Friday, November 10, 2023

Four For Friday - Designer Scandals

#1 - It wasn't that long ago that this designer died. It wasn't long before that her husband was hooking up with a permanent A list designer.

#2 - This permanent A list men's designer loves telling everyone about the need a magnifying glass to see the size of it of this A list actor from an acting family.

#3 - Speaking of which, this designer was also less than impressed with the package of this at the time A- list singer who then became an A list actor. So, computers were used on the photos to make him look much more endowed. They knew the product would sell better that way.

#4 - For about six months, this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner and is retired from acting, owned one of the largest fashion houses in Europe at the time. he won it in a poker game and it took the designer six months to get enough money to buy it back from the actor. 

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