Thursday, August 30, 2012

Today's Blind Items - A List Racists

Apparently when organizations that are tied to Neo-Nazi causes need money you would think they would be out of luck with what is considered a very liberal Hollywood. Not so. There are at least two A list movie actors who are huge contributors to several of these organizations and who would cease to exist f not for the generosity of these A listers. Each of them has given well over $2M to the organizations. One of the organizations is basically a front for the KKK but just have a more politically correct name. Others are more of a para-military save yourself from the onslaught of minorities type organizations. One of the actors is A+ list. Only movies now, but not so back in the day. Whenever he has been forced to work with anyone of color he makes it clear there needs to be some distance between himself and that person. He has turned down several great roles simply because they would have required him to work more with people of color. He likes his projects to be lily white. He has even told his wife and kids that he will never speak to them again if they bring home anyone who is of color.

The other actor used to be A+ but has dropped to A-. Barely hanging on to A-, but he has that name recognition which keeps him artificially inflated. This actor has always said that some of his closest friends are black people, but in reality, no people of any color are friends with him. None. After they have known him for a bit, his true colors come out and they want nothing to do with him or his politics. He tries to hide it, but has trouble. The first actor is a huge donor to the para-military organizations while the A- list actor prefers the KKK type organizations that are doing everything in their power to make life miserable for what our actor calls the lower races. He also only dates people who can provide a trace of their ancestry so he knows they are "clean." Apparently about a year ago he dated someone without checking until later and found out she had some African-American blood in her. Our actor went on a three day bender.


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Gorgy said...

I just get the feeling that Gary Sinese is a world class racist

Popcorn Sutton said...

Hello?! #1 and #2 are both Herman Cain. Geez, guys. I can't believe no one else guessed that. Such a racist.

michelelala said...

PLease out these racist douchebags. I want none of my hard earned money going to these sick fuck.

Ms Cool said...

I will have to agree with Syko that this blog is way different after the Himmmm debacle. I rarely comment and especially don't on the blind items.

I just want to say that I wish people wouldn't be so black and white about their views (no pun intended on this racist blind - I couldn't think of the right word). How can you chastise an entire group of people for not accepting an entire group of people? Isn't that the also intolerant and hypocritical?

finder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Turkish Taffy said...

Can we get back on-topic, puh-leeze??? TYVM. I think Gary Sinise is an excellent guess, but does he really fit the clues? He is really A-list TV now.

Bruce Willis? I doubt it. I think part of the reason he hit the stratosphere with his Die Hard movies was his excellent rapport with actors of color: The limo driver, the LA cop, John Amos, Samuel L. Jackson.

Chuck Norris? Sorry, no. I was a huge fan of Walker, Texas Ranger.
Great chemistry with Trevitte, and a lot of story lines involved helping people of color.

I seriously hate Will Farrell, and am totally on board with him, but we need more evidence. Now let's stop this bickering and get to work!!

Mel G for number 2 for sure. I don't think Danny Glover gets a Christmas card from him, and dark-haired Russians do NOT count as women of color. said...

@old ;ady
Thank you for posting what you did. What a nice gentle reminder that everyone can find common ground :-)

History Snark said...

Can't believe the ignorance here. I'm a conservative, and if you think my friends and I sit around like Robin Williams said in his standup days "let's go get a pickup truck and shoot some ethnic people", then you're a dumbass.

Does anyone get their news from someplace other than the idiots at msnbc? Look at the things said about Rice and Mia Whatshername- or any Black Republican- and tell me liberals aren't racist.

Someone mentioned the "shouting down" of a Hispanic delegate. Ummm. NO! They were shouting down the asshole Ron Paul fans who were being disruptive. (And everyone I know believes the ones throwing the nuts were also Ron Paul supporters, which is why not a single conservative that I know likes him).

Sorry. In my world, the liberals are the racists. Chris Mathews is a liberal, and a racist dickbag. Mentioning golf means someone is suggesting obama is acting Black and trying to get laid all the time? Who the fuck believes that kind of stupid shit?

Final note. As someone said, if you are the one who hears the "dog whistle" then YOU ARE THE FUCKING DOG! It's clearly intended for you, if you're the only person who hears it.

Too many comments here tar all conservatives with the racist brush (ooh, "tar" must mean I hate Blacks, right?). Yeah, there are some, but look in your own groups. It's going on there too!

Enough. Be realistic, or kiss my lily white, conservative ass.

Unknown said...

Since he comes from a conservative Jewish family, I refuse to believe that #1 is Michael Douglas! Yes, he could still be racist, but I don't think so...

Anonymous said...

This made my entire week

Anonymous said...

This made my entire week

nicola said...

@Lurky Loo,

I missed the blind about Denzel, but I can testify that he... uhm... really likes white women. :D

lucretius said...

This is for Texshan. When Kanye West said GW Bush hated Black people after Katrina, I asked my dad what he thought. My dad who is a Texan and a democrat, said, "No he just hates poor people."

Howard Zinn talks about the issue of race in his book A people's history of the US stated race was used as way to divide poor people as the rich knew that together all the poor of different races could over come the poor.

Bigots/racists come in all shapes and sizes.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the big reasons racism is still pervasive is because people like to pretend it doesn't exist anymore. How wrong! Can we all just admit that racism is institutionalized in our culture and try to work on it? It's hard to work on something everyone keeps pretending doesn't exist

lalazz said...

This is an example of why I think requiring an ID is a ploy to make it hard for some to vote. As many others have noted, there is cost and document requirements that make it difficult. Also, when the new requirements to get a license/id went into effect July 1st, there was and still is a MINIMUM 3 hour wait at the dmv. They even had a sign made.

Someone should have sent Mike Turzai the memo saying that the requirement of an id to vote was to help protect against "voter fraud" and not a way of making it harder for some to vote...

EGB said...

Totally late to the commenting party, but @theGWU? Details, please!

Saffron said...

I notice a lot of Republicans trying to defend their bigotism.

