Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today's Blind Items - Easy Ones

#1 - This former reality star turned celebrity turned reality judge had the biggest attitude at an event this week. It was about fashion so of course she thought she knew the most and anyone who had a differing opinion with her was told, "Until you have a fashion line, then all you have is an opinion. I know what I am talking about." She then looked at another former reality star from a show I hated with a passion and refuse to acknowledge even existed who had a fashion line and said, "Until you have a successful fashion line." She then turned and walked off.

#2 - I feel like Ted "Twilight" Casablanca with this one. Seriously, I am surprised he does not have Twilight tattooed on his chest. Anyway, back in the day when the franchise first started filming, this actor was hooking up with this actress who played his sister. Well, what was not known at the time by that actress was that he was also hooking up with another of his sisters who we will call sister #2. Sister #1 disappeared from the picture at some point, but despite everything that has gone on with our actor and another actress from the movie, he keeps going back to sister #2. Apparently they got noise complaints last night in a European hotel because they were so loud in bed.


ms snarky said...

Lauren Conrad maybe?

ms snarky said...

oh, wait. I meant, Nicole Richie to Lauren Conrad.

ms_goddess said...

#1 - Kelly Osbourne & ???

#2 - Robert Pattinson, Nikki Reed (isn't she the one who got married not too long ago), Ashley Greene

Rita said...

#2 is Duh Edward Cullen and his bland sister Ashlee Green. Wonder if lip-biting Bella knows about these two.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

1. WHAT? Okay, I guess I'll say Nicole Scherizindinger or whatever. Or Paula? She was a huge celebrity before A.I. or The X-Factor, though. I don't know. Enty, is this an unfinished blind or something? I don't know how I'd react if someone were to come up to me and say "Until you have a successful fashion line." I think I'd laugh, honestly. Again: WHAT?

2. R-Pattz and that chick with the weird nose? Ashley something? Nikki Reed is married, so I guess she's out.

Sidenote: I've never seen these movies (and hopefully never will), but that curly-haired redhead is GORGEOUS. It shocks me how she doesn't have a more active career.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Oh! Okay. Nicole Richie is a cunt, by most accounts. I can see her acting like this towards Lauren Conrad. I agree with Ms Snarky.

Seachica said...

Sorry, I can't picture Robert pattinson making anyone scream during sex. He seems so sexless to me. And isn't he dating Bella irl?

I would guess the other Cullen brother.

I like Lauren Conrad for #1. Does Nicole richie have a reality show she judges?

Rita said...

@Ida, I don't get the first blind either. But the last sentence makes me think that the reality star made fun of, is Lauren Conrad, who still does not have a successful fashion line despite all her efforts.

But the reality star, turned star, turned reality judge: no idea.

bluebonnetmom said...

1. Nicole Richie to Lauren Conrad
2. Robert Pattinson, Nikki Reed and Ashlee Green and Kristen Stewart. How is he still alive dodging all of that on a movie set? Wow.

Anonymous said...

1. Nicole Richie to Jessica Simpson
2. Not Kellan Lutz, Not Pattinson. The third brother.

Nosey Parker said...

ITA with Ms Snarky

Rita said...

Ditte - Jackson Rathbone? The silent but deadly one?

#1 can't be Nicole to Jessica, for comparing revenues, Jessica's is making billions (!) while Nicole is not even breaking 20 million.

Princess said...

#1 definitely Nicole the cnt Richie, to Lauren Conrad.

#2 I can't even guess as the wording is kinda messed up. Edit Enty.

BrandieMarie said...


Trey said...

#1 definitely sounds like Nicole Ritchie, but what is she a reality tv judge on? And why did Enty hate the Hills so much?

BrandieMarie said...

@ida - the redhead was fired after the second movie. summit says it was because she signed on for another movie that starting filming the same day as the 3rd twilight. she says it was only a 10 day overlap. regardless it was fishy and weird and there's something they aren't saying. i think that ruined alot of chances for her in hollywood.

Patty said...

Ms Snarky's guess FTW

Nicole is judging a show with Jessica Simpson.

Although, I can see Jessica saying something this stupid.

BrandieMarie said...

