Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Today's Blind Items - The Marriages - Old Hollywood

This A list director who was an Oscar winner married four times in his life. It was the first marriage that anyone ever discusses. That first marriage was to a permanent A lister and his treatment of her was one of the reasons she turned to drugs and booze more frequently. The director was an awful person. There has been a book or two written about him, but those books and even his Wikipedia page, make it seem as if was gay only prior to moving to Hollywood and then went back in the closet and didn't have sex with any men for the rest of his life. That is of course nonsense.

The director didn't love the actress and it was an arranged marriage. He directed his wife while she was going through her first divorce and just before they married. While filming was taking place, the director was sleeping with his future wife. He was also sleeping with the leading man in the movie. It was really his best known role. In the next movie the actress made, also shot by her now husband, he tried to get the lead actor to sleep with him, but was turned down. During a movie about a swashbuckler a couple of years after, the director once again directed his wife and this time did succeed in sleeping with the leading man. He was in lust with the permanent A list actor/director/dancer and went over budget just so he could find new ways to shoot the actor. All of these affairs with men while married, caused our actress to go into a deep state of depression. She did have a child with the director.  

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