Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Lily Allen Thinks Using Coke Is Normal

I am loving Lily Allen right now despite the fact there is some question in my mind about whether her current relationship started before or after her boyfriend was separated from his wife. I love the new sober Lily. But, sometimes Lily can go a little off the deep end, and the thing is, with her new CD about to come out, she is being forced to do a lot more press and a lot more outrageous statements are sure to follow.

She did an interview with Metro, and had this to say about people who use cocaine.

"I know lots of people that take cocaine three nights a week and get up and go to work every day, no problem at all. But we never hear that side of the story. I have no statement to make, I just wish people wouldn't sensationalize this thing that just exists. The only story is that drugs are bad and they will kill you - you will become a prostitute, a rapist or a dealer. But that's not true."

Wow, I didn't know those were your only three choices for jobs once you started taking drugs. Glad Lily cleared that up for me. Wow, that is a tough choice. Prostitute, rapist or dealer. I will have to think about it and get back to you. I honestly cannot believe Lily is treating cocaine like someone having a glass of wine after work. I have seen people who could take coke and work and they did fine, but the people I know who took it three times a week, were not fine and they had a serious problem and the only reason they were working was to pay for the drug they were taking three times a week. Drugs are bad Lily. That is why it is the only story. Think about how much crap you got into just for drinking and then imagine yourself on coke. Oh, wait, yeah, let me rephrase. Think back to when you were on coke and if you were the same person you are now. I am guessing you are not since you don't use coke anymore. Well, at least that is what you say. Lily did admit that when she used to check into hotels, someone would always arrange for there to be 5 grams of coke on the table for her. I'm sure she just passed it out to all her friends. I mean they are doing it three days a week.


Ror said...

Um...when you're hooked on coke, there ARE only 3 days in a week.

Linnea said...

Harriet, I think those t-shirts will have to wait. I love how she talks about her "friends" doing coke... hilarious.

i am a princess, yes i am said...

ror...again hilarious as usual

TheAM said...

Pardon the pun, but what a blow hard.

lmnop123 said...

I think snorting coke is a norm in her environment. It sounds like she truly doesn't know any better than to defend an illegal drug as casual everyday harmless living.

ms_wonderland said...

She's Keith Allen's daughter - of course she thinks coke is normal. Daddy must take it every night.

West End Girl said...

Daddy sells it, not just takes it. He's been known for that for years.

Maja With a J said...

I'll still wear the t-shirt. I get what she's saying. And I think she's smart enough to know that if she makes a statement like that, people are going to get riled up about it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It just shows me how warped her mind is by using coke.

Unknown said...

She did NOT "admit that when she used to check into hotels, someone would always arrange for there to be 5 grams of coke on the table for her." She ACTUALLY said:

“I got £50,000 for my first album and I sold a lot of records.

“Twenty years ago, I’d have been booked in at the Ritz with five grams of cocaine on my table and 10bunches of flowers. Some new clothes. A chauffeur on 24-hour call.

“Now I’m lucky to get an Oyster card. I ask for a hotel in Paris and I get a two-star place in the eighth arrondissement on my own.”

Read it a little more slowly, Enty. She was talking about what the music industry was like twenty years ago. She wasn't saying her label is willing to do that for her now.

Cooper's Mom said...

i agree that she thinks doing coke is normal in her environment. London is a coke town. plain and simple. London is the coke capital of Europe. I was in a bar once and the queue to the bathrooms was longer than the queue to the bar.... how many times do you see guys queuing for the toilet? Coke is everywhere and everyone from the binman up does it. I do know people who use it 2-3 times a week (hell, i used to myself) and they think it's normal, but of course it's not normal. Because it's not so taboo anymore people treat it like having a glass of wine. It's madness.

jax said...

what she said at the end was that 'some people are just really bad at taking drugs"

i agree and some are bad at getting hammered 5 nights a week.
but becasue booze is legal there is a double standard.

i dont do coke but to each there own, if you cant handle coke,dont do it. i cant handle shrroms or acid so i never did them. and if you cant handle drinkign a few glasses without getting slobbering drunk,don't drink.

everything in moderation IMO.
except meth and heroin, that shit will get you.

