Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day Care Owner Drugged Kids To Make Them Sleep

The owner of an Ohio day care has been arrested and charged with six counts of endangering children. Apparently she laced their pre-nap snacks and juice with Benadryl to get them to sleep. She also did the same thing to her own two year old daughter. because the owner is also an idiot, she videotaped the kids all sleeping quietly and sent it to her friend and bragged about it. The friend called police. The woman was taking care of six kids in her home ranging in age from two to five. None of the kids had any ill effects from it and the owner denies doing anything wrong.


Kels said...

It was Benadryl. Seriously. She should be arrested for druggin them but it was BENADRYL. That was the good medicine, I remember it tasted delicious.
Now if she had given them the seroquel I take for sleep every night we would have some serious issues here. It literally knocks you out for hours

erika said...

benadryl or not, she's a lazy/wicked lil b*tch who shouldn't be entrusted w/ children. if you can't blame her for the benadryl blame her for being a lazy ass caregiver that YOU'RE paying for! idiot woman.

S.joy said...

She has no right to give meds to other people's children. I was UPSET when I read the headline but after reading the full story I'm glad it was benadryl. She's terrible for doing this, but I'm glad it wasn't something worse.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Benadryl is far from innocuous. I don't in any way find this less egregious because it was Benadryl!!!

S.joy said...

Still, if I found out she was drugging my child I would pull my lil honey out of her care. Also her license should be taken away.

Kels said...

I agree. I honestly just saw this headline and thought it would be aomething that could actually really endanger children, like alcohol or something. Lesser of two evils really.

She should not be allowed around children. But benadryl though. I'm sorry but its juat like the most harmless shit ever. I cant get past that. I admit its wrong of me lol

Unknown said...

This is terrible! It might only be Benedryl - but if I knew she was drugging my kid every day? You'd have to use a sponge to clean up what's left of her. Her job is to care for these kids - not drug them. Can't handle taking care of kids -- DON'T DO IT. I work with kids and nothing aggravates me more. Lazy asshat.

Kels said...

And I do remember my mom throwing a fit cause my teacher gave me a tylenol pill when I was 8. I hadn't graduated from syrups yet so she was pissed.

eris hilton said...

I once gave a guy i knew a benadryll because we were both on a long train ride and i was going to use one to sleep. He didnt know he was allergic and ended up having a SERIOUS reaction to it that resulted in the train having to be stopped. So. I don't think drugging kids without parental knowledge is no big deal.

Jamie said...

I just googled it and apparently it's not unheard of for parents to slip their kids Children's Benadryl to keep them calm when on a flight.


What I'd be terrified of here was that she was crushing the pills and mixing them in pancake batter and juice, and it would have been very easy to give an overdose.

My mom's cure when we had toothache was one of her valiums crushed in a spoon of warm whiskey! Ah, the Mad Men days...

DixieTheNoble82 said...

It being "just benadryl" is not in any way ok. If you read any bottle of medicine you'll see children under six are not recommended ANY dosage without consulting a physician first. My mom used to give my now ten year old daughter benadryl when she was two without my knowledge or consent. She did it for the same reason this woman gave those kids a drug. She was never again allowed to watch my daughter alone and quite frankly is lucky they have any contact with her at all.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

*she has, not they have.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

@Kels - I respectfully and totally disagree with you saying it's "the most harmless thing ever". It absolutely is not.

Jules_345 said...

2 of my boys get crazy hyper on Benadryl, too bad it didn't backfire on her stupid ass.

Seriously though, this is why I have a hard time leaving my kids with a babysitter.

The Tiffany said...

Sometimes Benadryl can have the opposite effect on kids, meaning instead of being sleepy it can make them hyper. Too bad it didnt backfire on her like that...however, she probably would have drugged them more then. Yikes. Scary woman.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

PS - When my mom did this, it caused my child all kinds of sleeping problems that had a domino affect of even more problems that lasted at least a year to correct.

parissucksliterally said...

Why the fuck do people work with children IF THEY DON'T LIKE THEM? It is NOT easy work.

Fucking asshole deserves jail.

Marieeee said...

Apparently these people saying they don't see the problem, since its Benadryl DON'T HAVE CHILDREN. That woman deserves the worst she can get.

msgirl said...

I have the opposite effect, and get completely hyper on Benadryl There is no "safe" drug, you have no idea what reaction a person could have. I do know parents who give Benadryl on long flights which I agree can be OK, but it sounds like this woman was giving it to them EVERY DAY. It may be OTC but Benadryl is a DRUG. She has no right to give to children in her care and she should not only lose her license but go to jail.

Anonymous said...

Not harmless. Dangerous depending on age of child and dose.

Anonymous said...

I should hope not! Seroquel is an anti-psychotic.

Unknown said...

