Sunday, April 21, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 3, 2012

This B+ Academy Award winning actress was going through the airport this past week and had her purse hand searched because it was buzzing. Apparently she had accidentally turned on her vibrator when removing her phone and placing it on the tray.

Kate Winslet


dragon said...

Let's Agatha Christie this shit out!

B.J. said...

kate winslet is b+?!?!

Anonymous said...

I get bored on long flights too.

Anonymous said...

Well who among us can say this has never happened? Traveling is stressful.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Agent**It said...

dragon, absolutely no way to confirm this is true. Corroboration is lacking...:)

Mari said...

Let's rock n' roll. ;)

CanadianMiss said...

Ok, that's just plain unhygienic.

Christopher Cruz said...

Oh my!!!

Unknown said...

Amateur! Take the batteries out before traveling! :)

Anonymous said...

Kate is A+ for acting but is not positioned to be a box office draw. She just signed up for a franchise, Divergent.

The BLS said...


FlirtyChick74 said...

Didn't she just get married?

Sean said...

This actually used to happen all the time. It happened to an ex of mine. She had some of her toys in her carry on. The female security officer and my ex ended up having a conversation about their favorite toys. Since 9/11, TSA prefers you put your toys in your checked luggage.

HannahBanana said...


RangersGirl said...

LOL too funny. Guess she has her own version of the Mile High Club. But why carry your sex toys with you on a commercial flight? Can't you just buy one when you get to your city of destination? It's not like they're that expensive lol

Anon said...

That's disgusting.
i hope TSA personal had their gloves on before they inquire about what was inside of her purse .
I've seen women reached down in their shirt and inside their bra to pull out their billfold to pay cashier.that's just nasty.

shopgirl said...

Aw, poor girl. Makes me miss those "Was My Face Red" stories in the mags of old.

Blondie! said...

Too funny and so awkward. Poor Kate.

MacAttack said...


and for people that are saying its unhygienic, do you not wash your vibrator after use like you're supposed to?

Jessica said...

Considering Kate Winslet a B+ is more interesting than the fact she carried a vibrator. It happens ALL the time in airports.
So I guess being an Oscar winner doesn't guarantee A list anymore.

Del Riser said...

Awkward, but not awful.

Anonymous said...

How is having your money in a bra dirty? Granted, it's really trashy, but dirty? No. That's just regular old skin.

Rose said...

It would be the same whether it was in her purse or luggage.

Sherry said...

Haha Mari. I'm trying to come up with something clever on her husband's last name and I'm too hung over.

Mango said...

Who knew that JC was such a fussy britches?

Joanna said...

Money, itself, is the dirtiest think you'll handle in the course of the day. So putting it inside a bra is not going to make it any dirtier.

There are special little wallets (cloth) you can buy that attach to your bra, either to a strap or to the side of your bra under your arm. I used a home made version all the time when I was younger and went clubbing. They're perfect for a credit card and a few twenties, plus the house key. No need to carry a bag.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

I'm assuming she washed it off before tucking it in the purse--perhaps she decided she'd rather keep in there, as opposed to putting it in checked luggage for baggage handlers & TSA employees to find and do God only knows what with it? (I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers the tale of the woman who found a note from a TSA guy exhorting her to get her freak on along w/her vibrator, right? She ended up throwing that one away...) Anyway, I think it's funny as hell, and makes me like her even more--I bet she'd be a whole lot of fun to hang out and shoot the shit with!

Joanna said...

thing, not think. Bad fingers!

Loved Kate before this story, love her even more now.

Pip said...

I was once a cashier. I have been handed cash pulled out of womens bras. Luckily none of the women were sweaty. Getting a bunch of wet bills would've made me ill.

Anon said...

Do they? I know fools who do their business at the urinals and walk pass 2 sinks out the door.


eris hilton said...

B+ my ass. But that's funny, i could see this happening to her and her acting all cute and cheeky about it. oh brits.

Anon said...

No , that's nasty. If I reached down in my pants and pulled wallet out to pay the cashier...that's nasty.
There's a reason why some cashiers have hand sanitizer and a can of aerosol under the counter.

Anon said...

The blind said it was in her purse.

Topper Madison said...

Hold on...back the shit up.

Kate Winslet:

1 Academy Award (6 nominations)
2 Golden Globes (9 nominations)
2 BAFTAs (7 nominations)
1 Grammy Award
1 Emmy Award (2 nominations)

Just what the fuck does a woman have to do to get to A-list?!

Anon said...

I don't like other people's germ. Your vibrators,sanitary napkins,tampons,etc.
Folks who leave their white clothes in the dryer.

Agent**It said...

Topper, she has to do ass to ass with an A+++++++ Male .

Anon said...

Your money is dirty because it goes through a lotta HANDS that are unwashed .having your money snugged up inside your bra along with your sweaty old skin titties doesn't cleanse your currency. Don't pass that shit off to the cashier... at least don't whip it out on front of her.
Rule of thumb: picking up girls from the club where they've been dancing,sweating, walking outside with no shoes on with their hair flipped up because they're hot .... Ensure you drag those birds into the shower before you screw them. Armpits, coochie and all cracks and crevices need to be sanitized.
Some women do smell at the end of the day.
If you're unsure , conduct the scratch n' sniff test.