I always thought that white South Africans, i.e the Afrikaner Boer especially the AWB's have a lot in common with the so called conservative Republicans especially the Tea Party affiliates. And really, if you swap the apartheid era white Afrikaners with the current Republicans, no one would even notice....their mentality is identical.

Lux Luthor said...

Jee-zus H Motherf'ing Christ, I can't even come here to avoid bitching about "liberals." Really, people? Ugh.

And before some conservative jackass jumps all over me, no, I'm not a Democrat. I have no problem with conservatives per se, but I don't like how many of them seem to fixate on social issues. I am 100% down with fiscal conservatism, but as soon as you want to start adding religious elements into politics, I'm out.
I am completely grossed out by how the Republican party has been taken over by regressive nutjobs--and that rank-and-file Republicans would rather spend their time bitching about liberals and getting all butthurt that total strangers don't like their chosen political party rather than taking a close look at the high-profile lunatics (Santorum, Akins, Bachman,, etc.) ruining said party.

mwynn13 said...

Well, Michael Douglas and Harrison Ford are both half Jewish, and donating large to paramilitary groups or KKK-like organizations sounds kind of unlikely.

Not that there are no Jewish racists (having had a grandmother who in the 1960s used to refer dismissively to "the schvartzes", although it was more casual, offhand racism and she was against discrimination), but you don't really see it happening on an organizational level; most of those kinds of groups tend to be pretty anti-Semitic.

fedwaymom said...

Damn that would really be sad since I've been a fan of his since 16 candles.

imahrtbrkbeat said...

Remember, Bruno cut a record with the Staple Singers, WILLINGLY. I doubt it's him.

I'm sorry for bringing up such horrible memories like that, but I had to remind everyone. :/

White lilly said...

All of this is so strange to me...
First, it upsets me that my favorite flower is associated with hatred...
Second, when we answer rudeness with rudeness, it just makes us going to that person's level.
Lastly, I still find it strange, even though I spent 2 years in the US, that people call each other racist when using expressions like "white race" or "black race". I know it is a cultural thing and just the way it is without prejudice, but to me, who has been taught that there's only the "human race", it is hard to understand that.
And I thought this was a gossip blog...

KPeony said...

what a f*cking circus. the politics, this thread, this BI, everything. it's the internet. it's a gossip site for f*cks sake. get over yourselves, get off your soapboxes and enjoy the dirt.

i dont want to have to sift through 400 comments about nonsense to get to the guesses people! this isn't foxnews

on that note, i absolutely think Mel is #2, i was thinking Michael Douglas for #1, but after reading the comments i'm not too sure.

Different Guest said...

I don't think anyone would be surprised if #2 is Mel. #1 on the other hand... So who are the A+ list actors who got their start in tv, is married and has kids?

Different Guest said...

Who has turned down great roles?

WUWT? said...

Thank you Layna Day and HalleGoLightly (and a few others).

Voter IDs sound "great," but it institutionalizes a process that makes it difficult for poorer people to vote. Who has jobs with flexible enough schedules that they can get to a ID center during the day? People with "good" jobs, not people with minimum wage jobs and strict scheduling. Who has the cars to drive there? Middle-class or better. (Try taking time off of work to take a bus to the place, some day, just for personal edification.) Who has the necessary documentation to get the necessary documentation? People who have had a stable upbringing and life so far. (Ask a former foster kid for all those documents; ask a Katrina survivor who evacuated a poor neighborhood; ask someone who left an abusive household with one bag.) These barriers apply to poor people overall, but certain demographics get unevenly marginalized by those restrictions. Four years ago, one Entertainment-Tonight type show followed Donald Trump four years ago as he went to the wrong precinct and hit other snags trying to vote. He was impatient and furious about it, and he had a limo driver taking him all over! A poor person hitting those snags goes home, and doesn't vote. Bottom line is, things that make it more difficult for the average person (and the poor person) to vote make it easier for the wealthy to be disproportionately represented in the election. And that just feeds the cycle.

Ingrid Superstar said...

LMAO, two flowers in a row commented (White lilly and KPeony).

@theGWU, did you canoodle with Denzel?

WUWT? said...

And, Salon, I don't know who "really" gives more to charity, although I share your suspicions. BUT I would not doubt for a second that the tax returns of republicans show more charitable donations than those of democrats. Every write-off helps, you know.

Eeekalicious said...

I may be whistling in the wind here, but I was thinking one or both of these actors could be Scientologists.

They believe that they are members of a superior race, hence one of them may have made comments about the "lower races".

Also, some people might consider Sea Org to be a paramilitary organization....

My apologies if this was mentioned previously.

Eeekalicious said...

Just throwing this out there in the ring: I was just reading an anti-Scientology blog called Mirror of Dr. Lilly von Marcab, and the word 'lily' is in the Blind post at least a couple of times.

DewieTheBear said...

@Tuxedo, I just peeked in my in-box having been away since dinner. I have 156 new CDAN notifications, almost all of them from this thread. I can only imagine where the speculation has gone to since five this afternoon :s

zeldafitzgerald said...

er, 430 comments later - Russell Crowe IS NOT part aboriginal.

nor is a racist arsehole.

And as for the hilarious republican aren't bad people too debate up above, i'm listening to YOUR mitt romney right now in australia and dudes, republicans are fucking racist and their whole campaign is racist.

Deal with it.

Eeekalicious said...

@Tish and Dewie...Tish I am glad to hear that because I always think I'm seeing clues that I"m not....Dewie, I haven't read most of the in-between posts either...I think it was interesting, whatever it was....

DewieTheBear said...

@Tuxedo, just curious - been meaning to ask, is that your tuxedo kitty in the picture? I used to have one I loved dearly so your name + the picture makes me misty eyed :(

Tish said...

Great one @LC

Different Guest said...

I was thinking scifi too, but who is a list besides Cruise and Travolta?

Has Will Ferrell turned down any great roles? His wikipedia biography (and we all know how accurate those are) says he has homes in New York and Orange County - original home of the John Birch Society.

Brandon said...

As much as I want these revealed, Enty will never reveal them. These would be very serious accusations, and he could be sued for libel.

violet said...

Well that escalated quickly.

Different Guest said...

