Friday, May 27, 2011

Four For Friday - Cannes

With Cannes over for another year, I thought I would give you some very easy blinds about some happenings from the event.

#1 & #2 - This former A list movie actor who is lucky to have any friends at all, slipped his arm around the waist of this almost A list actress/director at an event, who shoved his arm away and said, "Do not touch me." Guess things are not as rosy as they seem.

#3 - Lets see. You are a B- list movie actress, who has come this close to having no career and then Cannes brings some big life back into it and you are off to talk to the reporters. You take two questions from the television reporters with radio and print waiting their turn. After the two questions, you turn to your publicist and say no more and walk away. Way to turn diva in two seconds.

#4 & 5- Person hated the most by the press? This up and coming director who is about to move from film festival darling to the mainstream. He did accomplish what many people would love to do when he got kissed by this almost A list movie actor at a press event.


blondegossip said...

#1 & 2--Brad & Angie? Isn't she directing something now too? I can see her doing this with the perfect hiss.

Anonymous said...

1 & 2 is Jodie Foster and Mel

pwner said...

i like the Foster/Gibson guess for #1

#2 Kirsten Dunst?

Queen Tidbit said...

#1 - Jodie Foster and Mel Gibson
#2 - Jessica Biel?
#3 - No idea...

Theresa said...
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mini_pixie said...

1&2- def Jodie and Mel

3 - Is Kiki Dunst B-? She's my first guess

4 - I don't know but I thought of Lars the director of KiKi's movie who made all those awful comments. Don't know who he kissed though, wasn't paying enough attention for that.

timebob said...

I think Kristen didn't want to talk about Lars von Tries bonehead "I am a Nazi" comments that got him kicked out of Canne.

Can't blame her, she looked like she wanted to die under a rock when he was speaking. If she had any grace she would of told him to stop talking.

Theresa said...

1,2: Jodie and Mel

3: Dunst

4,5: I saw a bunch of pictures of Ryan Gosling kissing a guy I didn't recognize, so, uh, that guy. Why do the press hate him, though?

Red said...

4/5 it's gosling and that director of his movie

Katie H said...

Is the number 4&5 the Dutch director of Ryan Gosling's movie? I can't remember his name but I do remember seeing a photo somewhere of Ryan kissing him.

mini_pixie said...

Oh T good call! It was Nicholas Winding Refn, his director. Though is Ryan Gosling really almost A? Could be.

RocketQueen said...

1. Mel for sure...but why Jodie? Why say you love him to the world, but privately want nothing to do with him? Doesn't make sense. Just to be different, I'll say the female is Angie Jo instead. She's a director now.

2. Kirsten Dunst

3. Definitely Nicholas Winding Refn...but I also want to know why he is hated?

BigMama said...

1.I want it to be Brad and Angie - just cause...but it probably is Jodie and Mel
2. Ditto for the Kiki guess, wish it were someone else
3. no clue but everyone elses guess seems dead on - who WOULDN'T want to be kissed by him

FrenchGirl said...

1/2: Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster (and i don't think the story is complete because some french reports wrote/said Foster was happy when Gibson did a few promo and the photo call)

3: i'm ok with Kiki Dunst guess

4/5: Nicolas Winding Refn/Ryan Gosling but it's even not a secret : it was in every newspaper and gossip site in the day

Jason Blue Eyes said...

1 & 2: Not brad - who doesn't want to be his friend? I don't think Angie would mind if he did that. Probably was Mel and Jodie. She may like him, but not in that way, as we all know.

3: Kirsten.

4 & 5: That "Drive" director. Critics have been raving about it.

FrenchGirl said...

and for Foster/Gibson guess, there is a video of the photo call

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

1. My ONLY beef with Jodie and Mel for this one is that Jodie's won TWO Oscars, and she's been famous since she was a baby. I know she's reclusive, but if she isn't A-list, I really don't know who is. Ditto Mel, actually. He's an asshole, but he's still got two Oscars on his mantle.

