Thursday, September 27, 2018

Blind Item #13

The PR folks for this former A+ list singer turned actress who steals music from those who can't challenge her, have insisted that when possible the singer be referred to as a movie icon. Umm, because of her large body of work in film????


Tricia13 said...


LooksLikeCRicci said...

Gaga? I refuse to believe this...

sandybrook said...


LooksLikeCRicci said...

Dang it, Tricia! Thought I was going to beat you for once, but I got stuck in picture verification city. :)

sandybrook said...

Entys a bit hard of hearing I think. They probably said music icon his drunk ears heard movie icon.

J said...

No thanks, I'll stick with calling her dipshit.

No Wuckin' Furries said...

I'd still do her.

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

Name 3 things that Lady Gaga has that Chaz Bono does not?

A: Singing talent, good looks, and a penis!

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

How does Lady Gaga like her steak?

Raw raw raw raw raw.

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

Why is Lady Gaga a fan of the comic book hero "Wolverine"?

Because they are both Ex-Men!

Meme said...

Maybe there are other films that are known to a select few.

LooksLikeCRicci said...

LOL @ the steak joke. The others were meh.

Unknown said...

Stealing music from? She writes her own music and sometimes collaborates with others on songs

Brayson87 said...

Hey those people got off light, look at what happened to Lina Morgana. Lina was supposed to be the star, Gaga was just the fugle assigned to help develop her.

Flashy Vic said...


Ignore it you can just post and not bother clicking with the infernal 'I'm not a robot' captcha bullshit.

How do you think AmazingQuotes does it?

Brayson87 said...

Female Crow movie loosely based on the rumors surrounding the death of Lina Morgana, easy low budget hit. This sh!t is so easy to come up with it really shows you what morons are running Hollywood.

Moose said...

@Unknown - there was a blind reveal a couple of weeks ago about how Gaga "stole" one of the songs for the ASIB soundtrack off a fairly well known country writer.

IanPhlegming said...

Gaga on the run from the demons she's sold her soul to. Now she stolen songs for the new remake. Let's see who calls her "a movie icon" in profiles or interviews.

BestMan said...

Nope. Notorious reputation in the industry for stealing work as her own. Shes too doped out on pain killers for her "Fibromyass" to write.

plot said...


Every song they used on ASIB is credited. Don't know which one Gaga was supposed to have stolen, but Cooper hired some amazing talent for the soundtrack.

We keep here this but I've never seen a single You Tube video comparing all these songs Gaga has stolen. Beyonce, hell yes! Pharrell and John Legend, oh sure. Gaga, nope.

Okay, except for the original Thief Queen Madge, who has publicly accused Gaga of such?

plot said...


Like which industry insiders claim this? I'd love to know and hear some comparisons.

Casting Girl said...

ENTY had a long long blind about ASIB and Gaga's abysmal behavior to the great scoring/songwriting crew brought into the film.

plot said...


Yeah, and that BI was highly suspect as Gaga did not choose the music, no 1, that was Bradley Cooper as the directer. No 2, the blind said Gaga was dating Willie Nelson's son, Lukas Nelson, which she is not and has not.

It was a sour grapes BI. The director chose Lukas Nelson and Jason Isbell to score the film (among others.) They both have great song writing credentials and wouldn't need to steal from anyone.

Unknown said...

Lmao. Someone drank the kook-aid. Gaga is a music and image thief. She also lies about her past to portray herself as a constant victim and inserts herself into any popular cause that way. She’s really just a spoiled Upper East side girl who grew up privileged and stole looks and materials and pretended to be edgy. Any music she does write, you’ll know because it sounds like a third grader wrote it. And her acting is awful. Payola still works though as I can see.

Unknown said...

You Gaga fans are ridiculous. Your girl is a fraud. Deal with it.

Ophelia said...

I have not seen ASIB so I can't speak to that but @YoureTired +100000 based off of all her other acting. She ruined AHS. They give her such interesting characters to play & she turns them all into total bores on screen with her lifeless "acting". Granted - playing alongside Kathy Bates & Sarah Paulson is probably difficult for any newcomer to look good, but even the extras bring more life to their roles than she does lol

Unknown said...

@grayson87 it is based on a film from the 70's , reaching for straws. Which will be illegal soon, straws not redoing movies from the 70's, which I think should be illegal. I am sick of hollywood rehashing old movies and tv shows because it is cheaper than paying for new material.

plot said...

"Gaga is a music and image thief"


"She’s really just a spoiled Upper East side girl who grew up privileged"

So? You sound envious.

"stole looks and materials and pretended to be edgy"


plot said...


And the 1970s movie was based on a 1954 movie (which is great btw) which was based on a 1937 movie.

All of them are called A Star is Born.

BestMan said...


Just Google "lady gaga steals music"

Where theres a fuck of a lot of smoke....

peawry said...

I guess J-Lo is described as an A-list in her mind. So sadly this blind doesn't work, but it still so does.

plot said...


Fine. Show me the smoke. Which song of Gaga's was stolen material. Really, I don't doubt you. But when I've heard these accusations against others, the YouTube videos exist to document it or the discussions exist on music boards. I do look into these things because, mainly, I hate modern music, yes, even Gaga's. But to build my own accusations with the kids who listen to their Millennial Whoops over and over again, I like to have ammunition.

LooksLikeCRicci said...

I'm actually *not* a huge Gaga fan. I was always more of a Britney, to be honest... #PassTheCheetosAndMountainDewYall

I'm not saying any of you are lying. I'm just curious as to which songs were stolen. That's all.