#1. nicole is def a reality star (simple life) turned celebrity (a la paris hilton) turned judge (fashion star)

and she has the brody jenner connection which people have said has always been a sore spot for her vs the hills girls. but idk that i'd call her line anymore successful than laurens. i know i can buy lauren's stuff at kohls. idk where to get anything nicole makes. but i still think is them. i think nicole thinks very highly of herself compared to how the rest of the world sees her.

MacVixen said...

Nicole is going to be on that new Project Runway ripoff show with Jessica Simpson.

I actually like some of Lauren Conrad's line that I saw at Kohl's. She's very into the bows, but overall I thought her line was feminine, soft and flirty.

MacVixen said...

@bnl: Did Nicole and Brody Jenner used to date? What/where is their connection?

BrandieMarie said...

@MacVixen. yes. they have been friends since childhood and dated for a few months in between her breaking off her engagement with DJ AM and starting to date Joel Madden.

for him it was right after he broke up with kristen cavallari and before he dated lauren.

RocketQueen said...

1. Definitely Nicole Richie. She is a bitch of the first class order - she either said this to Jessica or Lauren. Why people continue to think she's this wonderful person now is beyond me, when she's proven otherwise over the years.

2. Sorry Ent - I'm burned out on Twilight. I blame Ted.

The Flower Girl said...

cosign nicloe richie

EmEyeKay said...

I've read The Awful Truth (I quit because everything was about Twilight/Rob/Kristin) and those Twilight fans are nuts. If Enty is saying that Rob is sleeping with someone else and those people find out, they're going to crucify him. If Ted even hints that there's something wrong with their relationship they go ballistic. It's very strange.

Jasmine said...

does anyone else but me feel sorry for Kristen stewart?

What.a.doughebag.this dude is.

Using women like tissue to boost ur ego is in the top 10 worst things a person could do.

And the only way girlfriend was screaming last night was from being tickled or something- cause Robert P. is about as sexy as Pee Wee Herman.

JoElla said...

Okay someone please give me the clif notes on the richie gossip!!

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Jasmine -- Hey! I think Pee Wee's kinda hot. ;-)

I kiiiiiiinda feel bad for Kristen Stewart, but did you read her recent comments about how all the teachers in her life "totally failed" her? Okay. We ALL had one or two shitty educators, but that profession is HARD and largely thankless. Kristen makes their average salary in, like, one hour. Shut up, K-Stew.

I do think she's gorgeous -- and, honestly, I don't think she's a terrible actress or anything, but she DEFinitely comes across as a bit ungrateful in interviews. That will not serve her well.

I have a strong feeling that when this whole Twilight mess is over, she'll whine about being tied down to that role for so many years. She can use a hundred dollar bill or two to wipe away her tears of regret, I guess.

Jolene Jolene said...
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Jolene Jolene said...

Definitely Nicole Richie to Lauren Conrad. You think Nicole has any idea about a fashion line sold at Kohl's? Most likely not. Nicole's line is called Winter Kate and it's sold at lots of higher end stores, Nordstrom, Neimans, Saks, Revolve, etc. She thinks very highly of herself, obviously.

Sister #1 Nikki Reed, #2 Ashley Green, guy is Robert Pattinson blah blah blah boooooring.

Sarah said...

#2 is obviously Pattinson and Ashley Greene. Hard to know if this counts as cheating though when he and KStew still won't admit they're dating and spend months apart. She may know all about it.

Missjenny619 said...
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Andrew said...

#2 is obviously Rob and Ashely Greene but i dont know that i necessarily believe it. He seems more into Kristen than she's into him. Plus he really actively pursued her while she had a bf.. i dont believe he'd cheat on her.

Missjenny619 said...

Is/are Nicole Ritchies line(s) successful? I know Jessica Simpson's line is close to the billion dollar mark and I think Lauren Conrad does pretty well at Kohl's.

I have a f ew of Lauren Conrad's pieces and several things by Jessica Simpson. I didn't buy it because it had their name on it, I've never watched a single episode of anything that Lauren Conrad has ever been in and I don't have a single Jessica Simpson song on my iPod (nor have I seen her movies, but I don't think anyone has).

However, I do find their stuff to be wearable, affordable and durable. Jessica Simpson's makes some kick-ass bras and chonies! Love them!!! (and shoes too! And her "Fancy" perfume smells really good too! My old roommate scored a free bottle from the radio station she used to work at, I loved it!!).

