Sunday, September 08, 2013

Blind Item #3

This Twilight actress is becoming a laughingstock in town. She gets a chance to audition for everything and her name is attached to everything because it's known she will sleep with any producer who has any kind of lead role who lets her read for it. There is rarely a night she is not out with a producer or studio executive and then ends up in some hotel. She needs to get some self respect because no one has any for her.


Anonymous said...

Queen of hags, K Stew

"Easy easy"

MrPresident said...

Dakota Fanning obviously

auntliddy said...

Kstew is kind of haggy, i feel bad saying it tho!

Erin B said...

Ashley Greene

Jeneral said...

Ashley Green

auntliddy said...

My dakota wld NEVER do that, mr pres. Never!!! Because i love her like a daughter!!!!!!

Chief2224 said...

Am I the only one that would like to see the Kristen Stewart hate train get turned around? I don't know why but I don't think she's all that awful. Sure, she sucked in those movies. And she's a bit of a sourpuss. But does she really deserve all of the hate she gets? Leave KStew alone!!

Habibti said...

Ashley Greene is well know for being easy.

Unknown said...

Yeah, Ashley Greene.

Count Jerkula said...

I would think it is Greene, because I doubt KStew needs the money or recognition that bad.

Another hot story too. I think it is great she is so desperate that she will bang just for auditions. Desperation is hot on a woman.

Barton Fink said...

Chief, I love Kristen immensely, but I gotta admit she has a snotty attitude and she looks cold and mean and selfish and heartless. (That's why I love her, to be honest. Plus she's beautiful, in a skanky "I don't want to shower today" way.)

JoElla said...

No. I'd like to see ut as well.

shopgirl said...

Wow, with these guesses it could easily be most of them?

Chief2224 said...

Right there with you, Barton ;-)

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Chief2224: I'm with you. Kristen Stewart's got very good reviews in a number of non-Twilight movies, and has made some brave choices in the projects she's chosen. And, guess what, she's a kid in her twenties, and had a fling with an older man. Well, that's certainly never happened before!

Given the salacious eagerness with which we pile in here day in and day out, to slurp down whatever details get out of anyone else's sex lives, I don't consider anyone here in a position to sit in judgment.

Like guys who spend their spare time on porn boards, and call the performers whores, the hater-train here needs to get over themselves.

Nobody on here -- or on porn boards -- is the lest bit better than the people to whom they (literally or figuratively) masturbate.

TalksTooMuch said...

@chief: I agree, I thought she was really good in the Runaways, thought she had talent.

Sarah said...

I love bitches too. More fun!

hothotheat said...

@Chief2224 Calling Kristen "a bit of a sourpuss" is a massive understatement. She is horrible and doesn't deserve the chances she gets.

I think the is Ashley Greene.

NaughtyNurse said...

I'm going to say Ashley Greene, because I don't think Kristen Stewart NEEDS to sleep with everybody to get a role, even though she isn't a very good actress.

Lauren said...

Ashley Greene.

childeroland said...

Hm. Stewart's name gets attached to way more things, far as I can tell, but she gets projects, so why the desperation (and not just 'cause she has haters). Yet this would seem to fit Greene more, though I hardly read about her getting attached to stuff.

Brady88 said...

"snotty attitude and she looks cold and mean and selfish and heartless"

what are you basing this off of? i don't think anyone would be at their best if they had pap cameras in their face every day. Not everyone can be as jovial as Sudekis. In the things i've seen her in she did just fine acting wise.

I think we on the web don't realize that it's not easy to act.

The attached to everything clue should make this easy to figure out.

MrWolf said...

This could be anyone from Twilight really, since all of them have resorted to the casting couch a time or two.

Anonymous said...

IDK Kristen Stewart doesn't strike me as the type of woman producers would be lining up to sleep with. She seems like she'd be rolling her eyes and scowling the whole time. Just doesn't scream good lay. Ashley Greene on the other hand gives off a big freak-in-sack vibe.

