Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Catherine Giudici And Sean Lowe Getting Married For The Paycheck And Fame

Multiple sources surrounding Bachelor winner Catherine Giudici are sharing their story about the couple that is slated to get married on live television in January just in time for sweeps week. They say that nothing has changed between Catherine and Sean Lowe and the couple is just as distant as ever but have decided to see things through because of the money and fame they will receive from getting married on television. Earlier this year when Sean was on Dancing With The Stars the couple rarely saw each other and only came together when there was a photo opportunity or had some other requirement to fill for the network. Catherine spent most of her time out at night with her friends or even alone and met two guys who she still talks to and who she is more interested in than Sean.

As for Sean, Catherine's friends say that Sean did his best to hook up with his celebrity dance partner from the show but that he failed. He loved going out alone so that he could play the 15 minute fame card and loved having women recognize him when he went out. Back in Dallas now nothing has changed. The couple live apart and Sean loves going out at night and being recognized and only hangs out with Catherine when the cameras are rolling.

The plan is to stay married for about a year to see if there is any interest in an anniversary special for television and also Catherine wants a shot at Dancing With The Stars for her own. The couple is also pitching a reality show after their contract with ABC ends.


Harry Knuckles said...

These people are a couple of nothing nobodies that aren't worth a moment's consideration. What does get my interest though is the lack of ethics and integrity of ABC for putting this crap on the air. And I can't help wondering if it isn't or shouldn't be illegal for the network to be BSing like this.

SueRH said...

I don't know that I buy all of that.

Kelly said...

She always looked so miserable on DWTS

Seachica said...

When 15 minutes feels like hours or days....

timebob said...

plus, the only way they get to keep the free engagement ring is if they are married.

They will be able to pawn it for a pretty penny.

Topper Madison said...

More people I've never heard of.

crila16 said...

Pathetic. They both deserve what they get.

crila16 said...
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Del Riser said...

This is a terrible waste of time and film. I agree with @timebob they want to keep and hock the ring.
This show and it's sister series should just die already.

Unknown said...

Did anyone else think that was Demi Lovato in the picture?

Anonymous said...

If I passed these two at my Kroger grocery store I wouldn't be able to identify them.

If I saw them at a Kroger stand with a sign saying "We are Catherine Giudice and Sean Lowe" I would not know who they were.

My interest would be slightly raised if they were giving out samples of goodies, like maybe wontons or cheese.

Sorry so wordy... I just wanted to set straight in my brain how much concern I have about these two.


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