For instance, this indicates that Jodie and Mel are tied with Gosling for "almost A-list" status, which makes NO sense.

Enty, you need to redefine all this for us. Please.

3. If it IS Dunst, I don't blame her one freaking bit. I'd get tired of answering questions about my crazy director, too.

The last two -- I agree with Gosling and his director, and I also want to know why the director is supposedly such a prick.

FrenchGirl said...

@RocketQueen: on Refn's hated by the press ,Enty could talk about women journalists who were jealous about him kissing Gosling.
Some female journalists were real groupies with Gosling

Sean said...

Jodie had to say she still was friends with Mel. She had a $25 million dollar movie to sell. If it flopped, and it did, her directing career might be over. Her acting career probably already is. There are lots of 50 yr old actresses out there. I mean, would you hire Jodie, or Julianne Moore?

The other guesses are right on too.

Cecilia00 said...

1) Definitely Mel & Jodie.

I wouldn't describe Brad Pitt as lucky to have friends at all, and I think Enty would refer to them as a couple if it were Brangelina.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

@Ida - I don't know how Enty grades celebs, but persobnally, I grade them by Box Office numbers. For example Johnny, Brad, Will and leo are all A+ actors because they make the most money for studios. For females I'd say Angelina, Reese and Sandra are A+ and that's the grading system I think most people go by. Jodie would be B- at this point. She doesn't star in many movies but when she does she gets paid top dollar. At this point I'll be surprised if Mel could garner 5 mill for himself to star in a movie. And at one point his price was 25 million.

Sis said...

Btw, Lainie had a really nice interview with Angelina in Cannes, and was prepared to see or understand the negative hype around her and to her surprise she was warm in the interview and she did not have an assistant telling her what to say etc, (both her and Jack Black), she basically said it was a refreshing change from what the reporters usually deal with when interviewing celebrities.

SkittleKitty said...

#s 1 and 2: I agree it's Mel and the 'not as rosy as they seem' makes it sound like Jodie for the actress/director, but I have two problems with it: I thought I saw a photo of her kissing him on the red carpet while in Cannes (friendly, not romantic, of course) and the "Almost" A-list, which as someone else stated--she IS A-list.

One way we may find out: Once "The Beaver" has had it's run in the theaters (which should be over soon): will Jodie continue to defend Mel and does she work with him again?

#3 --I agree that if it's Kirsten Dunst, she may have had enough of the press very quickly if all they were asking about was Lars von Trier (what a dumbass).

Karmen said...

timebob - Kiki did tell him that the situation was really bad. I'd say that's pretty graceful.

Enty - You're being rather vague about whether or not she was being a diva or just tired of a barrage of questions about her idiotic director. I'd say cut her some slack on this one.

selenakyle said...

Maybe all Enty meant by "most hated" was that this man was lucky enough to kiss/be kissed by Ryan Gosling and a lot of us would love to do that ourseles!

I can see him meaning "hate" as in not hate-hate but the "damn his lucky ass!" kind of pretend-hate.

And I will feel a LOT better about Jodie Foster if this is in fact she who said this to Mel. I have felt he was "calling in a chip" by asking her to befriend him publicly in his time of need.

surfer said...

Just want to comment on #1 & 2. I think it is definitely Mel, but not Jodie, only because they were photographed holding hands at the premiere (on the red carpet). So if she would hold his hand for everyone to see, why would she then shove his arm away? Doesn't make sense.

And I totally agree with everyone else's guesses for the rest of the blinds.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@JBE -- I'm inclined to agree with you in that A-list status *should* denote someone who's gigantically successful. Will Smith doesn't have an Oscar (and, honestly, he's not that great an actor and probably never will), but he's DEFINITELY A-lister. No question.

The only problem is that Enty said a loooonnnngass time ago that Oscar winners are A-listers for life. So, I just don't understand why two people who each have a couple of statues between them don't fit that designation.

