Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bank Of America Executive And Female Assistant Denied Bail - Murder Fir Hire Plot Against Wife

Chris Latham once earned close to $1M a year for Bank of America in South Carolina. Now he faces tons of jail time as he is accused of trying to hire someone to kill his wife. Yeah, his former assistant/girlfriend (above)  was also arrested and he is throwing her under the bus for sure. His lawyer said that Chris is innocent and that when the facts come out, everyone will know he is not guilty. His wife is in the middle of getting a divorce and is also suing her husband in civil court for what he did. Yesterday, Latham was denied bail after a two hour hearing. I guarantee you that if bail was given, Latham would have run so the judge made a wise move. I bet he has money hidden all over the place and probably thinks he is some kind of James Bond kind of guy rather than a middle aged man who fell for his assistant and decided to kill his wife rather than divorce her because he wanted to be able to keep living the high life or his new girlfriend would dump him and he didn't want that to happen.


a non a miss said...

Trees can KILL people?!?

Patty said...


figgy said...

What, are the enties posting this via their phones now? I'm ALWAYS typing "fir" instead of "for" when I text.

figgy said...

Just saw @a non a miss's comment, and am LOLing appreciatively!

Unknown said...

Those eyebrows...

Karen said...

This sounds a lot like one of the plots I'm dealing with in one of my Sims 2 families.

TV Junkie said...

It is refreshing to see a woman divorcing the husband who tried to have her killed. Haven't the wives in the last few big stories like this stayed with their lying bastard husbands? You go girl! AND she should hire someone to beat the hell out of him in prison.

Count Jerkula said...

I'ma guess if the dude had money hidden all over the place, he could have just paid his wife whatever she wanted to go away. Most likely he was leveraged to the hilt and needed the insurance money.

Also, fellas, if a broad is crazy enough to be going along with plots to kill your wife, you probably shouldn't be hitchin yer wagon to her.

Gayeld said...

Fur kills.

Unknown said...

Lmao @Karen...those crazy SIMs

Cecilia00 said...

@Count - my thoughts exactly. If she is willing here, in a few years she'll be willing again...but this time she'll do it as the wife and kill the husband to inherit that money as a widow

Meanie Rhysie said...

Firget murder plots, she should be arrested fir those eyebrows!

Patty said...

MelOncholy FTW!

Unknown said...

Lol, that IS a sad eyebrow situation she's got going on there

Frufra said...

@Mel - ha!

Reminds me, I watched The Italian Job with my kids the other day. Charlize's eyebrows in that movie are a huge WTF. It's like they covered her real brows with makeup and drew on some that are going the wrong way or something.

Anotheramy said...

If I was suddenly making almost a million a year living the life I live now, I would be loaded. I bet he doesn't have a cent to his name and doesn't have anything hidden anywhere. Living that lifestyle is exceptionally expensive. People like that spend my yearly income on a party. Just their suits and shoes cost more than my car.

La Descarada said...

I can't tell whether she was asking a question, is sad or confused.

Alicia said...

Haha! My daughter always gets rid of her husbands on Sims 2 by building a fireplace - she sets her unwanted husbands next to the fireplace and viola! No husband.. She did have to move though, because the husbands started haunting her house.

Alicia said...
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Anothergrayhare said...

Sounds like every Dateline or 48 Hours Mystery episode I've ever watched.

erika said...

ive worked as an assistant to guys like this, high flying financial types...all i can say is WOW! lots of cheating/philandering but murder for hire!

and, this is SO G*D D*MN typical of these guys too, make their assistants do all the dirty work- coffee, and murder. jesus christ. she's an idiot.


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