@Brandon we'll know when wife or kids decide to rebel.

Different Guest said...

Or people take note of lily white casts.

Lux Luthor said...

"er, 430 comments later - Russell Crowe IS NOT part aboriginal." LMAO!!!
I wish there was a "Like" button for each comment.

And good one, TuxedoCat, for the Scientology theory.

Elizabeth said...

Voter ID sounds harmless until you hear of states that say NRA cards count but Student IDs don't. The mask gets ripped off quickly then.

#2 Mel but I cannot think of #1. Walburg maybe? Just not Mr. Bean!

Team Vicki

Agent**It said...

Voter ID is actually quite simple to institute.It's the 21st century, sheeple and it's time to stop the dead from rising on election day.
@Brandon, there will be no reveal to the blind because it is made up. Race baiting posts bring in the comments and that ups the revenue.Hey, Enty's gotta make a living !

Different Guest said...

Correction, OC is not the original home of the John Birch Society - just the most active CA branch.

Different Guest said...

Agent**it is the revenue from # of comments or clicking on ads?

Agent**It said...

The more traffic, the more clicking.

Eeekalicious said...

@Dewie - Yes, that's a picture of my female Tuxedo cat, named Inky. She's a miniature, around 4.5 lbs.

juicy said...

Many liberals are only tolerant and accepting to those who embrace every single view they do. I am sick of my personal liberties being infringed upon incrementally, rising taxes, and being mocked for being a young, educated, urban woman who aligns herself w/ more right-leaning politics. There are hypocrites on both sides, but in my experience w/ friends, work, college, and family, self-proclaimed liberal D's take the cake on hypocrisy.

Agent**It said...

@Different Guest, Twitter will likely become the most vital economic piece.

Liz said...

Sean Penn lives in Haiti rebuilding the country. No him.
Will Ferrel is on the best show on tv, albeit cable. I like the Ben stiller guess.

1Jazzimom said...

A single incident of 1 race displaying rude and obnoxious behavior toward their same race constitutes the state of affairs for that race? Get out of here!
Chuck Norris is not A, A- or A+ and has dated a Black woman or two in the past.
Mel is racist and probably believes having Black co-workers makes him Black friendly. Mel sounds like #2

1Jazzimom said...

Denzel said that his core fan base Black Women, would get upset if he did movies with sex scenes with White women. He didn't say he didn't like them or it doesn't mean he wouldn't sleep with them but he was concerned with who fills the theater when he stars in a role and didn't want to alienate them.Sheesh

Basil said...

I don't know who this is, but I can't say as it surprises me. There is alot of hatred and bigotry in the world and just because someone becomes a celebrity doesn't mean they all of a sudden become enlightened. They just have to hide it better. Personally, I would much rather know who hates me instead of believing they are nice because of what they say in press releases or interviews.

Different Guest said...

Thanks for the explanation Agent**it, I don't click on ads or do twitter.

1Jazzimom said...

Dawn whatever her last name is, the Black woman convicted & jailed of stalking Michael Douglas is rumored to have been a mistress who got carried away and thought he would wife her. Supposedly he had to pretend she was a stalker bec of the prenup he has woth CZJ that pays handsomely if he's caught cheating. This stalker allegedy drove fancy cars, had a mini mansion and lived a lavish lifestyle with no visible means of support. Don't think #1 is Douglas.

SashaJames2 said...

I find it absurd and appalling the way politics in America is divisive and polarised. As a uk voter, it's really strange to me. I voted labour in the past when I believed in their message and voted conservatives in the last elections when I thought labour had lost the plot. The same was the case with a lot of people here. I don't judge people based on which party they voted as long as its not the far right or any party that preaches hate.

Anonymous said...

For some reason...or maybe I just don't bother to read the names of the posters, I though Vicki's name was Vicki Cooper not Cupper.

Anyway, Mel is too easy to guess, so it's not him.

As for the whole conservative vs. liberal thing... I find that conservatives, whether they're republicans or not, don't jump down my throat when I give my opinion on something. It's a totally different thing with MOST liberals. I am in the middle with all this political stuff. Sometimes I wish all humans were blind so that we wouldn't base our opinions on color. We all need to take a chill pill

dia papaya said...

@old ;ady

Dont know if you will be back to read this, but I wanted you to know I'm still thinking about you and hope you're doing OK.

Thanks for sharing this lovely story!

Big hug to you!

Salon deWinchester said...

@texshan... so with no valid rebuttal you scold me for not doing "homework" that you assigned me and then conclude with name calling. Nice. You should at least look up the difference between rigor (as relates to the statement of logical hypotheses) and rigidity.

In any case I invite you to have the last work if you like, I'm done checking this thread.

Suileabháin said...

I went to a "Fame"- style Fine Arts High School/College in a southern state. One of my classmates, a black actress is VERY famous now. Married famous, even kids getting famous. She was THE biggest anti-White racist- she was notorious for it. After she became famous, she actually did an interview w/Vogue and SAID she didn't like white people, didn't want to work with them, etc. For some reason, that was OK. In my opinion, it has NEVER been OK. Racism exists in *every* culture. But this person is one of the biggest, shadiest fakes in H'wood since she got there. Her husband has an A list white "friend" he's been getting close with + doing projects controversial for other reasons; but while her name is attached to these projects, she isn't seen much with them- I wonder why?

All about Eve said...

Don't like Sean Penn much but he has been very involved with rebuilding Haiti since the earthquake, I just can't see a racist doing that

Suileabháin said...

And I'm sorry, but how come when the words "actor" and "alcohol, bender, drunk", etc. are combined, EVERYONE guesses Mel 1st? I am in NO way defending him, but there are MANY documented famous drunkards in L.A.- given, sometimes he DOES fit the clues of a blind, but sometimes, his name seems to be just thrown out there to see if it sticks. Just an observation.

Also, I thought this post was about racism, NOT politics. Go to a political blog to yell at each other about that...this is "supposed" to be entertaining!

(And yes, I can FUCK OFF too- I'll beat you to the punch on that one).

Bowser said...