I'm very curious to see how her Star is Born holds up to all the others... and legit-- am I the *only* one who liked her in AHS? Hotel, not Roanoke. I thought she made a decent effort to share the screen with folks like Angela Bassett and Kathy Bates. I don't think she deserved the Golden Globe she won for it (Leo's reaction is gold--google it if you haven't seen it) but she wasn't horrible.

Ophelia said...

@lookslikecricci like I said it could be BECAUSE she was standing next to people like Angela, Kathy, and Sarah that she came across so stony but I couldn't finish hotel because of it :( after a hiatus I just skipped to roanoke!

Poppy said...

Lady Gaga steals music. She just added one line in that rape song according to Linda Perry who had the demo for years. She had a credit added to "Come to mama" a track from her last album written solely by father John Misty whom agreed to let her get a credit so he could get money out of it but on the day she released her album he posted his demo on Youtube (which she had put down a few days after) to make a point.
She's a fraud, her father paid for everything she is, she does not give her half of her earnings as a gift but because a year before Gaga was created her registered the haus of Gaga company which he owns.
And for somebody who has been called for stealing everybody's songs and work for years and copied all her predecessors she chose to venture into movies by starring in the remake of a remake of a remake of a remake where she plays an ugly singer transformed into a disco singer to become succesful. WHAT A STRETCH.
A new book revealing ALL the ugly behind Gaga is scheduled for next year, just in time for the oscars...which she'll attend because she paid a lot of money for that.

Mary Lamb said...

Google Lina Morgana and I'm not talking about the conspiracy theories, as they're called. She did steal her music and her persona.
Look for what Lina's mother had to say.

Biden is a Pedo said...

What about the theory that Lina was fictional and Gaga really stole from Ysan Roche


plot said...


Linda Perry apologized and admitted she was wrong in the claim that Gaga did not cowrite Til it Happens to You. Maybe under some sort of duress? I don't know.

Papa John Misty's demo is still up on YouTube, easily found. From all the interviews I'm reading of his, he says nothing but good things about Gaga and their experiences working on songs together -

"Tillman revealed that “Real Love Baby” was originally written for Lady Gaga. “I was writing a bunch of songs for [Lady] Gaga and that was one of them. It just sounded so good with me singing it I just couldn’t part with it,” he said, adding that working with Gaga “was way more immersive than” contributing to Beyoncé’s “Hold Up.” "

Again, this could be a cover to make more money off songs he continues to work on with Gaga. I don't know.

"work for years and copied all her predecessors"

I don't think Gaga has exclusively only copied her predecessors, which is kinda a ridiculous claim to make after Madonna opened those floodgates. For one, Gaga didn't steal playing a piano on the back of a giant Louise Bourgeois spider. No one else has done that. The meat dress? Like it or not, no one else has done it. I don't think her video concepts are stolen, certainly not the say Beyonce's are (every damn one of them.) You can claim that Gaga didn't invent those concepts by herself, but then who does? Trent Reznor maybe? Not even him.

If her father paid to get her started, then good for her! Not having to depend on the sleazy music executives like Dr. Luke for financing is a GOOD thing. What do you want her to do with her parents' financial support? Hang out at the pool or marry another rich dude? At least she has done something with it rather than live a desolate life.

plot said...


I've watched the video Mama Morgana put together comparing her daughter with Gaga and it's not that convincing. Lina wears red. Gaga wears red. Lina takes a hip-out pose. Gaga takes a hip out pose. Nothing in the photos of Lina seem to indicate a similar style to Gaga at all. Lina used pretty girl styling and posing. Gaga is far more weird, iconic and irreverent.

I did watch the two videos of Lina's performances and the lip synching is pretty obvious.


Now THERE'S a theory! Ysan Roche is right up Gaga's alley. Yeah, Gaga might have stolen some of Ysan's attitude and fashion usage but it could have come straight out of the club scene, too. I listened to Roche's music, what she has on YouTube and I think it's safe to say that Roche is copying Gaga at this point, not well enough to sue over though. I was the first viewer of most of her product. It looks like she has some self produced movie out there...somewhere.

pixiegothy said...

Nothing about her is original, the meat dress idea was stolen from a punk album cover from 1983, The Undertones - All Wrapped Up

JL said...

When starting out, she headlined the Columbus Day parade in NYC. Stole it from the kid lined up to do it. Takes after her parents.

Thonker said...

Show me one article where they called her that lol Also yeah sure stealing everything. She is being successful so enty needs to get on the hate train and write what a nasty cunt she is because he doesnt like her. fuck you dude...

No Wuckin' Furries said...

So what if she borrows from her influences. In an age when every song in the top forty is either an "interpolation" or heavily samples someone else's hit, I'd say there's a lot more artistic merit to what she does.

plot said...

We all know how Enty and his faithful feel about successful, unapologetic, women with healthy sex lives. Better for them to be abused and drug addicted, even better if they are broke, around here.


Great find! The album cover was withdrawn and destroyed as far as I'm reading. My how things have changed! It continues to shock obviously, since some can't get over Gaga's meat dress.

mooshki said...

She blatantly ripped off Madonna's songs and a number of her looks. Add in Ace of Base, ABBA, and some other less well-known artists. Apart from Enty's blind about the A Star is Born mess.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Stefani Germanotta?
I ignore her. I ignore her work.
She wears horns, and admits selling her soul to Satan. (How else would she get jobs?
I wouldn't see the Star/Born film, even if you paid my ticket. Even if I sat next to Bradley Cooper himself, and he and Irina took me to dinner afterward. (In other words... wild horses could not drag me to the theater.)
Speaking of stealing, her stage name "Gaga" is stolen....from a Queen song.


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