Monday, April 13, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 3, 2020

With the stock of this company cratering down to nearly $3 at its lowest during the sell off, the A- list reality star's side gig is looking a whole lot less lucrative. It isn't as if they gave her all cash. In fact, most of it was stock which has fallen about 70%. So much for being a billionaire. Narrator's voice. She was never a billionaire.

Kylie Jenner


Trapped said...

Okay whatever she’s worth, it way more than I can ever imagine. lmao

Freed Weave said...

Without an ounce of charisma, talent/competency or genuineness (in personality & looks), she's gonna go broke quick considering how much she spends on luxury everything-in-this-world and user friends

sandybrook said...

All w/o any type of education

PhillyWilly said...

I also think that as part of the deal, there as an out-clause before a certain date.

Billeye4 said...

I think Kylie is the smartest out of all of them. She’s gotta be to have all this and just be 22.

EntyAddict said...

It’s still being reported that she still is a billionaire.
MSM lying??!!

Studio54 said...

The clause for COTY to pull out of the deal was by March 31, and they completed the deal on January 5, before COVID-19 tanked everything. COTY then turned to making Hand Sanitizer, which PMK and Kylie are pimping as their own gesture. Not so, Coty said they were doing this a month ago.

Aquagirl said...

I saw pics of the hand sanitizer that Coty is making. The label says Coty, nothing to do with Kylie (unless there are 2 lines being produced.)

Studio54 said...

@Aquagirl: Kylie's is under the "KylieSkin" label, and she and PMK are giving it away to front line workers. They all were made by Coty.

Aquagirl said...

@Studio: Yes, I saw it in the DM after I posted. So there are definitely 2 lines being produced.

Studio54 said...

@Aquagirl: Yes, it appears there are two lines being produced by Coty of hand sanitizer. It's probably worth their while to publicize Kylie's line since they paid 600 million dollars for a 51 percent stake in her company just before the bottom fell out of everyone's business due to COVID-19.

Clark St. said...

She was never a billionaire!
She just got a small percentage of sales, probably 2%-3%.
It was a good deal of cash, but just a few million & you can bet she pissed it away quickly!


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