For juicy,

Your civil liberties have been infringed by a conservative legislature and a conservative court. Your taxes are actually at a historical low. I am sure you get scolded because people think you are an idiot for having beliefs based on false premises. Did you go to a conservative private school for that education?

caralw said...

Maybe she was burned too many times? Actually, there's a lot of black on black racism as well. I'm also a southern girl. Sadly, pasty white. I support the Dems this go around. The Republican party has pushed me away.

anita_mark said...

Based on someone's comments above, are Americans in the US not given time off to vote? In Canada, it's the law that we are given three consecutive hours off during polling hours so we may vote. As for ID, it's pretty loose. I always just give my licence but my mom, who doesn't drive, just uses something with her name and address so a phone bill is enough.

And for provincial voting, because turn out is usually so incredibly low, they put polling stations EVERYWHERE. For the past two provincial elections, the polling station has been in the lobby of the building I live in. No excuses there.

Also, the two party system is so limiting. Not like any country has it right but in Canada, we have three main parties and a smaller party fighting for a seat at the table. In past provincial and federal elections, I have voted for three different parties, depending on the candidate and who I'd like to see as Premier or Prime Minister. But to me, political leanings is personal and not discussed with friends or at work since people get heated quickly.

TSA said...

WOW, Enty! Was gonna post a few hrs ago, but didn't get a chance to read all the comments...then *explosion* So I'll jump in now while some are still posting. ICE AGE got it right way up in the first 100 posts's about TOLERANCE. Too bad those actors we're trying to guess don't have any either, and human decency & civility. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, beliefs, morals. Stop judging others. Many commenters have agreed to civilly disagree. Some haven't. We can do this w/o attacking each other (a little late to be saying that now). I'm a closet Dem in the state I live in because I fear being judged for my beliefs...that's ridiculous! I fear being attacked & judged just like we're all doing on this thread. It's not about who's right & who's wrong...this is a democracy. Each party has its' faults, but at least we have a choice. What's wrong is the hate/racism. I cannot understand it, never will. I try to find the good in everyone. I know there is evil out there & we need to protect ourselves and our borders. But we also need to treat our neighbors as we want to be treated. To look at another human being & think we're better than them...I don't get how someone can do that. Hasn't history taught us anything??? Or, as we often hear, is history doomed to repeat itself? I, for one, hope not. And I have lost a great deal of respect for whoever these two actors are. Use your celebrity for something good, not evil.

And, last, about the church receipts. Most churches do send them out for tax purposes. Every church I've been a member of does this.

Anonymous said...

Salon, I didn't assign you homework. I said that I wasn't going to do your work for you. There's a difference. And thank you, I know the difference between rigor and rigid.

Zelda, I listened to every word of Romney's speech tonight when I got home from the football game I went to. What did he say, in your mind, that was racist? Because I didn't hear one word about race in his speech.

Lucretious, thanks for sharing, but I have no intention of taking seriously the words of someone who thinks Howard Zinn is someone to admire. He was one of the original history revisionists and an admitted socialist. No thanks.

caralw said...

I am so tired of the word socialist being bandied about. Nothing about our current government is anywhere close to being socialist. Howard Zinn is a snoozefest for sure. I only made it through his bit about Columbus being admired. He shouldn't be. I can't speak for the rest of his book. I don't however, discount him because someone labels his ideas. I just don't comment on them.

Speaking of revisionist history, I invite you to see what's going on with Alabama Public Television these days. So sad.

Urban Rosebud said...

In order to really have a discussion on racism one must actually know what it is. Let's see what Webster has to say:

1. A doctrine or teaching, WITHOUT SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT, that claims to find racial differences in character, intelligence, etc..that asserts the superiority of one race over another or others and that seeks to maintain the supposed purity of a race or the races.

2. Any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, etc..based on such beliefs.

No offense but this really only applies to those who hid & lied about history, destroyed civilizations and whole cultures, believed manifest destiny was their god given right and used others as guinea pigs and lab Europeans and their descendants. People of color can be PREJUDICED, however, racism is reserved for those who owned slaved and created a segregation, red-lining, Jim Crow and the like. They were not black, mexican or asian. Let's just all admit it so we can move on from it. African-Americans, Native/First Nation/Latinos and Asians are owed an big fucking "we apologize for the mental, emotional and physical destruction of your land & culture" from all Europeans, starting with England, moving to France, Spain, Italy & Belgium and ending with the American Gov't.

Now put that in your Republican pipe and smoke up!

Lux Luthor said...

"I am so tired of the word socialist being bandied about. Nothing about our current government is anywhere close to being socialist."

This^^. I'm f'ing sick of it too, especially because 90% of the people I observe throwing that word around have no idea what it means. It makes me wonder how many people actually stop to think and/or bother to research before forming their personal opinion. Doesn't seem like very many do. Like the "Obama's a socialist!" crowd. I LMAO (or want to break something, depending on my mood) whenever I hear that. Obama is no more a socialist than is Mitt Romney, George W. Bush or even Ron F'ing Paul. Corporate stooges, all of them.

Sydney21221 said...

I'm not sure if you're still reading this post but your comment caught my attention.

Whilst I think it's admirable that you want to defend your friend, if you go back to the beginning of the post you'll see that Vicki pretty much sparked off this debate by posting a link to celebrity republicans, clearly implying that she thought the answers lied therewithin. When people objected and challenged her on this, her response was to tell people to F-off.

This is not the first time that Vicki has caused offence, but it's one of the first times that I've seen so many people object to it.

No doubt you know Vicki better than I do as you know her personally. Quite possibly she is a warm, caring and funny person, but throwing the F-bomb at people only shows the potty mouth and not the other attributes that you speak of.

And for what it's worth, I think the subsequent debate would have arisen if someone else had made the same comment.

TSA said...

One other quick note...I came across this American Cinematheque Award list yesterday. Ben Stiller is this year's honoree. RDJ was honored in 2011 (he asked Mel Gibson to present him his award). Check out some of the other honorees & the presenters. Several names mentioned here show up on the list. Tom Hanks presented Denzel his award in 2002 (RDJ was there & Bruce). Denzel gave Julia her award in 2007. Arnie won in 1998, Mel in 1995, Michael Douglas in 1993. Al Pacino won in 2005 (interesting, no black actors participated???).