I don't know if I have ever seen Nicole Ritchie's things for sale, but then again, I don't go to Neimans or anyplace fancy like that. Ho-hum.

Anonymous said...

Yes Rita, that's him. I don't think it's Rob P. I simply cannot see him being a player.

Anonymous said...

@Andrew & @Ditte You'll be shocked to see what Robert P. is capable of doing.

This is him and his sister #1 Nikki Reed (Yes while he was "actively pursuing Kristen Stewart")-

Andrew said...

I dont see Rob as a player either, however the blind fits Rob perfectly. Rob was banging Nikki Reed during movie 1, and the other actress he's involved with is KStew.. Plus i believe the only Twilight actors in europe right now are rob and ashley. so it makes sense that this is Rob. I just dont really believe it. He doesnt seem like that type.

Anonymous said...

This is Robert P. just today morning 3am in a club. Ashley Greene was with him too. Looks like a taken man?-

Rita said...

@J. Woods - so it was drunken loud sex they were having. See if Ashley Greene doesn't use that one to her advantage...

Better hope them crazy twihards don't hunt you down though Ash.

Jenny said...

@J. Woods Wow. Pattinson looks hot in that pic. He doesn't usually do it for me.

I always thought he and KStew were more of a FWB thing anyway, so I can buy this.

#1 Totally Nicole Richie to Lauren Conrad. But she needs to get over it. They're about on equal levels these days.

summer said...

Pattinson? nahhhh he's gay

Laura said...

Lauren Conrad's clothes at Kohl's are really cute. I also read an interview with her and she sounds very smart and grounded.

My 77 yo mother wears a pair of Jessica Simpsons flats.

I stopped reading Ted's column when it became All Twilight All The Time. Ugh.

Lori said...

i dont think k-stew is a good actress at all, unless sighing, looking down, biting your lip and attempting hugh grant eyes are the sign of a good actor...her dead eyes bother me, too. I hate how entitled she sounds in interviews, and how she seems to use f bombs merely for the effect. Dont feel bad for her at all. Also dont get the appeal of R-Pattz

EmEyeKay said...

@J. Woods - oh, snap! I'm sold!

RenoBlondee said...

My first thought was Jessica to Nicole, but I can't stand Nicole, so hopefully it was her hateful self.

I gotta go w/ Rob too, but had no idea him and Ashley diddled! Huh!
Ditto on Ted's board, those people scare me!

rainbow said...

I agree with a poster above that Pattinson is gay.

my first thought #Nicole Richie to Lauren Conrad.

Katie said...

This is Jessica Simpson to Nicole Richie. They are both judges on an upcoming fashion reality show. Enty already revealed a blind where Jessica pitched a shit fit to get top billing and pay over Nicole bc her line was much more successful. The show that Enty can't stand is the Simple life.

mindy said...

@J. Woods Damn! Those pictures are quite interesting. #2 is totally Rpatz.

Basil said...

I'm going to agree with Katie. That line about hating a show has got to be Simple Life(which I actually liked) because of Paris Hilton. But would Jessica be considered reality star/celebrity/reality judge? She was pretty famous before the reality show. Oh well, I guess it is semantics since Newlyweds was the show that "made" her.

Amy said...

This is Jessica Simpson to Nicole Richie.

Agreed, RPattz is gay

mooshki said...

Ida, the redhead is Rachelle Lefevre. She was on the one-season show 'Off the Map,' and she was great! I see from imdb she is now on 'A Gifted Man.' Maybe I'll have to start watching... I don't know what shenanigans went on with the 'Twilight' stuff, but she is gorgeous and talented, and I hope she continues to have a strong career.

free said...

Definitely Nicole Richie to Lauren Conrad.

@summer said...Pattinson? nahhhh he's gay

I agree, he is gay

Anonymous said...

#1 Jessica Simpson to Nicole Richie. There have been other blinds of similar nature before.

#2 @J. Woods Holy shit! Never saw Pattinson like that. That pretty much confirms this blind.

And don't feel sorry for kristen. They are never seen together. Also my gaydar pings hard for her.

ruby said...

Nikki reed and Jackson Rathbone r in Spain. He used to bang Ashley Greene. Nikki's marriage is just PR. They were prob the ones loud banging in the hotel. RP and Kristen are both gay and double bearding, IMO. He might b bi actually but shes a dyke. No doubt.

