Friday, October 28, 2011

Jean Claude Van Damme Trashes A Bar

Last night a stuntman in the movie The Expendables 2 was killed in an explosion gone wrong. Earlier this week, Jean Claude Van Damme had an explosion of his own as he trashed a bar in Bulgaria where the movie is being shot. Apparently Jean Claude went into the bar around 4am and was already drunk and bought vodka for the bar. He then was challenged to an arm wrestling contest. When he lost, he went into a rage and throwing glasses and smashing tables. He also accused someone of stealing his watch. Jean Claude does not sound like a fun drunk.


Murphy Brown 2020 said...

LOL. This sounds like a Buzzfoto blind, except it's REAL.

I've been a bartender. I've seen a transvestite masturbate, I had a man who crashed a car into a brick wall stumble in and ask for a vodka tonic, and I once had to call the cops on a man who decided to take a whiz on a stool.

I'd rather strip than serve drinks ever again, is my point.

The Black Cat said...

Isn't Jean Claude a bit long in the tooth for this kind of thing? Is he living proof that some men just never grow up?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ecua said...

That's really, really sad about the stunt man. I mean, I know they are well aware of the risks of their profession, but still.

As for Jean Claude VanDouche: I would expect nothing less from him. He has self-centered asshole written all over him! You SO know he's got a tiny penis.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

In totally unrelated news: congrats to fellow CDANer parissucksliterally for being today's runner-up Caption Contest winner on Dlisted!

I liked your entry the best, btw. And I'm not blowing smoke up your ass.

Anonymous said...

Rhoid rage much? What a turd.

timebob said...

Chuck Zito bitch slapped Jean after Jean C insulted him.

Jean Claude is a pussy.

Kara said...

I lived in Bulgaria. The bars got pretty rowdy. It's really hard for me to imagine how bad he was that it made the news....

Sylvia said...

What a sore losser..

bluebonnetmom said...

He is a real prize....

RocketQueen said...

The funniest thing about this is that he lost an arm wrestle.

thisoldbroad said...

He's been a hot mess for over 20 years, I'm shocked his liver is still functioning.


mooshki said...

That poor stuntman. :( I know it's a risky profession, but you always hope the precautions will work the way they're supposed to.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Ida - I would have liked to see the look on your face when all three of those stories occured. LOL ;)

LMAO at this quote from the Daily Mail article: 'I came in to have a quiet coffee and couldn't believe my eyes. There was Van Damme screaming like a maniac and smashing up a table,' one drinker told local media.

To be fair to JCVD, he was angry b/c he thought his arm wrestler partner stole his watch, not b/c he lost the match. ;)


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