Honey Bunny said...

I've heard some bad things about KStew and her attidude. Don't matter to me if it's her or not. But I have also heard about Ashley's wild ways so I'll go with Ashley Green.

sandybrook said...

I vote for Ashley Greene I think Kristen has a bit of sekf-esteem and Ashley is a tramp.

audrey said...

Ashley Green has a desperate look--kinda like she wants to be a bigger star than she I say it's her.

Anna said...

For all I know she's awful, but she was 17 at the first Twilight movie when nearly everyone else on cast was over 21. Big differences in how they would socialize on sets over five movies. There were salary disputes in the main cast, and she kept out of that. Hard feelings?. Or maybe some didn't get the attention they expected from main roles, felt careers were hijacked by Twilight schedule and profited far below the two leads. In the early movies stuff was leaking out from set. So is she a sour, temperamental little princess on set, or a kid who got burned by a co-star or two, then tried to self-protect and took it a little far?

I give her the benefit of the doubt, for now. We'll see.

I think the photos the tabs choose to run are the sourpuss ones because they get more hits, which means tabloid-like media will pay more for them. To get the mean-face ones, paparazzi scream rude questions. Also, I wonder if the sourpuss now pays off for her career, so that she doesn't fade into the crowd of young stars. Are her publicists saying "For God's sakes, Kristen, you combed your hair and haven't flipped off the photographers in at least a week. People will confuse you with Emmy Rossom."

Humor Me said...

This is Ashley Greene - who else puts out pix of self going and coming from Exercise class?

Unknown said...

Kristin Stewart is one of the highest paid women around, also is box office gold.

Ashley Greene.

timebob said...

Ashley needs to hang out with the model that charges 50K a night.

If you don't get the role, get paid gurl!

Juliet and I said...

Nikki Reed

Unknown said...

Yeah I think KS is hot, and the attitude I blame on her age. She's almost a female Beibs except for the pissing in mop buckets and pothead and cough syrup. Hopefully she'll grow out of it.

enjoyableari said...

This is definitely Ashley Greene.

Kelly said...


Angela said...

Why hasn't anybody mentioned Bryce Dallas Howard?

Nah, kidding...

Unknown said...

K.Stew is a decent actress, and she sure doesn't need the money at this point. My guess is Ashley Greene because 1) She has that desperate, hungry look that comes from too much coke and pilates and 2) She's been spotted in the company of other desperate hookers like Vanessa Hudgens and Julianne Hough.

Alexa Rose said...

Hmm, Nicki Reed? Could just as easily be anyone else in the movies, you know they've all been used at one point or another.

Cheif, I'd like to see the hate turn around too. I liked her as Joan Jett (huge Joan Jett fan) and loved her in Adventureland. She acted just like she was supposed to in Twilight, a dumb, insecure girl. I don't get all the hate.

Anonymous said...

kristen gets offered roles. ashley has to beg and is a huge attention whore. def ashley

lutefisk said...

Alexa Rose, you beat me with Adventureland. That is the only movie I have ever seen KStew in, and I thought she was good. Not great, but good enough for her character.

Unknown said...

I agree

rajahcat said...

KS does not really need to beg for roles at this point.

going with AG

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Totally agree. Don't understand the hate actually.

monaj said...
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monaj said...

Out with producers... not Stewart definitely she doesn't exist on Hollywood's party scene and i doubt she has a problem to get a roles, with her work before twilight and On the Road she has a good resume, the only people from this film visibly parting all over the Hollywood are pattinson and green, blind talks about actress so Green for me.

monaj said...

Out with producers... not Stewart definitely she doesn't exist on Hollywood's party scene and i doubt she has a problem to get a roles, with her work before twilight and On the Road she has a good resume, the only people from this film visibly parting all over the Hollywood are pattinson and green, blind talks about actress so Green for me.


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