Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Today's Blind Items - Summer Camp

This actress started to make it big when she was in her teens. She hit it big pretty much, right away. She is A/A- list and is an Oscar winner/nominee. Her family has always been very grounded and there was never the whole you have to work thing so you can support us stuff coming from the family. Despite the acting and despite all the Hollywood stuff, her family wanted her to do normal things. One of those experiences they wanted her to have was summer camp. So, off they sent her. It was something she had done as a camper and this particular time she went as more of a counselor rather than just a camper.

While there, she ended up hooking up with another counselor and our actress became pregnant. While she was pregnant, her first big break was showing her to the world. The only other person in the business she told she was pregnant was an actress who she worked with and her own pregnancy drama a decade or so later. Our pregnant actress didn't tell a soul she was pregnant and didn't tell anyone when she had an audition for the role that would change her life. She managed to get out of some table reads, and then gave birth and two months later was shooting the role that would shine a huge light on her. 

It was an open adoption and about five years ago, the child made contact with our actress who has brought her into her close knit fold and gone on vacations and things with the permission of the adoptive parents. No one has asked about the child. They just assume the child is a friend of one of the other children. The father of the child has never really wanted anything to do with the child.

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