And how appropo from Clint's lips tonight at the RNC..."You're the best in the world. Whether you're Rep, Dem, Lib...and we should not ever forget that." Well said, Dirty Harry (someone should have combed his hair).

TSA said...

Oh & AlexT...I still haven't finished reading the comments here, could you get our Recap ready (please, please, please!)? We can't wait to hear what you have to say about all this!

TSA said...

And Ooops (editing myself)..."apropos"

Urban Rosebud said...

Oh please. Vicki has the right, just like everyone else to express her opinion. DRIVE OVER IT and move on! Let her have her fucking moment and go feed the homeless or something. Just laugh and move toward neutrality. This site is an anthropologists dream. Human behavior...rats in a maze...remove yourself from the game or play it with aplomb & enthusiasm.

Take it from me. Let your freak flag fly, say what you like and give others the space do the same. Hell, I've been called a mouth breather and honey I wear that as my badge of courage. Popped my CDAN flame cherry & made me re-examine my motives. Just let it ride. These celebrities/politicians would not piss on you if you were on fire...fuck them and their political leanings.

Jessie said...

Russel Crowe owns and whole heatedly supports the South Sydney Rabbitohs (NRL team) which has a large contingency of Aboriginal players. He has anger management issues but I don't believe he is racist.

Unknown said...

Want to believe in politics and democracty again? Try doing grass roots politics at the local level. There are amazing people running at the local level. I spent the afternoon in the AC making phone calls while the candidate i support went and walked his precinct despite the pizza oven like temperature of AZ. Want to know why democracy is fading? My peers would rather do just about anything except scrutinize candidate platforms. They would rather chew their arm off than devote a couple of hours per week volunteering to make government work by electing decent thoughtful candidates.

Do I seem a bit self righteous? Yep. One can adore sites like this one and still volunteer for political campaigns. I'd like to challenge everyone who got so freekin' hot tempered on a damned celebrity gossip site to spend some time volunteering. Or prove me wrong by posting about your current campaign experiences.

Do I seem self righteous? Maybe come off as someone that doesnt understand how busy folks can be? Maybe I do a little.

I have metastatic breast cancer. In march i had part of my hip replaced bc the cancer ate it. Right now I have PT three times per week, until recently I was also seeing a lymphedema therapist three days per week. I do chemo weekly. I spend the day after chemo experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. Then i spend the
weekend feeling incredibly weak and lethargic as the chemo assaults my cancer and bone marrow. I will be
on this chemo indefinitely until it stops working and then I'll go on the next chemo until it stops working. Rinse repeat. I work part time (20 hours per week) and am trying to increase my hours because I love my job. I have a husband I adore and I try to keel up with my share of chores. We are lucky enough to be able to pay for cleaning help every two weeks, in part because im still not healed from surgery and dust exacerbates breathing problems due to the breast cancer in my lungs. Also they don't do laundry. I do. Also with 10
pets the clean doesn't stay clean for long.

I'm a dying woman and this grassroots democracy stuff is important to me. To all of you on this blog who were part of this debate - why isn't it important to You?

Ok end self righteous post. I will return to celebrity gossip and you all can continue to abuse each other.

Unknown said...

Want to believe in politics and democracty again? Try doing grass roots politics at the local level. There are amazing people running at the local level. I spent the afternoon in the AC making phone calls while the candidate i support went and walked his precinct despite the pizza oven like temperature of AZ. Want to know why democracy is fading? My peers would rather do just about anything except scrutinize candidate platforms. They would rather chew their arm off than devote a couple of hours per week volunteering to make government work by electing decent thoughtful candidates.

Do I seem a bit self righteous? Yep. One can adore sites like this one and still volunteer for political campaigns. I'd like to challenge everyone who got so freekin' hot tempered on a damned celebrity gossip site to spend some time volunteering. Or prove me wrong by posting about your current campaign experiences.

Do I seem self righteous? Maybe come off as someone that doesnt understand how busy folks can be? Maybe I do a little.

I have metastatic breast cancer. In march i had part of my hip replaced bc the cancer ate it. Right now I have PT three times per week, until recently I was also seeing a lymphedema therapist three days per week. I do chemo weekly. I spend the day after chemo experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. Then i spend the
weekend feeling incredibly weak and lethargic as the chemo assaults my cancer and bone marrow. I will be
on this chemo indefinitely until it stops working and then I'll go on the next chemo until it stops working. Rinse repeat. I work part time (20 hours per week) and am trying to increase my hours because I love my job. I have a husband I adore and I try to keel up with my share of chores. We are lucky enough to be able to pay for cleaning help every two weeks, in part because im still not healed from surgery and dust exacerbates breathing problems due to the breast cancer in my lungs. Also they don't do laundry. I do. Also with 10
pets the clean doesn't stay clean for long.

I'm a dying woman and this grassroots democracy stuff is important to me. To all of you on this blog who were part of this debate - why isn't it important to You?

Ok end self righteous post. I will return to celebrity gossip and you all can continue to abuse each other.

Turkish Taffy said...

Hold the phone?? did someone mention Al Pacino??? Very interesting... I'm off to IMDB.

And you all suck for the first time at trying to figure out this blind! I am very disappointed in all of you! Now go to your time-out corners while I work on Al Pacino.
Still think #2 is Mad Mel.

Turkish Taffy said...

Interesting. Al Pacino talks about the changes in his Bronx neighborhood (Fort Apache) in 1948. Not defending him, but that situation could have had an effect on his race relations for the rest of his life.

Turkish Taffy said...

JEAH!!! 481 comments of bickering, and I GOT THIS!!!

Google Al Pacino and black co-stars. You get a list of his twelve biggest co-stars. All of them are white.

Got his start as a dancer and stand-up comedian, not movies.
"Wife and kids"= Beverly D'Angelo. Who knows what kind of abuse he has heaped on her??

