Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Blind Item #4

This former network reality star/one season wonder turned reality star on another network show was hugely popular on both show. The network wants to being her back to her original show for another season because the way she drives ratings.


Tricia13 said...

Hannah Briwn?

MDAnderson said...

Hannah Brown

Jim said...

Reckon we'll get a Musk blind today? Feels like it's been a while

Sd Auntie said...

Ms New York-Tiffany Pollard

Vita said...

Hannah B and the clusterf of bringing her back on the Bachelor.

Gator said...

No wonder she won't go away on the Bachelor.

Anonymous said...

She pretty much confirmed this on twitter... not really a blind. Definitely doesn't seem like she wants to be there.

Drewholtaus said...

Such a fame ho she is!

Regina said...

She is so annoying

Maggie T said...

Crazy to think Heather Locklear used to be a show's ratings booster.

Rachel said...

Since the season has already been filmed (yes I understand she was on the premiere) does this mean they want her to be the bachelorette again?


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