Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Your Turn

Has your favorite adult beverage changed over the years? What was it and what is it now?


  1. Keystone Light for life !!!

  2. I mostly drink wine or beer. The only difference is now I drink more expensive wine and beer.

  3. Most domestic beers not labelled as IPAs are swill. Yuengling was my favorite until, with Budweiser's help, it got mass-produced. Another one ruined by mass-production is Landshark

    1. I’m a total IPA girl 👧🍺!

  4. I used to not drink at all. Now I drink everything but gin.

  5. I used to love Midori Sours. But I don't really drink. If I do, it'll probably be a White Russian.

  6. Several times.

    When I was just of age, screwdrivers were my favorite.

    When I was stationed in Germany, at first wine was my favorite. Then it switched to beer when I realized German beer wasn't the same as our mass produced beers of the time.

    For a very short time, I loved tequila.

    Then I went dry for a while.

    Then I started liking wine again.

    And now, I mostly like IPA.

  7. Like mostly everyone, I would drink whatever for the buzz. Now it’s a proper old fashioned.

  8. As a knucklehead young guy in Chicago I remember favoriting one American beer for a while, say local Old Style, and finding others completely undrinkable. Then I'd switch to Budweiser or Miller or even nasty Olympia and like it just as well, now hating the one I liked before. I guess your palate gets trained.

    Nowadays it's Sancerre.

  9. Was milk, now ice cold Red Bull

  10. Started with Pink Zinfandel and Coors light (ugh)... most recently I liked Vodka Tonics (Gray Goose or Tito's) and the only beer I like is Guinness and I can't drink wine anymore. Now I barely drink as the effects are not worth it as I feel achy from even one glass of wine. I stick to water, iced tea or coke.

  11. Feel like I used to prefer party mixed drinks but nowadays it's either good vodka or plain beer.

  12. High School parties it was sloe gin and OJ, or a sloe screw, then I went to beer and shots and that is pretty much my go to. I do love a Tito's Bloody, very spicy, with a pickle spear. I also enjoy a nice Pinot Noir.

  13. I didn't drink for more than 20 years and then well I turned fifty and night sweats and mood swings and the like made me go back to beer. It's got estrogen or some shit that eases symptoms. I like Guinness in the winter and Hi Life the rest of the time. I don't like IPAs. They give me a headache and make me want to go to sleep. Once in a while I like a shot of Jameson, or if it's cold out, more than a shot. ALSO LOVE SAZERAC. OMG so good in coffee.

  14. Was: Coffee, light and sweet
    Now: Coffee, black

  15. When ya boy Troy was a younger man, it was “PBR me ASAP”, then when I moved back to the Midwest, I liked to imbibe with a can of Hamm’s.

    Middle aged Troy can’t do too much beer so a glass of whiskey neat is a go to, but usually my better half and I stick to wine.

  16. Builders...2x Yorkshire teabags and a spot of semi skimmed, perfect!

  17. I used to like Smirnoff Ice until one day it felt like battery acid in my stomach.
    Now I like gin (Bees Knees made with lemon and my own honey) and whiskey neat or with lemonade.

  18. I have always Bud light gal, but now I also enjoy Michelob Ultra or a Stella. My favorite mixed drink go to has always been rum and OJ though.

  19. i used to drink beer mostly sometimes mixed drinks but now its arrowhead mountain spring water. i dont drink alcohol anymore, just got tired of it.

  20. @ Farmgirl, Yes!! Also love home made lemonade and root beer :)

  21. Before it was legal for me to drink it was a cold Lone Star or Annie Green Sorings Country Cherry. Now that I’m older and wiser it’s a neat single malt Scotch Roman aged Medco.

  22. Darn autocorrect-not Roman -or a nice Medoc

  23. Beer? Any lager, I'm not fussy anything wet and alcoholic...except Stella, which tastes of an Arab's jockstrap. And Harp which is a crime against humanity.

    And I like my whiskey the way I like a seventies porn star. just get my lips round a nice Black Bush. I'm patriotic.

    1. Unfortunately one of my nephews just got deployed to the Middle East. VERY limited communication, but yesterday I got a pic of him on a beach with someone riding a camel behind him. Under the camel is an empty bottle of water & a half-empty bottle of beer. My sister asked if I thought they were his, and I said of course. She asked me if I’d drink the rest of a beer that a camel walked over, and I said no, but people in America do it everyday—they drink Budweiser!

  24. God my favorite in my early 20 and beyond was wine coolers . Remember Matilda Bay?? Today a nice hot cup o tea with lemon or a Dr Pepper will do just fine .

  25. @J!! I’m from Chicago a south side girl !!

  26. I got sober so yeah.

  27. It's changed tons. My very first bevvie of choice was vodka and OJ back in the day. It's now red wine, but there have been a LOT of steps in between.

  28. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Too many personal questions.

  29. Diet Coke pour toujours!

  30. Actually, amaretto and OJ is pretty damn tasty.

  31. Anonymous4:08 PM

    @Zilla3 I love Disaronno amaretto. Whether a stone sour (like yours) or a plain amaretto sour. I don't do much drinking today but the occasional cold beer with pizza or an amaretto sour. I also love Appleton rum and coke. As a young kid I'd drink anything. I don't know how I avoided becoming an alcoholic but I'm grateful I outgrew the need to drink myself to passing out.

  32. I've always been a whiskey girl. Seven and seven when I was younger; now I like Southern Comfort or a whiskey sour.

  33. Anonymous6:51 PM

    When I was young I thought both wine and scotch were undrinkable. Older me thinks they are both delicious.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I used to drink scotch mixed with apple cider. Now I drink vodka neat.

  36. I used to order White Russians or from frou-frou drinks like pina coladas. Now it’s Pinot noir (I live in wine country), vodka soda, or maybe a Heineken with a sandwich or a margarita rocks (with salt!) with Mexican food. Cheers! 🍷

  37. Oh my first favorite in high school was Jack Daniels in a Coke Slurpee. OMG So good, such a bad headache. We used to make them in the theatre in this place we went to watch foreign films on the weekend. Shocking, actually, Memphis had a theater that did foreign films for a dollar. I remember seeing Luna one afternoon. YIKES wasn't expecting that!

  38. I stopped drinking Becks after Lucas showed me an article describing their buy out by InBev and how it was no longer made in Germany or with German hops.

    I am no music nerd turned coffee nerd turned beer nerd. I am not paying premium prices for domestic beer. I am almost 100% on Yuengling now.

    I remember in the 90s when Yuengling was getting a foothold in NJ and some bars had it on the import list. Arguing with waiters & bartenders. "Imported from fuckin Pennsylvania? GTFOH w/ that price. Stuff is cheaper by the keg than Bud."

  39. Started out as Zima. Then cranberry/vodka or tequila sunrise. Now I'm more into craft beer and sweet wines.

  40. It used to be good wines especially champers. Then I discovered the glorious world of straight, single malt whisky, sipped. The big, bold, smoky, peaty ones. Now my medications do not play well with alcohol so I allow myself a very occasional light pear cider. Usually it's cold water or straight, black coffee.

  41. yes✔️
    crisp, chilled Pinot Grigio OR chilled oaky, butter finish Chardonnay✔️✔️



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