Thursday, September 19, 2019

Blind Item #8

Apparently even today and even if your sibling is a foreign born former A lister there are things like arranged marriages. The parents let the now husband to their daughter have sex with her when she was still underage, but had to wait until she was legal to marry her off. 


MDAnderson said...

Zayn Malik sister? She just got married

J said...

Sounds like a totally enriched culture.

Ladybugmo1 said...

I just looked that up. Married 3 days after turning 17. Although, she looks at least 35 in her wedding photos.

AlleyKat said...

Yep. Probably her cousin.

J said...

Or her brother, like Ilhan Omar.

Rosie riveter said...

I'm not sure how much control they had over their daughter having sex at 17. Most everyone I know had sex by then, especially now days that's probably a few years later than most

Me Again said...

Holy crap. She looks a lot older than 17.

JL said...

No wonder Zahn is a mess. Caught between the modern world and medieval times.

Now! said...

Except that the groom appears to be White British. His name is Martin Tiser.

jason591 said...

age of consent is 16 in UK. Got married at seventeen so its a non-story.

Anonymous said...

Scandinavian descent. Although there are white people who convert, for w/e reason.

Anonymous said...

If they were pimping out their 17 yo for coin, wouldn’t they do it with a man with money? Why sell her out to a low class young boy who looks like he works at McDonalds? You and your bullshit, Enty....

Now! said...

I couldn't figure out if he was a convert or not. He and his family were wearing traditional Pakistani clothing for the wedding, but that might have just been a nod to the bride. Wouldn't he have changed his name if he converted? The wedding cake said "Mr. and Mrs. Tiser."

Anonymous said...

I hate to think what the girl's fate would have been if the prospective husband had not wanted her again after having sex with her.

AlleyKat said...

You obs haven't encountered the British muslinm community!

Pissoff said...

Rag heads?

Boldblonde said...

A lot of people are confused in the comments. The way it happened and I'm sure of it, considering the culture is:
The parents but mostly dad, found out she was dating the guy and therefore having sex with him. To save the girl's honor, as it's usually the case in the culture, they need to marry her to said guy.
The groom's family's clothing has got to be Pakistani because it's a
Paki wedding but also out of respect.
When a 'foreigner' converts, only the first name would need to be changed to a Muslim sounding name. The last name stays the same, unless the person wants a whole new identity.

Now! said...

Ok, but his name is still Martin. Doesn't sound Muslim to me.

Brayson87 said...

Sharia law, coming to your community soon. For straight guys it's not that bad, for everyone else yeesh.

Florence Harding said...

Sharia law? LOL. The US is 1% Muslim. Republicans are nuts (and racist). In the US, most child marriages are between white Christians. The state with the highest rate of child marriages in West Virginia.

Florence Harding said...

Whoops, meant "is West Virgina"

Anonymous said...

You don’t have to change your name if you don’t want to. A lot of people do change out of faith, obviously since they chose the religion instead of being born into it.

not a libtard said...

if only everybody were as tolerant, liberal and non racist, as those cuddly muslims

Brayson87 said...

@Florence, 1.1 percent Muslim and growing. In comparison the US is only 4.5% LGBT and 1.4% Jewish. Do you think power relies only on numbers? Okay then, Islam is the second largest religion in the world, and the fastest growing. Christianity lost its teeth and is fading away.

Brayson87 said...

@Gen, Apparently not in Hollywood.

In much of the ME, boys are for pleasure, women are just for breeding. It's so normalized it's just accepted.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO you clearly know nothing about Muslim communities or the Middle East!

Brayson87 said...

Here's the Afghan version

Anonymous said...

@Brayson if only they knew the amount of pedophilia and incest that goes on in Muslim homes. And I’m not even taking about cousin marriage

Brayson87 said...

@rosemary, It's causing a lot of health issues for the British:

Bradford study finds higher birth defect risk in married cousins

Birth defects blamed on immigrant inbreeding

Now! said...

@Brayson, Christianity is big in China. In fact, some of the Hong Kong protesters have been singing Christian hymns as protests songs. Some see religious echos in their protest against the mainland.

Within the mainland, it's considered rather chic to be Christian - the upwardly mobile choice.

Also, there are more than half a billion Christians in Africa, with more to come, as Africa's population is exploding.

Faust said...

1) I missed @Brayson
2) I am sick and tired of being called racist and nuts because I am republican. @Florence Harding. Truth is that the left preaches love and tolerance as long as you love and tolerate the ones they tell you too.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Nutty, but what are you taking about? The growth of Islam in Africa is so rapid the governments are having issues dealing with such changes. Ask the citizens of Somalia, Sudan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and many other countries who instead of getting help from Islamic authorities and leader, got lectured on being infidels and converted to islam, and their countries are in the worst conditions it has ever been! Even though it’s the 2nd biggest and fastest- growing religion in the world, they can’t seem to find a remedy for all the poverty, terrorist attacks and domestic violence, among other civil rights issues. That’s why the richest & most developed African countries like Nigeria, South Africa, Cape Verde, Seychelles, Namibia, Mauritius, are fighting against Islamic invasion and they have staggering low numbers of muslims for Africa, the citizens there have a brain that’s fed.

memyselfandi said...

Yeah, she looks alot older than 17. But when you watch "turn me into a Kardashian" youtube videos, the makeup can completely alter your appearance.

Brayson87 said...

Thanks Faust!

Don't worry, the far left and the far right both like to do name calling, as predicted. Maybe someday the majority moderates will take back control of their parties.

Terika said...

1. 👍👏👍👏👍👏
2. 👏👍👏👍👏👍

Psychonomics said...

To quote the great Sam Harris: Islam is the Motherlode of bad ideas. As a lesbian female I have nothing but contempt for any religion who violently abuses gays, women, children, animals, and opposing male clan members. this is a barbarous "religion." All religions are absurd, Islam is a weapon of cultural mass destruction. I know several women who barely escaped with their lives from this cult, many of them have body parts missing (FGM). We do not want this crap in the west.

Now! said...

Rosemary, yes, Islam is strong in Africa. There are still more Christians there than Muslims.

Brayson said "Christianity lost its teeth and is fading away." He's wrong.

Night_burger said...

Brayson they are not causing trouble for the British in quite that way. None of them are British to start with. They just want the security of the benefits system. But to also use the religious card whenever they feel like it. In order to not have to integrate and carry on with their frankly medieval customs. Don’t get me wrong, we aren’t perfect here. But most of us draw the line at boning blood relatives! Probably the best option for her. As many a young Muslim girl has ended up rotting in a suitcase for trying to go against the wishes of their families. Obviously as tolerant as they are 😜

HouellebecqGurl said...

Sounds like it, yeah.

I also like the assumption that people's religious faith just melts away if they have a famous sibling/son in CURRENT YEAR. :DDD
This is the most naive LA take,ever. Lol

HouellebecqGurl said...

It's ignorance from the propaganda they ingest which leads to people unable to call out kiddie molestations & rapes. Really sad stuff.


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