Monday, July 16, 2012

Marcus Samuelsson Says Gordon Ramsay Is Racist

In his new book, Marcus Samuelsson claims that Gordon Ramsay is a racist and that he once referred to Marcus as a f**king black b**tard. Wow. I love Marcus so I am totally willing to believe pretty much anything he says. he said the incident happened when Marcus had gone to cook at a restaurant in London and Marcus had given an interview and not named Ramsay in a list of chefs he admired. Ramsay called Marcus on the phone and called him what I wrote above and then screamed at him for five minutes about how next time he ever talks about chefs he admires he needs to list Ramsay. Ramsay denies the claim, but the lawyers at the book publisher said it was verified.


BlisterPlease said...


pilly said...

I thought Gordon Ramsey was a Sunday school teacher

cheesegrater15 said...

And in other late breaking news Kim Kardashian is a whore.

MontanaMarriott said...

I believe it, I love Marcus and he has no reason to lie. Also he has the most stunning wife.

Ingrid Superstar said...

Eh, not defending Ramsay, but he could have said way more racist things. Just adding "black" around some bad words isn't necessarily racist to me, unless I'm missing info here.

Here's a fun gossip rumor: Gordon Ramsay's mom is Anne Ramsay from The Goonies and Throw Momma From The Train. It explains so much!

Unknown said...

what Montana Marriott said

Tempestuous Grape said...

GET OUT!!! I had no idea that his mom was Anne Ramsey...what a trip!!!

Unknown said...

He isn't listed as her son -

RenoBlondee said...

That's what I was thinking @Ingrid.
Still uncalled for, but not exactly all out racist.
It'd be like calling Tom Cruise "That "short" bastard!" sorta?

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I'm African American, and I just don't think that calling someone a "fucking black bastard" is racist.

Syd said...

He may be racist, but I'd need some actual evidence. This doesn't meet that criteria. Plus, I think Marcus might actually be a bastard, so...

BigMama said...

Love Marcus, can't stand Gordon. Have no trouble believing this.

g.strathmore said...

He's probably not racist, but what a tool. I cannot imagine calling someone on the phone and yelling, "Tell people you admire me!!!" LOL.

BigMama said...

Though, what if all celebrities behaved this way. Can't you just see Julia Roberts calling up Emma Stone and bitchin her out cause she didn't say she wanted to be just like Julia? Of course, that would never happen cause I have all ideas she still thinks of herself in the same age group.

EmEyeKay said...

I just looked it up, can't find any evidence Anne and Gordon are related.

trouble bubble said...

He is British and Anne Ramsey is American. He is not her son

anita_mark said...

I believe Ingrid is kidding about that fact. It's a "fun gossip rumour." Like that Family Guy episode where they are tied up and decide to play a game by making up a rumour and deciding if they'd believe it (in involved Rob Schneider paying migrant workers to watch him shower or something like that).

Or I could be completely wrong.

Ashlea said...

Black friends have called me a crazy white bitch. I did not take offense. What Gordon said wasn't racist. Christ people are so sensitive these days.

SecondCityKid said...

Wasn't Marcus Samuelsson featured on one of the first US Kitchen Nightmares, brought in to save a restaurant? If someone called me a black bastard I wouldn't think that was racist. Alot of people say black instead of "african american" & I don't see what the big deal is. He called him a bastard...okay. A black bastard...alright. Not the N word? Because that is racist.

I still love Ramsay & will watch Kitchen Nightmares & MasterChef on Fox. =)

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

I don't get the racist vibe from Gordan..jerk yes ,but racist not so much.

Love Marcus.

Patty said...

The quote falls a bit short of being racist, to me. Not saying that Ramsey is innocent. So, if he was French and Ramsey French bastard would that be hateful? Blah. Must be a slow gossip day.

And verified by who? This sounds like a case of he said/he said.

Chris said...

If "black" is so inconsequential, why did he need to mention it in the first place?

FitMama2You said...

I believe it but could care less (I'm black). Book sales.

Ingrid Superstar said...

Chris, to make the pain sting more?

Yeah guys I was just being a f**king Mexican b**tard and spreading a completely false rumor, although if you do a side by side of Anne and Gordon, the resemblance is uncanny!

Agent**It said...

@Ingrid, I love the Goonies ! Chunk was always my favorite.

timebob said...

I think Ramasy hates everyone equally. I think it is more funnier that he demands to be on admiration lists while he is cursing you out.

He is suing his own father in law. It's not like he gives a rats ass about anyone or antyhing that isn't named Gordon Ramsay.

Anotheramy said...

Agree with timebob, Ramsays ego puts him above everyone equally.

hollywood dime said...

marcus is an egotistical misogynistic adulterous asshole (personal experience obviously)...this is still probably true.

luckylass said...

