Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

With her outfit and pose, Lucy Hale looks like she should be a figurine on the top of a cake.
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban with their daughters at the airport.
Pamela Anderson showed off her dance moves once again. No, not on a stripper pole but on DWTS-Argentina.
The Queen hosted a little do for the Obamas.
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson showed up.
Ditto for Kevin Spacey and
Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter.
Sarah Ferguson parties with her daughters.
Tim Daly looks way too skinny.
Michael Jackson's kids have a play date with Will Smith's kids.


Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson's daughter is adorable. I hope all 3 kids can have a halfway decent life.

Rose said...

I adore Tom Hanks. I never want to find out if he's a blind item so never reveal unless it's a kindness. ;)

I totally forgot Nicole & Keith had another baby. What's her name?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Wasn't Tom Hanks supposedly the A+-lister who was discovered with his mistress? He was the most popular guess.

I think Lucy Hale is cute, but those heinous bootie things look good on NO ONE.

Momster said...

Lucy Hale reminds me of the tiny figurine in my little jewelry box that I had as a kid. The kind that wound up and played music and the little ballerina would spin.

RocketQueen said...

What's a Lucy Hale? Actress? Singer?

I feel like I've seen Rita Wilson's dress on someone else recently. Hmmmm..

Anderson actually looks pretty good.

Cecilia00 said...

@Ida - was that the one where the actor was with his mistress in Aspen, was caught by the paparazzi, and to avoid the scandal, the wife flew in (for a payday) to avert the crisis?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Cecilia -- yes!! That's exactly it.

Lian said...

RQ, I feel like that dress is familiar too, but for the life of me I can't remember where else I saw it! I think some awards show...

Lauren said...


Mandy Moore wore it to the Oscars

RocketQueen said...

Lauren - you are GOOD :)

Rose said...

Uh, thanks Ida. That's exactly what I didn't want.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Rose -- if it makes you feel any better, I don't believe it's true.;-) Or, if it IS true, I don't think that Hanks was the A-lister. I can't/won't see it, either! He and Rita seem pretty tight and into each other, but I thought the same thing about Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins.

Gennifer Goodwin was the rumored mistress, too. God. I just remembered that. So weird.

Rose said...

Ok, we'll go with that. It's not true. Lol. He's just such a nice, down to earth, funny, talented, actor. Oh, and a couple of oscars doesn't mean he's ever to big to make a little fun of Bosom Buddies. :-)

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Rose -- I love Bosom Buddies! Whenever I hear "It's My Life," I instantly play the opening credits in my head.

The only lady he's allowed to leave Rita for is Daryl Hannah, and that's only if she grows gills and changes her name to Madison. :-)

weezy said...

Wow, Rita Wilson's makeup person must hate her.

Rose said...

I do that too! Did you see him on Kimmel awhile back?

Sexy feet, sexy feet. So funny!

heatherlynn said...

Lucy Hale is one of the girls on pretty Little Liars

califblondy said...

Well, we sure can't accuse Tom and Rita of having too much plastic surgery.

mooshki said...

I love Lucy Hale, and all the other gals on PLL. Can't wait for it to come back!

It must be nice for the Jackson kids to hang out with two of the few kids on the planet who won't be intimidated by their family status.

Ice Angel said...

Aw...Sunday is adorable and so is the baay...(what's her name? Monday? hahahahhah...I crack myself up!!!!)

Meg said...

Lucy Hale was also on Privileged, which I really liked. (It got cancelled). @Momster - I thought the exact same thing!

@Rose - I adore Tom too! He was on Ellen the other day and is just so charming. I know others on here have said he is NOT the Mr. Nice guy everyone says he is but i just refuse to believe (sticks fingers in ears and says: "LALALALA")

J-Mo said...

Nicole's younger daughter's name is Faith
-and I don't think Tim Daly looks skinny...

Robert said...

Princess Beatrice looks too skinny.


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