Monday, July 04, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

February 8, 2011

With her now busy schedule on that very very popular television show and him having lots of time alone to ponder how he likes being the bigger star, it was pretty inevitable that he would start stepping out on her. She might want to talk to that backup singer of his. Just saying.

Marc Anthony & Jennifer Lopez


  1. Wow. She's not a picnic, but that's pretty damn jerky.

  2. Damn. What a dick.

    Aren't there rumors he hits her too?

  3. A - List reveals or what today lads?!!

    Keep bringin it enty dear!!

  4. ewwww skeletor how could you!

  5. Ewww y anyone sleeps with Skeletor is beyond me

  6. Good thing she's got some juicy thighs, cause Skeletor will tear that shit up!

    Don't love her, but why is she with that creep. He sets off my NO-dar.

  7. wow, enty is on fire today!!!

  8. mendigo i guess all that santera work didn't work. they must have mixed the herbs. damn them!

  9. She's like twice his size and could (and should!) easily wreck Skeletor. Not a J-Lo fan at all, but he is just gross and she could do SO much better.

  10. Yeah, just about everyone guessed this one right. I love going back and looking at the original posts.

  11. woah...Enty is spilling the beans!

  12. I feel spoiled. I like it!

  13. the only blind i think i have ever guessed. why does she stay?

  14. I have always disliked him for no good reason, there was just something about him I didn't like. This just makes it worse.

    She must be unbearable to be with but even she doesn't deserve this treatment.

  15. Woohoo! I actually got this one right.

    I totally agree with the above comments... why is SHE with HIM? Ick. He looks so unhealthy and skeevy to me.

    Thanks Enty for the amazing reveals. :)

  16. So who is Skeletor's back up singer? She might want to go into hiding because Jlo knows people with guns.

  17. Idiot Marc. Seems a bit hypocritical to sing love songs for a living when your cheating on your wife. She's no saint herself though.

  18. He's a small, small man. Both literally and figuratively speaking. I'm no J-Lo fan, but someone needs to forward this to her, stat.

  19. @ME

    Me thinks she stays out of insecurity and for image. As a very exotic looking mix of Israeli and Brazilian and I have dealt with plenty of men who were 'hypnotized' by my very unconventional looks, but eventually they all got over it and left. Sadly that's a common thing for ethnic women and so on. Perhaps she feels that they are alike and he'll never get bored. I have been there haha, dating every race but my own then settling with the safe choice for a minute before realizing I was a bit of a whore and liked to taste every flavor.

    That being said DAYUM GINA! ENTY IS ON FY-AH!

  20. It's actually a Ted C. blind about Skeletor hitting JLO, he monikered him Caesar Anchovy. Quite appropriate!

  21. And I don't wanna hear no shit about me stereotyping folks. I grew up in a very ethnically infused place of the world and am very sensitive to such things, especially when I go to certain parts of Europe, and the US.

    Basically Marc is a safe choice in a lot of ways for her.

  22. That sucks. He is so gross!

  23. I absolutely get what HE gets out of their marriage at this stage, but what does she get? Baffling.

  24. IMO, theirs was an "arranged" marriage.
    And no, not because either needed a beard, but because together their potential for cornering the Latin music market is unsurpassed.
    She's major high profile in America and desperate to expand into other markets, he's major high profile in the world-wide Latin markets and probably dying to conquer the American market.
    Additionally, despite everyone's criticism of her acting skills, she proved herself dramatically with "Selena", and her comedic skills are, while not on a level with say, Lucille Ball, are actually quite good. She has the skill of timing - which is more than half the battle where that's concerned.
    To add further data to "why", there's also their plan to create and market a strictly Latino version of an Idol-ish show, which their production company would market.
    And despite what you might think, the money isn't really in appearing as a judge on the show, it's in producing the show and marketing the talent you find.
    See Simon Cowell for example.
    For all that she might be MV, the woman's not dumb by any means.

  25. @Merlin

    Oh my days.. I hadn't even thought about that. Brains and booty, I'm actually impressed.

    A lot of people give her shit for not being Jenny from the block as she claims and a total diva. But I can tell you as a female in the music industry, to get where she got, starting jot a s a backup dancer - she not only deserves what she has but I'm willing to turn a blind eye to some of her behavior. Should she be a huge diva? Not really, but to quote "heathers"

    ' real life sucks losers dry, if you want to fuck with eagles you gotta learn how to fly '

    And fly she did.

  26. "He sets off my NO-dar."

    LMAO! Good one!

  27. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I always figured she doesn't leave him because it would be her third divorce and fifth high-profile relationship to fail. I don't get the impression that Jennifer wants to emulate Elizabeth Taylor with multiple marriages.

    Merlin brings up some great points about this being a business arrangement. Jennifer is flying high again and the last thing she needs is to go through a messy divorce. So she'll keep busy with Idol, music, movies, and perfume sales and Skeletor can stew in his own juices.

    A shame, really, about Marc treating her badly. Jennifer may be a diva, but I never saw her as a downright b****. She knew what she wanted and worked hard to get it. I can't find fault with anyone on that.

  28. Weren't they both cheaters before they got together?

  29. These are the best reveals ever. Seriously.

  30. Yeah, their marriage was an escandalo if you are familiar with Latin gossip. He is like A+ over there, and he left his wife Dayana Torres who was like Miss Universe and an actress/singer or something. They filed for divorce and a few months later, he married J.Lo a week after the divorce was final. All my spanish friends LOOOOVE him, even though he looks like a vampire gargoyle, because he apparently has a gorgeous singing voice.

  31. Oh, my point on that was that a) she should probably suspect him based on how they got together and b) I don't think this INITIALLY was a business relationship, although of course it would benefit them both in the larger English market.

  32. Hahaha I forgot to add C) he seems very controlling of J.Lo. Remember how after they got married she stopped wearing all her skin-revealing clothes and turned into a turtleneck and long skirt nun? That's why I also think that other blind about the controlling husband on the photo shoot set was about them. Although I'm too lazy to look it up.

  33. Ugh, I hate cheaters.

  34. Holy Cow, GREAT reveals today, thanks Enty!

  35. cdanluvya- I second that!

  36. @Merlin - That's an interesting theory. I could by that.



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