It is interesting that so many of you would be ok with being called out on your race in a negative connotation. I do not agree.

I guarantee if I called one of my college students a "stupid black idiot" or a "dumbass Mexican", my ass would be justifiably fired for being a racist. If one of my students called me a "white bitch". I would totally take offense to it and think they were racist too.

Ingrid Superstar said...

My favorite Goonie is Martha Plimpton's character because I always feel like I'm babysitting except I'm not being paid.

mirror said...

So being black means you can decide if the comment was racist or not? He could have just called him a bastard - wtf does black have to do with anything? ITA w/ luckylass, being called a "white bitch" is just as offensive. @Ashlea, people are not "so sensitive" these days. You want to insult me or anyone else on what they do, fine. Once you bring my skin color, religion, etc. that has FUCK ALL to do w/my actions into the conversation you lose all credibility and open yourself up to being tagged a racist, bigot, -phobe, whatever.

Unknown said...

Ramsaey including the fact that he's black means that he wants that to be part of the insult. It would be the racist equivalent of saying someone is a fat bastard.

Kady Kat said...

whether he is a full-out racist is up for debate but that was a racist thing to say in the true definition of using one's race as a derogatory modifier.

That being said, aren't most high level high powered chefs egotistical assholes by definition? (except for Anne Burell)

0_0 said...

How do a publisher's lawyers verify statements like that?

And racism is everywhere. At the grocery store self checkout yesterday, a couple had the machine stop scanning their items (because they weren't putting the already-scanned stuff on the bag scale) and one told the other that even the machine was racist.

PR Princess said...

The comment made by Ramsey is offensive and out of line, but certainly not racist.

whocaresnow12 said...

@ Ingrid superstar - except that's NOT true.

Gordon employes quite an ethnically diverse group of people and is wonderful. His person on TV is an act. Watch some of his BBC shows and you'll see a Gordon more close to who he truly is.

luckylass said...

@0_0 - racism might be everywhere, but it doesn't make it ok.

I am not calling Ramsey a racist. But IF he did say that exactly as it was quoted, that was a pretty racist thing to say. Racists say racist things.

SashaJames2 said...

Well said Chris

a non a miss said...

Ramsay sucks and has horrible hair plugs. Someone needs to tackle him and give him a buzz cut. OT- my favorite goonie was Mouth cause he spoke two languages!

FrenchGirl said...

??? it's more rude than racist for me and the next time that i talk about my fav chefs to my friends,i don't forget to name Ramsay(big ego)

OneGirlRevolution said...

@0_0 and Patty:

I was going to ask the same thing; how in the world do you verify what someone said during a phone call?

From watching his shows, I don't believe Ramsey is racist, but I do believe he goes for the jugular when he's pissed. I think he is likely to use whatever insulting phrase he thinks will most piss off the person he's yelling at. If he's equal opportunity (which he is) I don't think that necessarily makes him racist even if you can argue (or not) that the phrase itself is a racist phrase.

And I do think (as I've previously said) that people are way too sensitive.

Jocasta said...

I don't even need to pile on, but...
I'm black too, and I've watched Ramsay tear new orifices in just about every version of humankind there is.

When he's done with you, he's DONE with you. As for Marcus, I can't even imagine a scenario that would have them in a conversation like this. I ain't buyin' it.

Now - we all know Chef R is a foul-mouthed creature with anger issues.

And so was my mother. So I'm used to it. This man has been in almost every other country on the globe...never heard him call out racist stuff to Orientals, Indians in India who were African in origin...nothing like that. And I looked, I searched on line.

No one can scrub that from the internet. I've been online since the day the lights went on for the ' we used to call in 1996--or 1995. If memory serves, the Net started with a Weezer video.

I'm not interested in made up crap, not even to sell a book. So typical to use someone famous to bolster book sales. Seen it before; and I used to like Marcus.

The nonsense on the Cooking Chanel and Food Teevee with Marcus losing a competition was all it took to put me off both channels for good. Ramsay is the only real Chef/Businessman on teevee who's proven.

If he did call Marcus this, shame on him. But I don't think Gordon needs to resort to such a thing for any reason...especially his ego. He's already got everyone kissin' his ass...why would he care about Marcus? He's got two series on Fox, successful business...on and another off season show on Fox.

I dunno about you, but money and success speak louder to me than any blah blah blah...

Sorry for rambling...I don't comment often and I love Cdan and the commenters. I play a game daily where I read the comments until my first thought on a subject/Enty's blog entry matches mine exactly.

Then I stop reading. You guys are so good, 5 remarks, and it's over; we agree.

I'll do you all a favor and wait another year to comment. Just...thanks everyone. Everyone.


HannahPalindrome said...

Adding a person's race is racist.
I wouldn't call him a white asshole-just asshole.