Anon said...

You can only assume that she washed it off but FORGOT to take it outta her purse

Anonymous said...

Awk-ward.....that's my um.. ....other cell phone, it's set to vibrate....ummm..nice weather we're having isn't it? That's a lovely pin you have on. did you buy it here at the airport? oh that's neat, is it sterling or white gold? oh really? i just love pins! they are so great for holding on scarves, adding a little something to the lapel of a jacket, it's like they're coming back in fashion now.... just redirect...

auntliddy said...

Second or third the awkward comments.

Unknown said...

This reminds me of when she played "herself" in an episode of Ricky Gervais' show, Extras. She was palying a nun in some movie and then as soon as the cameras stopped rolling she would be all pervy and raunchy. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? It was pretty funny.

Unknown said...

Count me in on the rating being too low! At the very least A, or even A- but never B!

CanadianMiss said...

Think of the things you keep in your purse. Wallet, keys, loose change. Things that you rest on counters while paying. Things that may drop on the ground or have been touched by many hands.
Personally, I wouldn't want something that is used in such a sensitive area to be touched by all those things, cleaned or not.
That's also unhygienic.

Also, I love Kate Winslet. She is gorgeous and so funny. I do remember the nun sketch. Awesome.

Anna said...

Oh good heavens. Just keep one in every country if you need it that badly. In a handbag in an airport? It's what they make safe deposit boxes for, right? OK, no, that's not really what they make them for, I don't think. I'm rather hoping she wasn't quite this thick and someone played a joke on her by placing one in her bag without her knowledge. And I would think she could call her brother-in-law's airline and they could have one ready to hand to her upon arrival in every country.

Honey West said...

Just when I thought I couldn't love her more!

FrenchGirl said...

sorry but who confuse her vibrator and her cellphone? in her purse?
and Kate Winslet is A list (she won an oscar) and every one knows her name or her face

MrWolf said...

Kate Winslet is B+ because what was the last Kate Winslet movie you saw?

Unknown said...

Yeah but I really think she's A- at least. A- seems fair for those who used to be A+ (oscar winner, blockbusters, easily recognizable, etc.) but aren't up to much anymore.

Unknown said...

Or up to much for the last while, I should say. Kate's awesome and there is more from her ahead, I'm sure.

__-__=__ said...

PARangerGirl - some people travel weekly. And some toys can be over $100. I did laugh to think how many toys I would have if I purchased one for every flight. It would he quite the collection! I could probably sell the extras on Craigslist?? Bwahahahahha!!!! Those would be some really freaky sales

MadLyb said...

Go Kate!

fritters said...

Agreed. No way in hell is she B+. She's A all the way.

Brenda L said...

@Joanna, where can I buy one of those little wallets you were talking about? Sounds perfect for a long walk with the dog!

fritters said...

Based on Enty's rating criteria, it seems she needs to be in a Twilightesque shitbomb of a movie or date bieber. There's no way she's not A list. Same with Cate Blanchett. Those are two actresses who can disappear for periods of time without any risk of dropping past A. Cause they have actual talent.

Dee said...


Dee said...


J Ruth said...

HAHAHAHA! I love awkward life moments like these. When I was in a long distance relationship I used to mail mine to my boyfriend's place before I went there. One time the package disappeared and I didn't have the guts to make the claim! Now I have way less shame and would proudly carry it through security. Embrace your sex toys, women!!!

The Real Dragon said...

@dragon seriously this is getting annoying.

Kelly said...

This is like the 100th time Enty's called her B+ list people. I agree she's A though! And, love her to pieces!

ShinySpecialOne said...

It pains me greatly that Kate Winslet is only considered B+.

ShinySpecialOne said...

It pains me greatly that Kate Winslet is only considered B+.

Claudea said...

That easily was my favorite ep of Extras!!

Hegg said...

She is without a doubt, Alist however.

AKM said...

I wonder if it was one of those tiny ones that is supposed to look like a lipstick. That seems plausible to me, then, to have it in her purse, although after reading the rest of your comments, it would seem that a smart woman keeps it in her luggage for travelling. Good to know.

And, yes, for God's sake, the woman is A! Never B!

caydian said...

I had my SoniCare electric toothbrush in my overnight bag & dropped it before I could put it in the overhead bin. You could hear that BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ all the way to the front of the plane! The men on the flight started smirking until I pulled the toothbrush out to shut it off. Then it was my turn to laugh. Dirty old men!

anon said...

I'm way more shocked that she's considered B+ and not higher than I am by the vibrator.

Vita - yes! She was HILARIOUS on Extras.

ND said...

Awww poor Kate! I can totally picture her being cheeky and cute about this. There's no way she's B+ though, the rating is off. Yeah, she doesn't work constantly and doesn't have a lot of box office hits but she's an A list star through and through, with worldwide recognition. She can disappear and return with her star intact.

ND said...

Plus she's never in the spotlight 24/7. Of course now she doesn't have anything out but that doesn't mean she's not A list. She never works back-to-back, she always disappears for a bit after promoting a new movie. So when she disappears it's by choice, it's not a result of a falling status. The fact that she can take a break and return successfully? A list without a doubt. Enty needs to re-think A list qualifications!


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