Anonymous said...

@ruby Doubt it. Nikki Reed is actually on a honeymoon with her husband there. He is with her.

Rosie said...
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Rosie said...

#1 Jessica Simpson to Nicole Richie.

PS: I've always thought Rob was gay...I still think Rob is gay

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Mooshki -- I think Rachel should consider herself lucky to escape that mess. ;-) I also wonder why she hasn't been snapped up as some sort of shampoo spokeslady. Seriously. THAT. HAIR.

Anyway, I can't see Jessica being that bitchy to someone else. She seems as if she has the personality (and brain) of a bunny rabbit. I *also* can't see Nicole Richie saying this to Jessica, because Jessica's line is HUGELY successful; it's made her a billionaire, right? Nicole's line might be sold in Bergdorf's or whatever, but it's just a bunch of Rachel Zoe boho-knockoff shit.

Enty DID hate The Hills, and I can see Nicole being a snooty bitch to Lauren. Didn't they both date Brody Jenner for a while? That would only add fuel to Nicole's cuntishness.

kvaughn75 said...

This is HORRIBLE. Shame on you ENT LAWYER, hope you and Nikki get sued for libel. Blind item or not, everyone knows who you are talking about in #2. Tell Nikki I hope she chokes on her bitterness.

HeyThere said...

kvaughn75, step away from the computer. You sound like a twelve year old....which, on second thought, you probably are.

Come back when you have some maturity. kthxbai.

Nicole said...
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Nicole said...

#1 Jessica Simpson to Nicole Richie

#2 Jackson R.

"Rosie said...
PS: I've always thought Rob was gay...I still think Rob is gay"

I agree with you Rosie

Anonymous said...

#2 is Rpatz. More proof has come out where interviewers said he had "short night" in European hotels but were not allowed to tell the reason.

@ruby said...
Kristen shes a dyke. No doubt.

I agree. She just screams lesbian.

Anonymous said...

@J. Woods said...
This is him and his sister #1 Nikki Reed (Yes while he was "actively pursuing Kristen Stewart")-

Oh. This pretty much confirms this #2 blind item being Pattinson.

kvaughn75 said...

@HeyThere "kthkxbai"? Right, because adults talk like that...

Heather_P said...

@HeyThere You would be surprised at how many of these lunatic Twilight fanatics are actually married, middle-aged women with grown children. They always respond irrationally to Twilight related blinds they don't like.

Somehow they have convinced themselves that Rob and Kristen are superhumans who can do no wrong and Nikki Reed is evil incarnate. It's FREAKY.

vintage said...

Jessica Simpson to Nicole Richie.
Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone

Rosie said...
PS: I've always thought Rob was gay...I still think Rob is gay

Yeah, he just screams gay

Sarah said...

He doesn't ping at all for me. What gay man cares as little about their appearance/clothes as he does? I know that's a cliche, but no more than other people thinking he's gay just because he plays a sparkly vampire.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Back when I read Ted's columns it seems like he did hint at a Rob hook up with one of the sisters, maybe in a blind. Seems like it was some kind of love triangle type blind. I want to say most people guessed him and Nikki Reed!

I just googled for that 1st pic that J. Woods posted and found this darling website.

^A perfect example of what Heather P and others mentioned about crazy TwiHards.

Sweet Jesus, these people need to find better hobbies.

Lelaina Pierce said...

I think Rob is very attractive, just NOT in vampire makeup. All three of the "Cullen" brothers are, but that makeup looks ridiculous. Especially on poor Jackson Rathbone. I laugh out loud every time he is on screen.

Me said...

The Twi blind is for sure Jackson Rathbone, not Rob, Nikki Reed and Ashley Green. J & A are long time FWB. N got out of the co-star swapping early on.

Heather_P said...

But Jackson and Ashley weren't together in Europe at the time of this blind.

Nikki brought her new husband (of about a week) on this press tour so there's no way this could involve her. Not to mention her and Jackson's first appearance wasn't until two days after the events of this blind supposedly took place.

And for those saying Rob is gay.... I get where you're coming from, but, his relationship with Kristen seem legit so I don't agree. But I can definitely believe he is bi and Ted C even has a blind to that affect (Nevis Divine).

Based on the facts given, this blind can only be Rob and Ashley.


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