Angela said...

I guess that what Enty meant is that the director was hated because some journalists would have wanted to be kissed by Gosling.

PotPourri said...

4/5. Catch Gosling in a Gay Kiss? That' how I read it.

I'm with Kirsten Dunst. She was gorgeous, clearheaded, and back on track. And this PUNK RUINED IT FOR HER!

Jeri said...

I don't read Lainie anymore. She gushes on & on about the very famous and tears apart a lot of young actors for no reason. She was remind me of Perez.

I suppose the E Network may tell her who to gush about since she works there.

nancer said...

i don't agree with you, sean. julianne moore gets plenty of work and the accolades that go with it. in fact, i think things are better for actresses over 50 than they've ever been.

i also think jodie can do whatever she wants. i don't think she wants to act that much anymore, and one turkey of a movie---which the critics loved, by the way---won't ruin her directing career either.

JRD said...

1. Gibson/Foster

2. Kirsten Dunst

3. Nicolas Winding Refn/Ryan Gosling

Jasmine said...

Since I have been pissed about Jodie Foster defending that creeper p.o.s. in public I am SOOOOOOOOO glad #1 is about her and Mel Gibson!!!

Basil said...

Everyones guesses are great. 1 Has to be be Mel and Jodie, though I would never consider her "almost A-list". But as someone upthread said, she may have the oscars, but she really hasn't had a big hit movie in a long time.

If 3 is Kirsten, I am going to cut her some slack on this one. She probably gets asked the same question about Lars again and again and it has got to piss her off that his stupid comments have taken her moment away from her.

Miss X said...

@Jeri Lainey works for E!? Really?

Miss X said...

@Jeri Lainey works for E!? Really?

Pookie said...

1,2- brad/angie...i think the friends reference is in regards to the 'friends' in, how many of those does he still have...just courtney, maybe? altho i'm wondering if 'rosy' might be a clue? *stumped*

RocketQueen said...

@Miss X - I think she actually works for ETalk in Canada. But it's definitely a Canadian show.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Lainey does work for E! Canada and she works for CTV as well.

libby said...

Ida B, Enty clarified pretty recently that Oscar winners are NOT A-listers for life by his standards.
Enty's standards are more about whether an actor can open a movie with his fame, and/or is a lead in a successful (current or very recent) franchise.
Non A-lister w/ Oscars = Cuba Gooding Jr, Marisa Tomei, Mira Sorvino, Adrien Brody...the list goes on & on.

Jodie used to open movies with her name, but those movies stopped making back their budgets. I think that's Enty's standard here: She's beloved by the public, but she's not first or second choice for many projects these days.

mooshki said...

Not you too, Ida! :) As Libby said, Enty said that winning an Oscar does NOT guarantee you A list for life.

I think #2 is Foster, and while she plays nice with Mel most of the time, someone caught her in a moment where she wasn't.

emilie said...

How can anyone think 1 and 2 are Brad & Angelina????
Brad is an A-List way is he a former one! Angelina is also A-list, not almost A-list. Ugh. And they have 6 kids, I wish people would stop praying for a family to break up.

Sean said...

Nancer,I agree with you that things are better for older actresses now. But Foster doesn't have a lot of range. You can only put her in dramas. No period pieces. No comedies. Hard to put her in anything romantic either.

But, directing is different. It is all about money. And the movies that Foster has directed haven't made money.

ecua said...

Well, whether or not #2 is Jodie Foster, I still think she's an asshole for ever standing up for Mel Gibson.
For what it's worth, I could totally picture Gibson trying to schmooze with Angelina Jolie and being received with this treatment. Maybe it was her.

wonderdiva said...

My thought for #3 was Uma Thurman.

JW said...
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parissucksliterally said...

#3 Kiki Dunst.

#2, Jodie has two Oscars, and is well respected worldwide. I agree with Ida B. She is not "almost A list", she is A list. Not her for the blind.