Go ahead.. Somebody please find evidence to refute this, because I do love him. But, as sorry as I am to say this; I GOT IT!!!

Turkish Taffy said...

From IMDB:

Turned down the role of Ted Kramer in Kramer vs. Kramer (1979).

Turned down Raymond J. Barry's role in Born on the Fourth of July (1989).

Turned down Marlon Brando's role in Apocalypse Now (1979).

Turned down the role of Han Solo in Star Wars (1977).

Turned down Hector Elizondo's role in Pretty Woman (1990).

Turned down Gene Hackman's role in Crimson Tide (1995).

NOTE WELL: Apocalypse Now. Co-star Lawrence Fishburne-Great actor, great part, great director!

Crimson Tide. Fantastic film. Co-star: Denzel.

Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.

chickenpuss said...

The telenova (sp?) He just did....

chickenpuss said...

And Wil did that all spanish movie not too long ago.....

Eeekalicious said...

@Unknown {{Huggies for Unknown}} You seem to be doing amazingly well, especially with respect to your job....I'll be praying for your continued remissions...It sounds as if you're kicking cancer ass. Did they tell you to drink lots of water after your chemotherapy? It helps flush out the leftover chemicals.

Turkish Taffy said...

Ok, I'm out for now. If I'm right, credit goes to @TSA. S/he is the one who found the American Cinematheque awards. I just ran with it from there.

Tatyana said...

@Britta-Jöns said...
"Meh it annoys me when people jump in and defend this Vicky person.

She writes rude and sometimes ignorant stuff, and people will protest. If she herself has a problem with the response she gets, she should learn some manners. Well she should learn some manners even if she don't have a problem with it."
The insults she was so quick to hurl in the "rice" thread went well beyond "mere" bad manners.

"Another thought about US political scene. To a european the contempt and hate that seems to exist between some parts of your 2 big partys is mindgobbeling. I stare in amazement. Isn't it exhausting?"

And since the domestic policies of both parties rarely if ever correlate with their international policies, considering them is not mind-gobbling but also pretty much useless for Europeans.

TSA said...

Thanks, Turkish Taffy, but someone else mentioned Al first. I just remembered reading who was on that list & who presented/participated. After reading this blind, I thought I'd go back and see who showed up after I read this blind. Who didn't show up for Al looked suspicious to me, may not be him, but what you unconvered makes it look even more suspicious.

it took forever said...

NOT Michael Douglas, he sleeps with many women of colour, but i heard his dad warned him to to marry any of them, but michael sleeps with and spends lots a money on black women

Britta-Jöns said...

@Tatyana: I'm reigning monarch of understatement. ;)

babo said...

I m with you there Britta ... The level of hatred ready to flare at any opportunity is disheartening. Nothing good can come out of this, whatever the beliefs.

babo said...

I m with you there Britta ... The level of hatred ready to flare at any opportunity is disheartening. Nothing good can come out of this, whatever the beliefs.

Eeekalicious said...

As I think my last post got mind-gobbled, (or I posted it under the wrong blind)

My guesses are:

#1 Tom Cruise, bc Sea Org (paramilitary) A+ list, Scientology believes adherents to be of a superior race, therefore the rest of us are lower races

#2 Bradley (rhymes with Hooper), again, I hope not, but he broke up pretty suddenly with Zoe Saldana last year....

Popnursing said...

Yes Vicki, because all Rebuplicans are automatically racist. WTH?

Agent**It said...

@unknown- "grassroots democracy stuff". YES. I worked for a Congressional rep from MA who served 14 years in Congress. It took two campaigns to get him elected. I was the assistant "press secretary" (we got titles 'cause there was no money). My primary duty was organizing Coffee Klatch's and making sure the local media attended. When National media came along (due to a Kennedy influence) I got to tag along, and what an experience. I applaud you and hope you are taking GOOD care of yourself. Bless you and way to go !

AKM said...

RE: Pacino: I'm a pretty big fan, and IIRC, his only TV was YOU DON'T KNOW JACK. Also, he's never been married to anyone...Beverly, his other acting-teacher baby mama, Diane, Kathleen, Jill, none of 'em.

Agent**It said...

@Tuxedo, re your guess #1 - but he adopted a son that is bi-racial ? Wouldn't that rule him out?

Different Guest said...

@Unknown, will keep you in my thoughts. It is depressing, I'm working on a local candidate's campaign. In our primary less than a third of the registered voters voted and we are vote by mail with a 3 week time frame.

Turkish Taffy said...

Um, Tom Cruise, really? Tom may be all kinds of a jerk, but he loves and fought for custody of Conor, who is, um, black. As is Isabella's boyfriend. And he seems to have enjoyed working with Paula Patton on MI4. They did a lot of press together.

The blind item specifically states that he would never speak to his family again if they brought home someone of color.

Beverly D. may not have been Al P's wife, but there have been rumors of control issues between them and I believe there was a public spat over the twins.

Different Guest said...

If it is Pacino it must have burned his ass to receive the National Medal of the Arts from President Obama.

lostathome said...

If it is al Pacino, remember in tropic thunder there was a black character named alpa chino, I'd think they'd have had to get his permission or something to do that?

Shayla V. said...

Leo's best friend is the rapper Q-tip and he grew up in la and was a break dancer

Anonymous said...

I'm not "throwing around" the term socialist w/o knowing what it means. Zinn said he was a socialist. I'm not accusing him of it, I'm reporting a fact.

Turkish Taffy said...

@lostathome: That sounds like a Hollywood inside joke to me. I doubt they would have needed his permission, and considering the high-powered Hollywood talent in that film, it seems to confirm my suspicions.

Tru Leigh said...

#1 Ahnold
#2 Mel Gibson

What I want to know is who he dated that has some African-American ancestry.

Sadie said...

I don't posts very often but have noticed there is a definite clique - and if you don't post enough so that people in that clique know your name - your considered new and out of place and maybe even unwelcome - oh an you may as well have no bothered to comment because its a waste of everyone's time to read it.

I'm in no way, shape or form new here. I just prefer to remain quiet and enjoy Enty's posts because really - there is enough drama in real life and cliques are so high school.

