Thursday, September 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 7, 2019

Another purchase of yet another place he can't afford. The former A+ list rapper loves making real estate announcements.

Kanye West


sandybrook said...

wait until he banks the money in the collection box at "church" and gets his TV show on PTL.

longtimereader said...

As long as he's with the K-Klan he's fine, when they cut him loose...

Tiff said...

He just ranked #1 for top hip hop earner released in news today so I think he is doing ok.

E said...

By who? Forbes? The same "financial publication" that took payment from PMK to name one of her pig spawn a "billionaire"?

Brayson87 said...

Kanye usually plays with other people's money, he's too manic to keep his own.

Brayson87 said...

Props to Kanye though for proving that anyone can be a loudmouth preacher, the bullshit artists of the clergy world, can I get an amen?

MissPeach said...

I don't quite understand...according to (unless their stats are grossly incorrect) Kanye is worth $250 million, and Kim is worth $350 million, so how is it that as a couple they couldn't afford properties? Even if Kim doesn't share her money with him, he is apparently worth a lot on his own, again, unless his networth is totally wrong on that site.

Rosie riveter said...

MissPreach, Enty has a daily quota to make. This is probably just one of the fillers, to keep us clicking away.
Enty doesn't know Kanye's financial situation any more than he knows yours or mine.

ccryder said...

Backed out of Faena Miami Beach condo purchase in February 2019. Said 1)Kim didn't like it, although photos of them groping each other on the patio, clearly in the exuberance of their wonderful lifestyle, or 2)was leaked to press, despite KW having a camera crew document (see #1).

Either way, throwing around money you don't have doesn't make you wealthy.
This isn't "The Secret" philosophy.

They're exhausting.

Anonymous said...

Kanye found a new way to make money off of religion. His church is going to grift a lot of suckers!

StheNine said...

MissPeach I use to think that as well,until I heard about Depp.
Who knows how much he has.

MissPeach said...

@StheNine Hmmm...interesting. Maybe he doesn't have money but we know Kris Jenner whores out Kim, so Kim has lots of money. But perhaps she doesn't let Kanye have any access to it because she knows inside he is out of his damn mind.

Studio54 said...

KON and the Gospel of Bling. Right after Benny Hinn, denounced the Prosperity Gospel.

It's only MAGA of color that would fall for that KON in the first place, so please, give your very last cent to KON and his overpriced merchandising worshipping KON.

Chelsea.Beaver said...

The purchase price of the compound was lowered to $7 million back in April, so the property is definitely not $14 million. Probably far less than $7 million also, since, who seriously cares about accumulating property in Wyoming? It’s
not like it’s Aspen...

Chelsea.Beaver said...

Also, I think what Enty means about Kanye having a poor financial situation; the guy is notoriously known for handling money poorly, outside of what’s been published. Like owing a lot of people money, kind of bad.

Psychonomics said...

It was reported today that Kanye has overtaken Jay-Z as the highest grossing Hip Hop "artist." So who is telling the truth here?

Stupidpervs said...

Well starting your own cult is expensive

Stupidpervs said...

I would say Kanye is cash poor kinda broke..he probably has crap investment's out the ass

Sophia S said...

James Howlett said...

Is it true his wife was dosing him with LSD?

redstiletto said...

+1 what Sandybrooks and Longtimereader said.


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