Miranda said...

Yes, it's easy to generalize that drugs are bad because, for a lot of people, they can be. But every individual handles drugs in different ways. Some people I know can do coke recreationally and be fine; I know some people who should never touch the stuff because it turns them into monsters. Some of my friends have a drink on occasion and some are alcoholics who can't make it through the day without a beer or three. I know people who can smoke pot daily function completely normally and others who shouldn't smoke it because they become completely paranoid after a toke. I think it's much more fair and accurate to say that, "In general, drugs are bad. Lots of drugs have very serious side effects, especially those with a high risk of addiction. However, if you are knowledgeable about a substance—understand its effects, limitations, and dosages—you can reduce the risks involved with some drug use." And I extend that statement to ALL drugs: nicotine, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, even vitamins and natural remedies.

I think Lily's quote, "The only story is that drugs are bad and they will kill you - you will become a prostitute, a rapist or a dealer" is exactly right. The media sensationalizes using drugs, especially harder substances like coke, and present a very limited view of the "consequences" of use—completely failing to recognize that drug use and drug abuse are different things, failing to remember that each person's relationship with any kind of drug is unique. I'm definitely not advocating that everyone should do drugs (because lots of people shouldn't!), or that drug use is something that it's not. Any form of drug use is an attempt to alter your mental state, plain and simple. However, I also can't say that altering your regular mindset is necessarily a bad thing.

TV said...

better living through pharmaceuticals I always say.

Pink Skull said...

Wow what an idiot. What about suffering withdrawll symptoms, coughing and weezing in your bed for an entire week because your body couldn't handle the stress of doing coke three times a week. How about becoming too paranoid to leave your house. Or what if one of your coke buddies O.D.'s and dies and no one wants to call the paramedics b/c there is still drugs in the house and no one wants to get arrested. How about permanent brain damage. Cocaine releases a flood of Dopamine, the chemical that makes you happy, in your brain. So much gets released at on interval that when it goes back into remisison, the dopamine cells become damaged, making it physically impossible for you too reach a certain amount of happiness for the rest of your wrinkly, shot out, toothless life. I don't know why this moron is famous. I wish we had intelligent interesting people as celebrities who would quote things that made you think or made you feel good instead of this nose snot.

bionic bunny! said...

pink skull, i'm with you except for that the happy brain drug is serotonin. dopamine involves motor activity.
just being nitpicky.

Unknown said...

She is rather unfortunate looking, is she not?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I don't care. She's not a mother or someone else's immediate caretaker, so I'm not gonna judge her. All I know is, seeing people ON coke made me NEVER want to do it. Nothing's more irritating than a goddamn cokehead, all sweaty and wildeyed and frothing at the mouth and shit. Fuck that.

No thanks! I've made it nearly thirty years without any booger sugar, and I don't see any reason to ever even experiment with it.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Oh, and Ror, I'm in love with your blog.

c17 said...

Ent, are you fucking kidding me? You've NEVER heard of self-medicating? You've NEVER known anyone who has taken "illicit" drugs in lieu of legal ones to stay awake/sober/sane? If not, then I think you're in the minority, 'cause I know I've known people that have, not to mention having done it myself when I was without medical insurance.

Stop being self-righteous and start being realistic - I know plenty of other bloggers (that you prolly know)that self-medicate on a daily (if not hourly) basis. And THEY'RE NOT *living in their parents' basement*!

*statements made by yourself on this blog*

Unknown said...

I didn't even think of the irony of Ent whining about someone saying coke isn't so bad until I saw c17's comment. This is coming from someone who has turned alcoholism into a lighthearted shtick?

I know, I know--it's just a joke. If Lily was just joking about being a cokehead, that would be better, no?


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