Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Today's Blind Items - One Movie

I am not sure how many directors have made a X rated movie and also been nominated/won multiple Oscars, but this one did. He was known for having women do things they didn't want to do and would surprise them with the most awful things he could imagine. He wanted to see their reactions and capture it on film. He would only cast actors who would be willing to go along with these things. He did this right up to his final movie and the actress offspring all of you know, who didn't know she was going to have to get naked.

This is not about her or any of the director's most famous movies. This one, was a much smaller film with some very taboo family topics. There is an actress who is the love interest of the male lead, at the beginning of the film and the end. The entirety of her role was filmed at the beginning of production. The director wanted to see how a scene would work where the woman was forced to have sex with the lead actor's character and his best friend in the movie who later dies. As was his usual style, the director didn't tell the actress any of it. It was supposed to be aa kissing scene, not a forced threesome. She cried the entire way through it and walked off the set and never worked in any movie or show or play ever again.

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