Thankfully, her friend notified the police!!! If my kids caretaker did that...there would be hell to pay!

Regina Phalange said...

I'd do the same thing. Kids are lame.

Sherry said...

Those deliciously wonky brows....I knew she'd used Benedryl. A lot of parents do it for flights and no one has a problem with it if it means they'll have a nice quiet flight. Of course it is THEIR child so they can do what they want. Or wait...is it still wrong?

SusanB said...

Saw a kid once in the ER who had overdosed on Benedryl (I think she got in the kitchen cabinet or something). Benedryl is NOT to be messed with.

As for me, Benedryl helped me the few times I've been stung by a bee (I'm allergic) but it doesn't put me to sleep OR make me hyper. I might as well be taking a green M&M to make me sleep.

tara17 said...

My 3-yr old is in such a daycare, and I'd be pissed if his caretaker slipped him Benadryl, let alone daily. I'd be ok with a little gratuitous Tempra on rare occasions. Benadryl on a daily basis may not have long term (known) physical effects, but our kids are supposed to be learning and playing, and also a nap. Sleeping the whole afternoon away is very detrimental to their continued learning and growing.

tara17 said...

@Sherry - I agree once in a while is fine when administered by family for flights, but these kids were taking Benedryl on a daily basis, at who knows what dosage, when they're supposed to be learning and playing.

Jdwg51887 said...

My mom used to give me benadryl at my sleepover birthdays so I would be the first to fall asleep.. I was a pretty hyper child and usually when I fall asleep everyone else did too..lol

Nellie said...

Good for you!

Ja'mie King said...

I had a family member that worked in various forms of law enforcement tell me that Benadryl would be given to inmates when they were too riled up in order to knock them out/calm them down.

I have another family member that has the hyper reaction to all antihistamines like @msgirl.

Messing with the body and brain chemistry of very young children, not to mention their already precarious sleep patterns and development is a dangerous and unbelievably stupid thing to do. Hope she has money for all the civil suits those parents are gonna throw at her.

Anotheramy said...

Shes not the first, wont be the last.

BringingUglyBack said...

Ive read on this site numerous times on different stories the ever popular phrase Where Are The Parents...

Thus trick is a parent. Not all parents are good parents.

ljsmed said...

Seroquel is also for sleep, I take it. It's much better than taking ambien, which is addicting. There are many medicines that are used for different purposes.

Cecilia00 said...

There are allergic reactions, brain chemistry, and teaching addictive behavior concerns here. Not okay.

Kelly said...

Benadryl had the opposite affect on my kids too. They bounced off the walls with it. Me, I pass out when I take it. Anyway, this bitch is despicable.

bored soccer mom said...

I'm just gonna be the shallow person, can't we discuss her photo? Her left eye looks like its trying to run off her face!!!!! That is a wonky eye!!!!!!!

Nichole said...

I live in Ohio and this is all over the news here..the woman CLAIMS the parents said she could give them benadryl and one of the mothers said she will continue to use this woman for child care. Probably a parent said she could do it once and she is using it as an excuse to do it all the time or something

Hazeldazel said...

Some trick tried this at a big daycare facility in my town but luckily, one of the other daycare workers caught her in the act before the children got any. I don't think she was giving them benadryl either, it was like adult sleeping pills. Stupid beeyotch. The weird thing was they fired the lady immediately but didn't call the police and so it wasn't until 2-3 days later it all came out. She got arrested on felony child endangerment but then the daycare got in trouble for not calling the police right away. Yeah, if you don't like working with kids (which I can TOTALLY understand), umm... don't work with kids. I'd be wanting to drink some benadryl, except it gives me seizures. You know, because it's not always safe to give over-the-counter medicine to everyone.

MadLyb said...

You know what? I'm saving my murderous outrage for those fucks who hit and sexually abuse kids. Not this stupid twit.

lazyday603 said...

Wasn't this a plot in the British miniseries "Berkley Square". The woman caring for dozens of babies was dosing them with laudanum.

csproat said...

A friend of mine interviewed this woman when she was looking for a daycare provider.

Boy is she glad she went with someone else.

Alabama said...

OMG you're Effin Nuts.

Kim said...

Yeah, I can't believe more people aren't commenting on the eye wonk-ness. I've given my kid NyQuil to sleep for years. Benadryl didn't do squat. :)

...I also have his neurologist's approval. Captain Autism doesn't sleep on his own, and when he doesn't sleep, he seizes, which is a bunch of fun.

While I am not as morally outraged as most of you, it was probably a bad idea because of the allergy issue. My husband is also allergic to this allergy medicine.

Unknown said...

She has no jurisdictional and Moral right to give such prescription drugs to toddlers. Eeesssh! I'd have her head on a platter if my kids were victims!


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