Have a nice day!

Lux Luthor said...

High-five to Unknown. I wish you much healing, health, and happiness.

L said...

@News, you are kidding right? way to go with the generalisations.. i think you forgot to day that all germans and austrians are nazis.. there, i fixed that for you..
@Sadie - i am sorry you feel this way. i very seldom post but i never felt like people shunned me or anything.. a few times we got into quite heated discussions but it was always civil. granted, people who chat daily greet each other warmly but i think it's pretty normal.. don't be like that, i will talk to you and read your posts :)

Just_Me said...

@ Unknown you sound like a strong & courageous woman. I wish you Peace & Healing in your life.

Jen said...

What people need to realize is there is a difference in being a racist and participating in institutional racism. As was stated up-thread by Urban Rosebud, a racist is someone who believes a doctrine that positions the superiority of one individual or group over another. The second definition describes the institutionalization of racism into our way of life. In America, the most obvious examples are the displacement of Native Americans for their land and the enslavement of Africans for labor. Both of these practices are so closely tied with the early economic prosperity of this country that even well after slavery ended and the massacres ceased, we are still dealing with institutional racism's effects.
The world's wealth has moved from goods and service production to investments & stock markets but the 1% or so who control it still manage our 2 party system to get what they want (more $) and one of the ways is to use outdated fears and prejudices about each other to divide and conquer. The modern day redistricting (used to be called gerrymandering) and voter control are old race baiting tricks used today by folks who may not be primarily concerned by enforcing their racial superiority, but by personal greed. While we regular folks are fighting about who is more racist, sexist, etc, our pockets are being raided.
So what's worse, these two racist morons who really do not affect our day to day life, or the Hollywood model of conglomerates entwined with corporate America, spending billions on movies catering to racist & sexist stereotypes that the corporations have determined will rake in the most money?

liteNOTSObrite said...

So, would it be fair to quote my mom and say, " Most Republicans aren't racists, but most racists are Republican"?

icnclst said...

I don't get the association between Republicans and racism and never have, I guess it's a label the dems stuck on reps. Having worked in the civil rights movement, I remember who the opposition was. For you brain-washed youngsters out there, it was members of the dem party that opposed the civil rights act. It took a poweful persuader like LBJ to twist democrat arms to get minority rights passed. The Republicans simply were not the problem. You must be a bunch of business majors or are otherwise unmotivated to study history.

AKM said...

I said it once, but I'll say it again...Al Pacino has never been married. Now, or ever. This is NOT him.

Rogue said...

I don't have any words for anyone commenting about anything political on a gossip website.

All about Eve said...

The problem with this is that the election is about two months away, not enough time for everyone to get the ID necessary. Another problem is the cost! My drivers license was $80!!! Not everyone can afford that! Specially lower income people who mostly lean democrat and third voter fraud is not a problem in this country!!!! Out of the billions of ballots cast only .0004% were found to be fraudulent!!! This is just a ploy by SOME members of the republican party to stop certain groups of people who are Obama supporters from voting. The state official from PA was caught on camera admitting that voter ID laws will help them win election!

All about Eve said...

It is a problem because first, the election is about two months away, that's not enough time for some people to get the necessary paper to obtain a license! Me personally I would have to send to Puerto Rico for a certified copy of my birth certificate. Second, in my state it cost me $80 to get a license! This is an expense that it's too much for lower income people who by the way usually lean democratic. Third, there is no voter fraud problem!!!! Out of the billions of ballots cast only .0004 were found to be fraudulent!! That's not the widespread fraud we're being told is happening! This is just a ploy by SOME members of the republican party to stop certain groups of people from voting. A PA republican official was caught on camera admitting that these voter ID laws will help then win the election!

By the way, I do see why you were upset about Vickie's post, not all racist are republicans

Selock said...

True fact.

Selock said...

Charlie Sheen is Hispanic, though. :)

Selock said...

God, I love being an Independent.

classalpha said...

... you're 'FOOL' if you equate Republican Conservatives w/ racists- as there is no one more abjectly bigoted than the lily-white Liberal D"Em"ocrat. How any "Negroes" live outside of Oakland in ultra LIBERAL NorCali? How many Black Oscar winners are there in LIBERAL Hollyweird? Why are all those granola-eating/tree-hugging/PETA-shilling alt-Rock bands White? White Liberals think their sh!t doesn't stink & they have the inherent birthright (as White Liberals) to keep minorities poor, dependent on welfare, make them study dumbed-down academics in public schools,stay in Black communities even if they're "wealthy" (Baldwin Hills anyone?) & yes... keep the minorities voting for Democrats & supporting LIBERAL 'causes" too... BTW... #2 sounds like that old Blind It"Em" about Scott Baio & him freaking after finding out a chick he 'WAS' dating had sum "kneegrow" blood in 'er... so 'Nuff Sed...

Brian Brown said...

Hey fat Vicki Cupper, remember how outraged you were when President Clinton gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to noted segregationist J. William Fullbright?

Me too!


DewieTheBear said...

As we approach the 530-comment mark, is it too much to ask that maybe the political debate shift to another site? One that has something to do with politics, perchance?

Flo said...

Kelsey Grammer? Mel Gibson? Woody Allen? The organization has to be the NRA. And Republican party.

Little Miss Type A said...

+1 for tex

Pip said...

Assholes are in all political parties. End of story.

Eeekalicious said...

There's a lot of Obama-envy up here in Canada. You guys really don't know how lucky you are to have had a man like President Obama to fight for universal health care. He takes so much crap. He's sacrificed his four years for your long-term benefit. You are so lucky to have a President that cares about you so much. All of you, and not just the rich and successful.

Can't afford universal health care? You can afford wars and outer space but not basic health coverage?

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
it took forever said...

Think we need to PURGE the site of all MEAN GIRLS, dam you think after high school the bully mannerism would stop but hey guess not, in the real world RACIST comes in all forms and from all parties!

Eeekalicious said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eeekalicious said...

I want to apologize to everyone for posting off topic...

Trying to out racist celebrities is a much more important use of the group than political rants such as the one I made.

