what you write.
How did Assange and Pamela Anderson get to know each other? Them being together makes very little sense. It's like a bizarro world episode of Baywatch, where Mitch gets to save a Soviet defector ensconced in the Los Angeles Honduran consulate. Wait!
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