Friday, January 26, 2024

Four For Friday - Strange Drug Tales

#1 - This former A list actress comes from a long history of entertainers. She doesn't really act any longer but all of you know her. She used to shame other actors when they would be caught doing drugs, but our actress was almost kicked off a movie because she was caught naked doing lines off her co-star's naked body. Apparently, the director caught them because they were using the director's trailer.

#2 - This former A+ list singer who sometimes acted, passed out from drugs on the Oscar stage during rehearsal. At first, everyone was afraid to move her, so they just left her on the side of the stage while they continued rehearsing. Finally, after about 15 minutes, paramedics took her backstage.

#3 - Everyone knew that the way to get a job on this foreign reality show was to get naked with the boss and his girlfriend (not the one he married) and have sex and do as many drugs as possible so he would have you recorded and vulnerable. You were also not allowed to hook up with anyone outside of his presence.

#4 - One of the biggest reasons this A list singer from an A list group broke up with this former A- list singer/actress is because the A- list singer/actress did so much coke one night, she was heavily bleeding and bled all over a 400 year old antique couch the A list singer had just purchased. 

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