Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Random Photos Part Three

Christina Ricci's Oscar dress from 1999 turned into
this 17 year old girl's prom dress after her dad entered her name in a contest and she won. Apparently there were 7 other girls who were picked first, but none could fit in the dress.
Ashton Kutcher covers his balding head.
Stephanie March and her very anxious looking husband Bobby Flay. He probably won't sleep until after the DNA tests.
Best cover letter ever?
I still cannot figure out this whole Cristiano Ronaldo and the baby thing. Why did he do this again?
Elle Fanning went from 8 to like 20 in a day. She was promoting Super 8 along with
J.J. Abrams and
an actor who does not get enough credit, Kyle Chandler. The guy is great.
Emma Watson headed to the movies. She saw Bridesmaids.


Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Coach Taylor! Coach Taylor! I am SO glad that that handsome mofo has been snatched up for gigs, because he is GREAT.

As is that cover letter. I'd hire that dude in a flash, honestly.

RocketQueen said...

Ah, but that guy spelled "taupe" wrong. I'd toss that cover letter, personally. :)

That's actually a pretty awesome prom dress.

Pookie said...

christiano may be douchey, but his baby is a cutie.

i think elle faning is adorable.

i just can't w/ emma watson's boy cut.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Spell check is for suckers, Rocket Queen. ;-)

I forgot to say that I think that young girl looks better in that dress than Christina.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Love Christina.

libby said...

Christina Ricci is like, what 4'11"? No wonder nobody fit it.

Marcy said...

Kyle Chandler, aka Coach Taylor, ROCKS. Every Friday night I walk away from the tv at 9pm thinking how awesome is this show acted and written. The characters of Eric and Tami Taylor are amazingly written, and I'm so sad this show is going away.

RJ said...

I think I would at least call that guy in for an interview and shit.

ForSure said...

did anyone else have any problem posting comments earlier today?

MontanaMarriott said...

Ronaldo's baby is too cute!

Miss X said...

Totally agreed on Kyle Chandler being a great actor. I see him in bit parts in movies and do not understand why he doesn't get better parts. He's handsome and he can act. So what's the deal? Anyone know?

Taylor said...

That cover letter had me until I saw that he spelled "taupe" wrong!

New Life and Attitude said...

I'm doing some hiring right now and I would totally call him in for an interview just to meet him. I'll even look past the misspelling considering the shit I've been seeing in resumes.

Julie said...

i bet that girl doesn't even know who christina ricci is =(
love the dress though. always have.

WednesdayFriday said...

I have been looking for a new job since I graduated college in 2008. I don't have the balls to pull that off, but damn, what an amazing idea!

libby said...

If Flay IS the father of JJ's baby, with her coloring in the mix, that baby's bound to come out looking just like Rojo Caliente's.
I may have mentioned it before, but I can't wait! It would be hilarious--and awesome, 'cause I love redheads.

KellyLynn said...

I remember people commenting on Christina Ricci's weight back in those days. The fact that so many girls tried and failed to fit into what is probably a super-tiny dress just shows that Hollywood size is nothing like real world size.
With Emma Watson's hair so short, she could blend into the crowd easily. Maybe that's why she likes it that way.
That resume would be great if the person is going into sales. And if he didn't have to spell.

weezy said...

Best. Cover. Letter. Ever. Right up there with the Best College Interview Ever (Tom Cruise in "Risky Business" to Princeton interviewer: "Sometimes you just gotta say: What the f#$k!")

Ol Cranky said...

maybe the person posting it should have been a little more careful. You can clearly see the name David Dvorak below the separator (and yeah, I'd hire him)

Panda said...

I sent an email to Roanald, the guy who submitted the cover letter, asking if it was a real letter or a joke. I will let you know if he replies.

Cristiano's son is absolutely ADORABLE.

Anonymous said...

YES, I had trouble posting earlier... it kept saying that anonymous posters did not have authorization to post on this site.

Meg said...

Re: Cover Letter -
I hope his name is really Roanald instead of RONALD.

Henriette said...

You mean Roanald Dyorak!

Meg said...

I used to have the pleasure of pre-scanning all the resumes that would come in for my old boss. The best one I ever saw was one from a guy who listed "Barbershop Quartet" in his list of interests and including a picture of he and his group.

I love anything that makes me laugh like that or Roanald/Ronald but I don't know if I'd hire the guy.

Nicole said...

Maybe Cristiano was a dude that just really wanted a child. Some women are like that, some men have to be too...WOW Elle Fanning! She is beautiful! Why do I think Emma Watson is a lesbian? She does seem super normal, maybe that's it.

Baka Neko said...

One off the topic and old question. Does anyone know if its true about the cats and dogs in Milo and Otis movie?

Meg said...

@Baka Neko - That was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I had to GOOGLE what you were talking about and saw it on Wikipedia! I am horrified! I hope it is not true. I also had no clue that was (originally) a Japanese film?

trashtalker said...

That letter was funny! Then I Googled around and found out that it was prank pulled by the CEO of the hiring company:

I also read that the Ricci dress was a size 0.

And Cristiano looks like a mannequin.

Manda_kitty said...

Being 4'11 and a size 0 is a pretty good size. I'm 5ft & a 0. If she was 5'5, then yeah, she'd need some more weight

looserdude said...
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Baka Neko said...

@MCH yeah we just found out the rumors on IMDB recently and when I researched it,there was no proof on way or the other.

Maja With a J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maja With a J said...

MCH; There is NOTHING WRONG with singing barbershop *stern look*. *L*

Yeah, OK, it's totally for nerds but it's SO MUCH FUN!

"I am honorable - I am the son of a librarian and a capricorn".

I will probably use that at some point ;)

Meg said...

LOL @ Maja! You are right; there is nothing wrong at all with it, but I thought it was an odd thing to include for an admin job. ;-)

awesome balla. said...

@mch and new life and attitude: which one of you would like to hire me? preferably if you live someplace awesome/warm and sunny.

Meg said...

@awesome balla - I can't help you with the job part ( I quit a few years ago to go back to school). You wouldn't want to work at that co. anyway. You might like my town (Asheville) though! For being stuck in the south, it's a pretty spectacular place to live. Great weather, mountains, good beer, really good music scene. P.S. Autocorrect spelled your name "Awesome Balls" :-/

awesome balla. said...

@mch: ive heard nice things about asheville, it's a place i have contemplated living actually. got wrapped up when i was researching for the moog festival last year. the beer and the music and the scenery are def alluring. and, if i had balls, you can bet your ass they'd be awesome.

Meg said...

@awesome - haha! :)
Well if you ever want to visit, lemme know.


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