There is a difference

Tru Leigh said...

Being a racist is the least of his issues. He's a foul-mouthed bully and a tyrant and does nothing to progress the human race.

HannahPalindrome said...

I'm Asian.

If someone calls me a fucking cunt, great!
If someone calls me a fucking Asian cunt, I'm going to call you a racist.

Adding the race into the rant is racist!
The same is true if you call someone a white asshole.
I would call someone a bitch and not a white bitch cause race never crosses my mind.

I'm fucking sick of people saying we are being too sensitive. When you've been called racist names, you don't put up with a lot of this nonsense.

I'm sorry, but calling someone white is not really that traumatizing. You can go anywhere in the world and people will not discriminate you because you're white.
Louis CK said it best when he said you really can't offend white people. It's impossible and NOT in the same category as being a minority.

Bubbles said...

Jocasta, a good thing to remember; rugs are Oriental, people are Asian. And I don't think what he says was racist, he was just being mean spirited and hateful and which time, people just say irrational things to be evil. Personally, someone calling me Black and I am Black isn't such a shock to my system. Just the sign of an immature dickwad trying to get a reaction by pushing a button basically. Not proof that he's a racist no more than calling someone a fat bitch means someone hates fat people or really gives them much thought other than saying something that might piss that person off in the moment.

Krissie said...

I've known this guy was an ass ever since I read an interview with him in which the reporter asked him if he wanted more kids and he said he only wanted boys. He's got three daughters and I bet that made them feel terrible.

I do think he was racist. There was no need to throw "black" into that sentence, at all. Of course, the guy's got to keep up his "Look at me, I'm a mean bastard" persona. I personally can't stand it when a celebrity's entire shtick is to be a rude obnoxious asshole. It's one thing to be snarky or have a dark sense of humor; it's another thing entirely to be yelling out cuss words, throwing things, and trying as hard as you can to make other people look bad. Ramsey's in the latter category.

jaariel said...

I just finished Marcus's book, "Yes, Chef", where he mentions this incident. I highly recommend this book! Marcus's life story is amazing and the book is a great read!
Very inspirational!
(can you tell I like this book? LOL!)

jinxy said...

I don't know either of these guys so I can't comment on what kind of people they are. What I do question is, how was this verified? If a conversation happens between two people only, and they disagree on what was said, who "verifies" it? Did Marcus tape the conversation without saying anything to Ramsey?? That doesn't make Marcus look very good.

MadLyb said...

Pass the smelling salts...

I will have to check out this Marcus fellow.

0_0 said...

Rugs are Oriental? What bullshit. The two words mean the same thing.


This was manufactured, what, 15-20 years ago?

liteNOTSObrite said...

I am mixed half black and half white, my dad being black and mom white. When my brother and I would get into trouble my dad would yell, "GET OVER HERE YOU LIL PISS COLORED N***GAS!"

My dad has since passed away and I always have a private little giggle when I think about it.

liteNOTSObrite said...

Just because his staff is diverse does not mean he is not racist. He is still in a position of power that can feed his superiority complex.

liteNOTSObrite said...

I've always been told by my asian friends that oriental is a manufactured product and asian is a person. Being called oriental is the equivelant of calling a black person colored. It is outdated and offensive.

alliwholovessomuch said...

How can I spice up my book oh I know! Lol I'm just mucking around, who knows? I don't think he's racist but he is a fucking a class jerk! Have u heard what he did here in Australia a few years ago? I don't know how to post links but the womans name to google with him is Tracey grimshaw.

spritely said...

While I love the Goonies, Anne Ramsay is not his mother. Here is a link to a pic I found of him with his mother Helen:

she also appeared on an ep of Hell's Kitchen:

HannahPalindrome said...

We have a winner! You're correct!

OO is rolling his/her eyes at home saying people are so sensitive...probably gets annoyed when he/she has to be politically correct.


mooshki said...

I think a bunch of people need a refresher course:

B said...

Ingrid Superstar and ashlea please stop defending racism. If white people had the history black people have you would be sensitve as well!

Ingrid Superstar said...

No, I think I will continue to defend racism until the day I die. Just yesterday I housed a poor, defenseless, injured Klansman and now I'm nursing him back to health. I also have feeders in my backyard for Neo Nazi's full of crackers and whitebread.

WUWT? said...

When I think of who I admire, in any field, foul-mouthed idiots with a total lack of anger management skills do not make the list. Huh, I wonder what name will Gordon Ramsey call me?

Unknown said...

Well I guess there are a lot of fucking white bastards on this site.

Unknown said...

Well I guess there are a lot of fucking white bastards on this site.

XCentric said...

Being a black person myself, I personally don't that Gordon Ramsey is racist, but he is an asshole and wouldn't be above calling somebody that.


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