Also, I'm guilty of being preachy sometimes, as if I know everything. I'm sure there are many Americans that love and appreciate President Obama, and I'm sorry for using the collective "you"."

Anonymous said...

When you blatantly disrespect and dehumanize people because you feel protected under the shield of anonymity that posting on the Internet provides (for now), you show the world your lack of immaturity, unwillingness or inability to engage in intelligent debate, and a great failure of character. A person's true colors are revealed when they operate free of censorship and consequences unlike in the 'real world' where they're still held accountable for their actions in the eyes of their community and the law. Think about that when you're coming to the defense of someone who often expresses themselves in a hateful and immature manner because you agree with them in one thread but then jump all over them because you feel personally offended in another. Don't forget that you're revealing your true colors as well. Hate speech and disrespect is hateful and disrespectful always not just in the instances that make you feel personally attacked.


Anonymous said...

it should say lack of maturity not immaturity

Char said...

Ok no. Sorry, but no. No one here is saying that all rebublicans are racist. Absolutely not. There are wonderful open-minded amazing Republicans out there. Absolutely, no question.

HOWEVER... the leader of the democratic party is half black. So there are literally and absolutely NO racists who are voting democrat. No one would vote for someone who's race they hate.

So, sorry, but while there probably (actually definitely) were racist democrats a number of years ago, they have since changed their allegiance to your party. That is a fact. If that bothers you, I suggest you have a good hard look at your party's platform and members and assess what values are important to you.

Char said...

Oh please. Every few weeks something incites the Republican/Democrat debate. If you don't like it, don't read those particular posts. But this happens here all the time.

B said...

Thank you Vicky Cupper!!!

Angela said...

It's not Sean Penn, Will Ferrell, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Stiller... or any prominent liberal or progessive actor, especially affiliated with the Democrats.

Why not? Because you can bet your ass that Enty would have mentioned the hypocrisy in his B.I. as it made it even juicier. But there must definitely be a few self-professed liberals who are huge bigots. It's just that they are not the subject of this particular Blind Item.

My favorite guess for #1 is Al Pacino. A+ through The Godfather, Scarface and many more, and only a few movies with black supporting actors (Any Given Sunday, mostly). Democrat, supported Obama in 2008. But he had an all-movie career for decades before accepting a few parts on TV for HBO, which doesn't fit the blind.
And it would be exhilarating if the rap community discovered that their idol Tony Montana from Scarface is actually a white supremacist ;-)

#2 is very obviously Mel Gibson. The fact that he has a few black friends doesn't change a thing. The guy has serious anger issues and it would be easy for him to send checks to a racist organization during one of his numerous meltdowns.
And working with Richard Donner, Joel Silver, Robert Downey Jr and many others didn't preclude to make more or less drunken remarks about the Jews.
Gibson is at least bi-polar, and the description of the B.I. fits many things we know about his behavior.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@ Texshan,

who you think you are fooling here?

I have been reading your post for months now & I gather that you are a very bigot person.

This blind item is about some A list actorswho are not liberal therefore Republicans but somehow you managed to take offense of people who clearly understood that element and had the nerves to say that the most racist people you ever met were Black ? Really ? Not only you were derailing the thread but you are playing the victim of reverse racism. I can't believe some commentators agreed with you.
I see through the BS. Again you sound like a racist.

8:24 AM

Opie said...

Thank you tuxedo cat for pointing out what Obama has done or will do for the rest of our lives with universal health care. Only the middle class it seems care as we are paying out our asses for health care, the rich can afford it and the poor can get it free. I pay $550/mo plus a $1500 deductible plus 20% of the visit/procedure/operation. Just had neck fusion and my share will be in the $10,000 range plus all of the above. So I may have to file bankruptcy and ruin my credit for 10 years just b/c I got sick. Oh and I just lost my job so am using my retirement $$ to pay for living. Sigh......
Now how do you get a mini cat? I have a maxi cat, Maine Coon, B&W and 25 lbs. I love big fatty animals though.

MikeAdamson said...

I'm on the Michael Cera train for #2 and anybody who isn't on said train is a racist and should just fuck right off.

Eeekalicious said...

@Opie I am so sorry, I didn't realize there were people stuck in income sandwich areas like you are. That is absolutely awful. You shouldn't have to carry a financial burden like that.

Do you mean that Obama's actions have directly affected you like this?

Opie said...

Hi Tuxedo cat, no I mean I HOPE Obama's health plan, when implemented in 2013 or 2014 (I think it is 2014) WILL help me so much. There are not that many middle class without health care I guess is why so many peeps are fighting about it, but me, I can't wait for it. It will save me, literally maybe my life from being able to be treated or not afford to be. So I was just complementing you on what Obama is fighting to do (for me!).

Eeekalicious said...

@Opie I sure hope it will! I'm sending you best wishes. I wish I could sneak you up here to Canada for healthcare right now.

BTW, my mini-cat was just born that way. Her mother is just 7 lbs, and the father about 15 lb. I know, I love chubby cats too. I've got an 18 pounder (also Tuxie)

Best wishes

Opie said...

Tux Cat, you are so sweet! I wish you could sneak me to CAN too, I live in WA state so I am close! I only have had B&W cats since I was 11. Must be so cute to have a mini and a maxi cat!
Yes lets get this health care debacle under control! I can't wait much longer.

Kathleen said...

Why? Because you're a racist? No explanation of your position, but you're from Texas, so putting two and two together ...

DewieTheBear said...

@Kathleen, your incredibly ignorant comment does nothing more than demonstrate a desire to keep fanning the flames here. I guarantee that if I knew where you were from, I could come up with a similar - no, scratch that - more incendiary slam against you based only on that piece of information. So zip it with the, "Oh you're from there, you must be [insert descriptive here]. SNAP!"

This is an entertainment blog. If you want to toss political barbs non-stop, there's HuffPost, Stormfront, any number of left, right and center sites to keep up the fight.

Brian Bayless said...

1. Harrison Ford

2. Vince Vaughn

Unknown said...

For some reason, Mark Wahlberg comes to mind.

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