Sunday, May 10, 2020

Blind Item #5 - The List

Every year, for many years there has been a list posted. A top 10 list of the most famous celebrities who like a certain form of animation. Until his death, this permanent A+ list actor was always at the top. When he died, a number of celebrities tried to push their way to the top. This alternating all time box office champ won out over this former A+ list rapper and this A/A- list mostly movie actress who is really sly. Being at the top of this list and proving your worth is how you move to the rung of the next list higher which is the ultimate list. The perceived people who lead rather than being followers. If you ask people on that list about the animation, they always have the same couple of stick answers, but if you dig deeper, they like the forced sex aspect of it and the fact drawn characters can be any age. Let that sink in a bit.

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