JW said...

I am changing my guess to Arnold and Drew Barrymore.

Hendrix said...

#1. Jodie & Mel
#2. Kristen D.
#3 Nicolas Winding Refn ... but why is he disliked? Please do dish!

mazemerizing said...

THANK YOU Libby and Mooshki. So tired of the Oscar = A for life argument. Years ago (1990's), I remember casting agents and producers using a ratings system by (I think) AFM or some international film market to cast actors with the highest rating/cheapest rate. Tom Cruise was A at the time because any movie he made was a worldwide blockbuster. Jean-Claude Van Damme was probably an A just because of his worldwide fan base. An actor I worked for teetered on the B-C list (but thought he should be A. LOL.) It was all about money, and who would sell the most tickets or videos worldwide. And that's still all producers and production companies care about. Hence, Jennifer Aniston getting so much damn work, and Cuba and Marisa not so much.

sunnyside1213 said...

Was Arnold even at Cannes?

FrenchGirl said...

even if i think that Enty talks about Gibson/Foster in 1/2,it's untrue or incomplete they were at the photocall together

FrenchGirl said...


Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Dudes, I am FIIIIIIIIINE with Enty changing that ranking system, though I didn't know he'd done it.

Stanley Kubrick, Marlene Dietrich, Richard freakin' Burton, Orson Welles, Robert Altman, Judy Garland, and ALFRED HITCHCOCK never won Oscars, yet Hilary Swank has TWO. I know Hitch has been taking a dirtnap for a really long time, but he's STILL way more A-listy than Swank. I don't care.

And I maintain that Jodie Foster is still an A-lister, too. Just because she's too cerebral for stupid mainstream audiences doesn't mean that she still doesn't attract viewers. If she had cast somebody else in The Beaver, it might have actually done well. :-/

The Black Cat said...

Good point about Hilary Swank having 2 Oscars, what's wrong with that picture???

Anonymous said...

If the reason the director is hated because female journalists were jealous, this isn't a blind, it's a stupid quiz.

Nellie said...

joie was of course going to act all chummy with mel at photo calls etc- she is trying to whitewash him so that her movie does well. its a pr move. he probably approached her when people were mingling and such which still qualifies as an event and someone over heard her. i have no problem seeing this as them just because she was nice to him in front of journalists and in public and was glad that he did some promotional appearances.

Nellie said...

thats jodie :)

mooshki said...

I think the key is "not as rosy as they seem." That's what makes me think it's Jodie - she's the only one I know of who still "seems" to be friends with Mel.

MnGddess said...

Here's what I don't get about the first blind - wouldn't that be caught on tape? There's cameras EVERYWHERE these days, and I wonder if someone has that on film. I mean - if you see 2 well-known stars, and one of them makes a gesture like that, wouldn't the paps be all over that?

If they weren't, they missed a doozy.

Jasmine said...

@Mooshki- yeah, thats why I think Jodie too.
Because Enty implying there is some sort of connection we would all know about "not as rosy as they seem" , to me wouldnt infer to someone like Angie Jolie and Mel, whom I've never even heard mentioned in the same sentence before.

strawberrygirl said...
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Tatiana said...

So now you look at a widely circulated photo and make it into a blind?

MnGddess said...

That's exactly what he does, Tatiana. Thank you for making that clear to us.

ms snarky said...

Has it occurred to anyone that the "person most hated by the press" was disliked because he was a jerk to the press in Cannes? Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one.

The kissing Ryan Gosling thing was just a way to make the blind easy, since that photo was widely reported.

ms snarky said...

also, totally down with the Mel/Jodie thing. Hope it's true.

lollydarling said...

@Sean: "Foster doesn't have a lot of range. You can only put her in dramas. No period pieces. No comedies. Hard to put her in anything romantic either."

Erm, Maverick? Sommersby? You just look silly when you don't know what you're talking about.


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